Month: May 2018

The Elements of Life and the Etheric Body

[Authors Note]The article below articulates the source of the frequencies of life. This information has been known to the secret societies of our planet for millennia, apparently gifted to the elite by visitors from the stars. This information can be seen in the Pyramids and other archeological research and in field references in manuscripts such as the bible.  In another article I have written, I discuss the origins of frequencies in space and how they have evolved from the intrusion of the creator consciousness in the void to the world we see around us today. The Elements of Life discusses the source of the frequencies used to connect the body to soul, which originates in the level of the first intrusion by the creator. The frequencies of consciousness emerge from the Elements of Life, but the source of consciousness and the soul remain with the source, the creator who by intention in the primeval void, created the visible Universe. 

The Elements of Life

Monoatomic Quantum Tunneling Super Conductors

Throughout our history the existence of a mysterious substance known as the Philosophers Stone has been whispered among the great intellects of each society. It is just one of the many manifestations of the Elements of Life that are common throughout all soil, water and air. In their common form they are absorbed into the cells of all living things to furnish the basis of the energetic field that allows amino acids to share knowledge and memory to form cellular life.

Each stage of creation has a frequency domain that it adds to the creation. The stage of life is no different, and those frequencies come from the Elements of Life.  Life is information intensive, each living cell has  100,000,000,000,000 or 100 trillion atoms, which is also estimated to be the number of cells in the human body, about the same as the number of atoms in a human cell. This is an amazing correlation and suggests a direct link between the resonance of the cell and the entire body.  

So each cell is an organization of a hundred trillion atoms, all of them working together to do their part to make the single cell harmonize with the whole body. The frequencies used to coordinate that activity are based on the Elements of Life, a small group of platinum group elements that can be forced into a superconductive state by simple mechanical action.

The Elements of Life (Ormus) are green in this table, in their monoatomic form, each of them is capable of becoming superconductive within a cell and generating a Meisner field

Known as the “platinum group” of elements on Earth, they are elongated metallic molecules with the ability to mechanically deform and connect the valences on their ends together, an action that appears to square its energy. When this happens the element becomes superconductive and generates a field, called a Meisner field, which is repelled by electromagnetism and causes the element to become anti-gravitic and quantum tunneling.  Until the monoatomic Elements of Life are mechanically deformed they exist as simple atoms within the soil, water and air. Life began when living cells began to use the Meisner field to store and share information, something the essential amino acids were able to do in the shallow salty waters that collected on the surface of the planet long before. The amino acids reached a degree of frequency complexity sufficient to establish a cyclic pattern frequency and thus “remember” their frequency.  The evolution of cellular life required much higher frequencies, to enable the ability to organize communities of amino acids into collective consciousnesses remembering their structure and history, able to attract and assemble all the molecules needed to be self-replicating and sustainable.  This is why they are the Elements of Life.

Electromagnetic lines of force to bend away from superconductive matter

Microtubules grow from the center of the cell outward

The means for cells to convert the static monoatomic elements into dynamic Meisner field generators vary but the most common are called microtubules. When first discovered these intracellular structures were assumed to be the “scaffolding” of the cells. Hair-like they range haphazardly across the width and depth of the cells interior. Later it was discovered that they were hollow and it is here that we theorize that at one end a certain form of atom would enter and be accelerated to the other end, much like a small molecular rail gun. Research shows that the the microtubules grow from the center of the cell outward, so it is probable that the Elements of Life are gathered at the center and the microtubules accelerate the atoms toward them from the periphery of the cell where the monatomic elements would be waiting for the impact to mechanically deform them into the superconductive state. In that state their presence in the cell enabled the engulfing Meisner field to hold and share the information upon which the organization of elements and amino acids depend for all their interactive functionality.

In multicellular life additional means to form Meisner field generators were created. The synapses of the nervous systems are the primary tool to create the great volume of field generators needed for the bodies of animals to maintain their consciousness and move about on the surface of the planet. All animals depend on the Elements of Life to manage the vast amounts of information needed to maintain themselves and live in a competitive environment.  According to his research David Hudson, has found that over 5% by dry matter weight of your brain is made up of these elements.  Specifically rhodium and iridium and keep in mind, the elements are not incorporated into amino acids or any other structural form, they are there because they are needed for the superconductive state required for consciousness.

It is not explained why the synaptic gap exists, but the existence of a higher frequency state that can imbue the neurotransmitters with information while in transit from the axon to the receptor site does.

