Quantum SCIET

SCIET: What is it?

SCIET Theory is a design-based approach to understanding the physical world as an act of conscious creation using design principles. The math that is involved is a modeling tool for converting change based on movement into a permanent record of the event in space. Since it records change from the beginning of the Universe, it places everything in a constant resonant relationship. Differing from physics in that it begins with “points of awareness”, which are immaterial and only have the ability to relate to other points of awareness in the form of a midpoint harmonic that returns to each of the points of awareness.

The Tetron is a hole in space, a direct connection to the awareness and it is only its reaction to other holes in space that remain as a permanent record of its existence.

The SCIET exists due to perceived issues related to how the Awareness can interact with itself, proposing that it can only exist as a hole in space fluctuating in and out of existence at any one location. Its limitations lead to a singular form, the tetrahedron, and this form can only remain stable while in polar alignment with another point. Each tetrahedron center is opposite another and the assembly of twenty makes it stable.

The tetrahedron shape is created by the reaction to the other tetrahedrons in the assembly.  Five tetrahedrons contribute to a balance zone between them, referred to as the pentagonal angularity here. These angularities are form space, they continue to exist after the cycle that created them is complete and during the First Action’s reduction to form matter, they remain in space to form its metric, a way to identify any point in space as being different from any other. These angularities are the basis of quantum effects and thus the basis of matter.

The SCIET illustrated here is the interactive remainder of the twenty tetrahedrons, morning the basis of quantum values.

The SCIET is an algorithm that begins with a single measure and repeatedly reduces it by half to create a system of balanced values within a geometric space defined by a radius based on the first measure. All iterations of the twelve monopoles, each with a different fractional value, distribute their positive values in balance with the whole.

Since the SCIET deals with conditions prior to the existence of matter, it uses assumptions regarding the availability of functional concepts to build on. for this reason, it is limited to lines and points, the points of awareness can be considered as zero and the line as one. the angles are based on the originating line.

SCIET creates quantum units with each completed Single Cycle Integrative Effect Topology, and then it begins again. Attributing the formation of quantum units to the SCIET Cycle is logical, no other theory offers a solution able to deal with so many previously unsolved problems.

The cycle begins as a single measure that subdivides into smaller and smaller parts until it disappears into its own footprint. In the formation of proton shells, the cycle returns to the point of awareness and each of the steps of reduction is captured as spherical layers with the longest on the outside and smallest on the inside. Comparing this to layers of a photoshop image provides a sense of its power to store information.

The SCIET originates before matter as the means for points of awareness to react to one another. That reaction creates a single measure that then subdivides fractionally until the smallest is 1,048,512 parts of the original.


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