Although neuroscience researchers ignore the role of monoatomic molecules, we can now assume that the space between the axon and dendrite is filled with monoatomic elements as well as neurotransmitters. A nerve impulse ejects potassium ions from the axon and these provide the mechanical force to convert the monoatomic ormus molecules to a superconductive state. Just like described for the cells, the purpose of this is to create Meisner field able to carry the frequencies of consciousness throughout the entire body.  This model of synaptic function is similar to the original vacuum tubes used to capture electromagnetic waves for the old radios, whose operative principle was to allow the electricity spanning the gap between the two contacts to take the shape of the electromagnetic waves of the space itself. With this concept we can attribute the purpose of the synaptic gap to allow the  presence of the mental/spirit body “imprint” the neurotransmitters before they are seated in the dendritic surface.  As stated above, 5% of the dry weight of a brain is monoatomic matter, and if it is not used in this way, then what is it used for?

So we can say that the brain/mind connection is related to the use of monoatomic molecules throughout the nervous system, and that it exists as a unique field throughout the body. And also that the field is generated by both the synapse and the cells themselves. Taking this idea a little further, we can project that the quality of the monoatomics within our body would definitely affect our energy body and our consciousness and the abilities related to these.  So Hudson is right on target, but the ability to replace all our functional monoatomic with higher quality ones is not that easy, and the various ideas about how to do this just BEGIN with ingesting them.

Qigong illustrations from 200 BC Han Dynasty Manuscript

In China, the practice of Qigong is able to concentrate the Elements of Life from all sources so that the body holds them in great abundance. There is little reference in the practice of ingesting them directly, eating the right foods considered to be rich in Qi is one thing, but it is the movements, breathing techniques and exercises combined with mental focus and intention that causes them to concentrate in the body beyond what is required for life itself.  The Chinese refer to the practice of Qigong as “cultivation”, clearly understanding that they are capturing Qi (energetic monoatomic molecules) and connecting them to their consciousness. From this we can observe that atmospheric monoatomic respond to consciousness positively, being attracted to it rather than repelled as in the case of electro magnetism.

David Hudson

David Hudson outside his Home

The monoatomic elements are pervasive throughout nature, those that are able to become superconductive, the metallic Platinum element group appear throughout the history of civilizations as pivotal discoveries to each civilization. Their scientific discovery became public knowledge in the 1990’s through the work of David Hudson and a host of evangelical followers who taught and shared that information worldwide on the Internet.  We are now well aware of the elements and recognize them in the historical texts for what they really are, for Hudson’s work demystified them. His tireless curiosity was driven by destiny, for what he did will certainly be remembered as an incredible achievement for humanity.  Due to  his work we know that he Elements of Life on Earth, the Platinum group, number only eleven (see above), but we can assume that these numbers will grow as we discover the higher density elements created in the furnace of the stars are also super conductive and quantum tunneling.

Few people think of Tachyons as monoatomic molecules, but their behavior and description leaves little dispute that they are in fact a form of superconductive quantum tunneling molecular structure. Very old and powerful stars create them and they are capable of quantum tunneling to any place in space, since their nature makes them their own “multidimensional portals”.  For this reason they should be considered the Elements of Consciousness, rather than life, since they are too energetic to remain in cells or bodies, instead they are attracted to the field of consciousness created by the body, where they remain for a limited amount of time.

Since the mid 1960’s the idea of Tachyons has grown into a substantial body of lore and practice. These “faster than light” particles are attributed healing powers and a means of extra terrestrial star travel.  Numerous researchers have adopted the terminology to explain the powers of various healing systems, tools and artifacts. Their claims that the particles mysteriously appear due the configuration or composition of their devices cannot be verified or understood without an understanding of the existence of monoatomic elements capable of being antigravity, superconductive and quantum tunneling. The existence of Tachyons can only be proven by the success of systems that use them and those systems do so repeatedly for those who use them.  We know that stars and other astronomical bodies throughout the Galaxies compress matter and shoot out highly pressurized jets of gasses into space, and it is assumed that it is these gas jets that generate Tachyons. We cannot go to those locations and be sure that this is true, but the theoretical nature of these particles can only have one explanation and the gas jets are it. The mechanical force needed to make them superconductive is certainly there and there may even be enough force to make them permanently activated, and in this state they possess the ability to “quantum tunnel”, which correlates to the ability to create their own inter dimensional portal, moving from one material location to another without traveling across the space between. They can appear wherever the proper frequency value exists in a material location regardless of where they were formed or existed previously. The are the most activated of the Elements of Life, and their presence around living bodies has an energizing effect on the Elements of Life within those bodies.

This explanation of Tachyons bypasses the argument that they are hypothetical particles that always move faster than light. Most physicists believe that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics, but they are not traveling faster than light, they are quantum tunneling or creating their own portals to the location that calls them. As stated above, they are believed to activated by stars where they are ejected in the so called “jets” from their centers.

A holistic treatment system using Tachyons has been developed and is expanding worldwide. The treatment is straight forward, the patient lies on a platform at the center of an assembly of Tachyon attracting objects, which create a focused area of Tachyons where the patient is lying. You can find out more about Tachyon Treatments here and contact Members of the PFCLeadership Council who operate them to have your questions answered:

A list of Tachyon Chambers located all over the world is posted on this page.

The Philosophers Stone

Mentioned earlier, the Philosophers Stone is a special form whose discovery could only have been due to the intervention of higher dimensional beings. This is because it is created from the elements that have been part of a living consciousness, traveled through the Pineal gland and then been discharged from the body as excretion. How it became known and developed in alchemy in deep antiquity is unknown, but those who practiced this technique felt it extremely important to maintain the strictest secrecy, and who could blame them? If it was known that they could create the Philosopher’s Stone and give the power of wizards to themselves, to move from solid to immaterial presence at will and manifest from the aether anything they could conceive, surely they would be caged like birds and forced to use this knowledge to benefit their captors. The knowledge and practice of converting the excreted monoatomic into the Stone only works when the one whose body produced the excretion uses their own consciousness to create the Stone. Once the stone exists, the alchemist ingests it slowly and its sublime presence infuses the body with the frequencies of the higher realms, converting the physical into the immaterial as an act of consciousness.

The Book of Aquarius, a 160 page PDF book, is available for download explaining the process of making the Philosophers Stone.

An important idea associated with the Philosophers Stone is that those who ingest the stone of their own creation become Ascended Masters, a quality of spirituality that allows them to become so energized that they are a unique class of spiritual being, one whose energy body is able to remain whole while in the bio-grid of the planet, able to hear the intentions of others and respond to their minds regardless of where they are on the planet. From this state of high energy they can manifest anywhere on the planet and function as a physical being, but one with almost miraculous powers of manifestation. Ascended Masters are more than just ascended, they have taken their physical bodies into the realm of pure energy and memory, and they can exist in this way in the realm of the third density. This is different that the fifth density  where all who dwell there have similar powers, for in that case the individual’s frequencies are the product of the entire environment and exist much like the computer technology called “virtual machines” since they replicate the entire third density body using higher frequencies, just as the virtual computers replace hardware with software that emulates the hardware.

White Powder of Gold

We now know that the use of White Powder of Gold was an essential component of the Extraterrestrial civilization that colonized Earth 430 thousand years ago.  The notion that they were mining gold to save their planet’s atmosphere is as phony as Zecharia Sitchins research. The primary use of gold by the Anunnaki was the manufacture of the White Powder of Gold, which was used both technologically and  biologically. This was far more valuable to them than any other known application for gold.

As a biological agent it is the equivalent of a “Galactic Drug” for those who could obtain it. Ingesting it heals the DNA and strengthens the energy body, a quality that for some ETs provides greatly sought after multidimensional benefits.

Continued secret discoveries of ancient sites used by the ETs around the Earth reveal the White Powder of Gold was treasured by them and incorporated into temples and artifacts to enable trans-dimensional communication and movement. Its use as a means to insure longlife and vitality is evidenced by its presence in the rituals of Pharaonic classes in Egypt.

The Egyptian Source?

The Temple at Serabit El Khadim is important to the story of the White Powder of Gold, for it was the apparent source of it for the Royalty of Egypt. Flinders Petrie was the Archeologist responsible for the exploration of the Temple at Serabit El-Khadim and his findings are in a report linked below. Of particular interest to White Gold researchers is that he removed the stone tiles from the floor of the great hall and discovered a layer of white powder several inches thick. He did not know what it was, speculating that it was “white wood ash”, but today we can surmise that it was actually White Powder of Gold, placed there to turn the hall into a inter-dimensional stage upon which the “gods” could interact with the priests. Imagine the scene of an assembly in that room, chanting, drums beating and the priest calling the beings from another dimension. The layer of White Gold would have responded to the intense vibration upon the floor by becoming activated from the inert powder into superconductive quantum tunneling layer, engulfing the entire area to make everyone there part of an inter-dimensional stage.

Not knowing what it was, Petrie left the layer open to the desert winds and it all blew into the desert. Fifty tons of White Powder of Gold!

This book is W. M. Flinders Petrie’s report on an expedition he made in 1905 to the Sinai Peninsula and is mainly concerned with the ruins of the Temple of Serabít (located in the mountains on the southwestern part of the peninsula). This temple was dedicated to the Egyptian deity Hat.Hor (originally Ishtar, according to Petrie), and was associated with nearby mines which were a source of turquoise for the Egyptian pharaohs.

The temple was begun under Sneferu (IIIrd dynasty, dated by Flinders Petrie at c. 4770 BCE) and work was continued by later pharaohs, including Hatshepsut and Amenhotep III (c. 1490 BCE and c. 1400 BCE according to Petrie).

Petrie’s book is interesting for several reasons:

The exploration of an Egyptian temple in the Sinai devoted to Hat.Hor / Ishtar,

his report of his discovery of fifty tons of “white wood ash” of uncertain origin,

his revision of Egyptian chronology and

his interpretation of the Book of Exodus, leading to the conclusion that the number of Israelites with Moses in the Sinai was far smaller than had previously been believed.

Petrie was reprimanded by his sponsors for this discovery and his dedication to unraveling its implications. He was told that his job was to find evidence of the Exodus and this did nothing for that! This condemnation was probably incorrect, we now believe that the Temple at Serabit was in fact the place where Moses ascended to for his “burning bush” experience, and not only that the head priest there, termed the “Lord of the Mountain”, was actually his father-in-law, Jethro (Reuel) by marriage to Zipporah.

Gathering manna Exodus 16:14-16

Moses knew about the White Powder of Gold, the priesthood at Serabit was responsible for producing it, and when Moses bade the people to eat the manna coating the ground, it was the same white powder according the Hudson, although this explanation may have been altered to suit the perceptions of the priests who wrote the bible more than 800 years later.

Anubis is the god of digestion and this glyph is explaining that the shew bread was meant to be consumed

The Egyptians called the White Powder of Gold given to the Pharaoh “Shew Bread” after the conical shape of the loaves of bread in Egypt it was mounded into for his consumption.

Was the temple at Serabit the special temple where the Shew bread was produced? From archaeological evidence and biblical writings this was probably the place, although it was said to be where turquoise and copper was mined, such public descriptions were probably disinformation to protect it from the enemies of the Pharaoh and the priest class.

Was the Egyptian Civilization established by extra terrestrials? Recent finds in Romania suggest that their veneration of the White Powder of Gold may actually be a link to ETs in their history.

The amphora of White Power of Gold was found in the dome shaped room.

One intriguing case regarding White Powder of Gold is the Bucegi Mountain discovery. During routine satellite imaging of underground formations, it was found that a dome shaped cavity existed in the Bucegi Mountains of Romania. Teams were sent to investigate and discovered an ancient high tech facility designed to discuss genetic manipulation of humans. Everything in it was scaled for beings more than 12 feet tall. And there, near the raised platform at the center was an amphora filled with a white powder, which turned out to be White Powder of Gold. One of the investigators shared his experiences in a book, Transylvania Sunrise which details the explorations and the subsequent cover-up.

This case in the Bucegi Mountains testifies to the importance and relevance of  the Powder of White Gold to the genetics of living beings. Clearly it is of the highest value to all beings, for if a civilization able to travel the stars and manipulate DNA with ease regarded it with such importance, it must be of universal importance.

Modern Alchemists

David Hudson toured many cities promoting his discovery of White Gold in the 1990’s. He formed a foundation and asked people to join and help him create a processing plant to provide White Gold Powder to the world.  His efforts were subverted by agents who wanted to gain control of the process, but instead Hudson made his patents public in the US, allowing anyone with the desire to use the information.

This act by Hudson has fueled a modern phenomenon of Alchemical enthusiasm by unconventional thinkers worldwide. One individual Barry Carter began a list serve to enable these modern practitioners to share knowledge and support one another’s efforts. Referred to above as numerous evangelical supporters, they have created an industry producing and selling all types of potions, elixirs, cremes and drinks loaded with the Elements of Life.


Barry Carter began to call the group of elements that could become superconductors “ORMUS”, a derivative of Hudson’s ORME acronym and the members of the list shared hundreds and now thousands of ways to produce them from all manner of source material. Barry has an article archive on his site, that is excellent reading if you want learn about what others have done.

If you are interested in discussing Ormus with others around the world, go to this page listing all the available forums on Barry’s site

The White Gold List is an inspiration to free thinkers everywhere. It enables this unique band of Alchemists to connect and encourage one another and they have shown that Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements are distributed throughout nature and life. Numerous ways to increase their bioavailability are listed, and one of the best, one that is almost universally accessible is the use of magnetic traps to concentrate them in fresh spring drinking water.

Attached to a garden hose this device will produce a gallon of oily ormus water while you water your lawn.

magnetic vortex ORMUS trap separates the portion of water which is superconducting ORMUS material from that portion which is just plain water. In the example above, the water would follow the hot air path and the ORMUS water would follow the cold air path. This effect is induced by spinning the water in a tube which has magnetic tape or other magnetic structures attached to it. Here is a vortex trap made of transparent acrylic with the inner vortex clearly visible:

At the start of this article it is explained that monoatomic elements are everywhere in nature and bioavailable to all living things. The most important of the Elements of Life are Rhodium and Iridium, appearing in abundance in the most healthful foods. In practical terms this means that they are integrated into the evolution of life the same as carbon or oxygen, they are absorbed from the environment just the same as other elements are absorbed. They can be found and concentrated for use from just about anything, the air, water, rocks and minerals, and all living material.

Since Hudson first shared his work in the 1990’s the number of people working with ORMUS has grown into a global phenomenon, a quick search on the Internet will will return 988,000 results, and most of them will be products emphasizing their ormus content. However, if you want to grow your own, you can simply get an Aloe Vera plant for your garden. The leaves of this plant contain a very high percentage of rhodium and iridium.

I will follow up on this overview article with reposts of other writers works on the Elements of Life.  A detailed analysis of the scientific awareness of Ormus is next.

Dane Arr
May 7, 2018

Posted by admin4, 0 comments

What Is Spacetime?

Physicists believe that at the tiniest scales, space emerges from quanta.
What might these building blocks look like?

People have always taken space for granted. It is just emptiness, after all—a backdrop to everything else. Time, likewise, simply ticks on incessantly. But if physicists have learned anything from the long slog to unify their theories, it is that space and time form a system of such staggering complexity that it may defy our most ardent efforts to understand.

Albert Einstein saw what was coming as early as November 1916. A year earlier he had formulated his general theory of relativity, which postulates that gravity is not a force that propagates through space but a feature of spacetime itself. When you throw a ball high into the air, it arcs back to the ground because Earth distorts the spacetime around it, so that the paths of the ball and the ground intersect again. In a letter to a friend, Einstein contemplated the challenge of merging general relativity with his other brainchild, the nascent theory of quantum mechanics. That would not merely distort space but dismantle it. Mathematically, he hardly knew where to begin. “How much have I already plagued myself in this way!” he wrote.

Einstein never got very far. Even today there are almost as many contending ideas for a quantum theory of gravity as scientists working on the topic. The disputes obscure an important truth: the competing approaches all say space is derived from something deeper—an idea that breaks with 2,500 years of scientific and philosophical understanding.

[Note] The article is posted here because it beautifully presents some core issues regarding the controversy over the competition to describe reality in the realm of very small changes in space. We need to find a General Theory of Spacetime.


A kitchen magnet neatly demonstrates the problem that physicists face. It can grip a paper clip against the gravity of the entire Earth. Gravity is weaker than magnetism or than electric or nuclear forces. Whatever quantum effects it has are weaker still. The only tangible evidence that these processes occur at all is the mottled pattern of matter in the very early universe—thought to be caused, in part, by quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field.

Black holes are the best test case for quantum gravity. “It’s the closest thing we have to experiments,” says Ted Jacobson of the University of Maryland, College Park. He and other theorists study black holes as theoretical fulcrums. What happens when you take equations that work perfectly well under laboratory conditions and extrapolate them to the most extreme conceivable situation? Will some subtle flaw manifest itself?

General relativity predicts that matter falling into a black hole becomes compressed without limit as it approaches the center—a mathematical cul-de-sac called a singularity. Theorists cannot extrapolate the trajectory of an object beyond the singularity; its time line ends there. Even to speak of “there” is problematic because the very spacetime that would define the location of the singularity ceases to exist. Researchers hope that quantum theory could focus a microscope on that point and track what becomes of the material that falls in.

Out at the boundary of the hole, matter is not so compressed, gravity is weaker and, by all rights, the known laws of physics should still hold. Thus, it is all the more perplexing that they do not. The black hole is demarcated by an event horizon, a point of no return: matter that falls in cannot get back out. The descent is irreversible. That is a problem because all known laws of fundamental physics, including those of quantum mechanics as generally understood, are reversible. At least in principle, you should be able to reverse the motion of all the particles and recover what you had.

A very similar conundrum confronted physicists in the late 1800s, when they contemplated the mathematics of a “black body,” idealized as a cavity full of electromagnetic radiation. James Clerk Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism predicted that such an object would absorb all the radiation that impinges on it and that it could never come to equilibrium with surrounding matter. “It would absorb an infinite amount of heat from a reservoir maintained at a fixed temperature,” explains Rafael Sorkin of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario. In thermal terms, it would effectively have a temperature of absolute zero. This conclusion contradicted observations of real-life black bodies (such as an oven). Following up on work by Max Planck, Einstein showed that a black body can reach thermal equilibrium if radiative energy comes in discrete units, or quanta.

Theoretical physicists have been trying for nearly half a century to achieve an equivalent resolution for black holes. The late Stephen Hawking of the University of Cambridge took a huge step in the mid-1970s, when he applied quantum theory to the radiation field around black holes and showed they have a nonzero temperature. As such, they can not only absorb but also emit energy. Although his analysis brought black holes within the fold of thermodynamics, it deepened the problem of irreversibility. The outgoing radiation emerges from just outside the boundary of the hole and carries no information about the interior. It is random heat energy. If you reversed the process and fed the energy back in, the stuff that had fallen in would not pop out; you would just get more heat. And you cannot imagine that the original stuff is still there, merely trapped inside the hole, because as the hole emits radiation, it shrinks and, according to Hawking’s analysis, ultimately disappears.

This problem is called the information paradox because the black hole destroys the information about the infalling particles that would let you rewind their motion. If black hole physics really is reversible, something must carry information back out, and our conception of spacetime may need to change to allow for that.


Heat is the random motion of microscopic parts, such as the molecules of a gas. Because black holes can warm up and cool down, it stands to reason that they have parts—or, more generally, a microscopic structure. And because a black hole is just empty space (according to general relativity, infalling matter passes through the horizon but cannot linger), the parts of the black hole must be the parts of space itself. As plain as an expanse of empty space may look, it has enormous latent complexity.

Even theories that set out to preserve a conventional notion of spacetime end up concluding that something lurks behind the featureless facade. For instance, in the late 1970s Steven Weinberg, now at the University of Texas at Austin, sought to describe gravity in much the same way as the other forces of nature. He still found that spacetime is radically modified on its finest scales.

Physicists initially visualized microscopic space as a mosaic of little chunks of space. If you zoomed in to the Planck scale, an almost inconceivably small size of 10–35 meter, they thought you would see something like a chessboard. But that cannot be quite right. For one thing, the grid lines of a chessboard space would privilege some directions over others, creating asymmetries that contradict the special theory of relativity. For example, light of different colors might travel at different speeds—just as in a glass prism, which refracts light into its constituent colors. Whereas effects on small scales are usually hard to see, violations of relativity would actually be fairly obvious.

The thermodynamics of black holes casts further doubt on picturing space as a simple mosaic. By measuring the thermal behavior of any system, you can count its parts, at least in principle. Dump in energy and watch the thermometer. If it shoots up, that energy must be spread out over comparatively few molecules. In effect, you are measuring the entropy of the system, which represents its microscopic complexity.

If you go through this exercise for an ordinary substance, the number of molecules increases with the volume of material. That is as it should be: If you increase the radius of a beach ball by a factor of 10, you will have 1,000 times as many molecules inside it. But if you increase the radius of a black hole by a factor of 10, the inferred number of molecules goes up by only a factor of 100. The number of “molecules” that it is made up of must be proportional not to its volume but to its surface area. The black hole may look three-dimensional, but it behaves as if it were two-dimensional.

This weird effect goes under the name of the holographic principle because it is reminiscent of a hologram, which presents itself to us as a three-dimensional object. On closer examination, however, it turns out to be an image produced by a two-dimensional sheet of film. If the holographic principle counts the microscopic constituents of space and its contents—as physicists widely, though not universally, accept—it must take more to build space than splicing together little pieces of it.

The relation of part to whole is seldom so straightforward, anyway. An H2O molecule is not just a little piece of water. Consider what liquid water does: it flows, forms droplets, carries ripples and waves, and freezes and boils. An individual H2O molecule does none of that: those are collective behaviors. Likewise, the building blocks of space need not be spatial. “The atoms of space are not the smallest portions of space,” says Daniele Oriti of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, Germany. “They are the constituents of space. The geometric properties of space are new, collective, approximate properties of a system made of many such atoms.”

What exactly those building blocks are depends on the theory. In loop quantum gravity, they are quanta of volume aggregated by applying quantum principles. In string theory, they are fields akin to those of electromagnetism that live on the surface traced out by a moving strand or loop of energy—the namesake string. In M-theory, which is related to string theory and may underlie it, they are a special type of particle: a membrane shrunk to a point. In causal set theory, they are events related by a web of cause and effect. In the amplituhedron theory and some other approaches, there are no building blocks at all—at least not in any conventional sense.

Although the organizing principles of these theories vary, all strive to uphold some version of the so-called relationalism of 17th- and 18th-century German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz. In broad terms, relationalism holds that space arises from a certain pattern of correlations among objects. In this view, space is a jigsaw puzzle. You start with a big pile of pieces, see how they connect and place them accordingly. If two pieces have similar properties, such as color, they are likely to be nearby; if they differ strongly, you tentatively put them far apart. Physicists commonly express these relations as a network with a certain pattern of connectivity. The relations are dictated by quantum theory or other principles, and the spatial arrangement follows.

Phase transitions are another common theme. If space is assembled, it might be disassembled, too; then its building blocks could organize into something that looks nothing like space. “Just like you have different phases of matter, like ice, water and water vapor, the atoms of space can also reconfigure themselves in different phases,” says Thanu Padmanabhan of the Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics in India. In this view, black holes may be places where space melts. Known theories break down, but a more general theory would describe what happens in the new phase. Even when space reaches its end, physics carries on.


The big realization of recent years—and one that has crossed old disciplinary boundaries—is that the relevant relations involve quantum entanglement. An extrapowerful type of correlation, intrinsic to quantum mechanics, entanglement seems to be more primitive than space. For instance, an experimentalist might create two particles that fly off in opposing directions. If they are entangled, they remain coordinated no matter how far apart they may be.

Traditionally when people talked about “quantum” gravity, they were referring to quantum discreteness, quantum fluctuations and almost every other quantum effect in the book—but never quantum entanglement. That changed when black holes forced the issue. Over the lifetime of a black hole, entangled particles fall in, but after the hole evaporates fully, their partners on the outside are left entangled with—nothing. “Hawking should have called it the entanglement problem,” says Samir Mathur of Ohio State University.

Even in a vacuum, with no particles around, the electromagnetic and other fields are internally entangled. If you measure a field at two different spots, your readings will jiggle in a random but coordinated way. And if you divide a region in two, the pieces will be correlated, with the degree of correlation depending on the only geometric quantity they have in common: the area of their interface. In 1995 Jacobson argued that entanglement provides a link between the presence of matter and the geometry of spacetime—which is to say, it might explain the law of gravity. “More entanglement implies weaker gravity—that is, stiffer spacetime,” he says.

Several approaches to quantum gravity—most of all, string theory—now see entanglement as crucial. String theory applies the holographic principle not just to black holes but also to the universe at large, providing a recipe for how to create space—or at least some of it. For instance, a two-dimensional space could be threaded by fields that, when structured in the right way, generate an additional dimension of space. The original two-dimensional space would serve as the boundary of a more expansive realm, known as the bulk space. And entanglement is what knits the bulk space into a contiguous whole.

In 2009 Mark Van Raamsdonk of the University of British Columbia gave an elegant argument for this process. Suppose the fields at the boundary are not entangled—they form a pair of uncorrelated systems. They correspond to two separate universes, with no way to travel between them. When the systems become entangled, it is as if a tunnel, or wormhole, opens up between those universes, and a spaceship can go from one to the other. As the degree of entanglement increases, the wormhole shrinks in length, drawing the universes together until you would not even speak of them as two universes anymore. “The emergence of a big spacetime is directly tied into the entangling of these field theory degrees of freedom,” Van Raamsdonk says. When we observe correlations in the electromagnetic and other fields, they are a residue of the entanglement that binds space together.

Many other features of space, besides its contiguity, may also reflect entanglement. Van Raamsdonk and Brian Swingle, now at the University of Maryland, College Park, argue that the ubiquity of entanglement explains the universality of gravity—that it affects all objects and cannot be screened out. As for black holes, Leonard Susskind of Stanford University and Juan Maldacena of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., suggest that entanglement between a black hole and the radiation it has emitted creates a wormhole—a back-door entrance into the hole. That may help preserve information and ensure that black hole physics is reversible.

Whereas these string theory ideas work only for specific geometries and reconstruct only a single dimension of space, some researchers have sought to explain how all of space can emerge from scratch. For instance, ChunJun Cao, Spyridon Michalakis and Sean M. Carroll, all at the California Institute of Technology, begin with a minimalist quantum description of a system, formulated with no direct reference to spacetime or even to matter. If it has the right pattern of correlations, the system can be cleaved into component parts that can be identified as different regions of spacetime. In this model, the degree of entanglement defines a notion of spatial distance.

In physics and, more generally, in the natural sciences, space and time are the foundation of all theories. Yet we never see spacetime directly. Rather we infer its existence from our everyday experience. We assume that the most economical account of the phenomena we see is some mechanism that operates within spacetime. But the bottom-line lesson of quantum gravity is that not all phenomena neatly fit within spacetime. Physicists will need to find some new foundational structure, and when they do, they will have completed the revolution that began just more than a century ago with Einstein.

This article was originally published with the title “What Is Spacetime?”
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Elements of Life – Ormus, White Powder of Gold, and Tachyons

The Elements of Life

Monoatomic Quantum Tunneling Super Conductors

Throughout our history the existence of a mysterious substance known as the Philosophers Stone has been whispered among the great intellects of each society. It is just one of the many manifestations of the Elements of Life that are common throughout all soil, water and air. In their common form they are absorbed into the cells of all living things to furnish the basis of the energetic field that allows amino acids to share knowledge and memory to form cellular life.

Each stage of creation has a frequency domain that it adds to the creation. The stage of life is no different, and those frequencies come from the Elements of Life.  Life is information intensive, each living cell has  100,000,000,000,000 or 100 trillion atoms, which is also estimated to be the number of cells in the human body, about the same as the number of atoms in a human cell. This is an amazing correlation and suggests a direct link between the resonance of the cell and the entire body.  

So each cell is an organization of a hundred trillion atoms, all of them working together to do their part to make the single cell harmonize with the whole body. The frequencies used to coordinate that activity are based on the Elements of Life, a small group of platinum group elements that can be forced into a superconductive state by simple mechanical action.

The Elements of Life (Ormus) are green in this table, in their monoatomic form, each of them is capable of becoming superconductive within a cell and generating a Meisner field

Known as the “platinum group” of elements on Earth, they are elongated metallic molecules with the ability to mechanically deform and connect the valences on their ends together, an action that appears to square its energy. When this happens the element becomes superconductive and generates a field, called a Meisner field, which is repelled by electromagnetism and causes the element to become anti-gravitic and quantum tunneling.  Until the monoatomic Elements of Life are mechanically deformed they exist as simple atoms within the soil, water and air. Life began when living cells began to use the Meisner field to store and share information, something the essential amino acids were able to do in the shallow salty waters that collected on the surface of the planet long before. The amino acids reached a degree of frequency complexity sufficient to establish a cyclic pattern frequency and thus “remember” their frequency.  The evolution of cellular life required much higher frequencies, to enable the ability to organize communities of amino acids into collective consciousnesses remembering their structure and history, able to attract and assemble all the molecules needed to be self-replicating and sustainable.  This is why they are the Elements of Life.

Electromagnetic lines of force to bend away from superconductive matter

Microtubules grow from the center of the cell outward

The means for cells to convert the static monoatomic elements into dynamic Meisner field generators vary but the most common are called microtubules. When first discovered these intracellular structures were assumed to be the “scaffolding” of the cells. Hair-like they range haphazardly across the width and depth of the cells interior. Later it was discovered that they were hollow and it is here that we theorize that at one end a certain form of atom would enter and be accelerated to the other end, much like a small molecular rail gun. Research shows that the the microtubules grow from the center of the cell outward, so it is probable that the Elements of Life are gathered at the center and the microtubules accelerate the atoms toward them from the periphery of the cell where the monatomic elements would be waiting for the impact to mechanically deform them into the superconductive state. In that state their presence in the cell enabled the engulfing Meisner field to hold and share the information upon which the organization of elements and amino acids depend for all their interactive functionality.

In multicellular life additional means to generate Meisner field generators were created. The synapses of the nervous systems are the primary tool to create the great volume of field generators needed for the bodies of animals to maintain their consciousness and move about on the surface of the planet. All animals depend on the Elements of Life to manage the vast amounts of information needed to maintain themselves and live in a competitive environment.  According to his research David Hudson, has found that over 5% by dry matter weight of your brain is made up of these elements.  Specifically rhodium and iridium and keep in mind, the elements are not incorporated into amino acids or any other structural form, they are there because they are needed for the superconductive state required for consciousness.

It is not explained why the synaptic gap exists, but the existence of a higher frequency state that can imbue the neurotransmitters with information while in transit from the axon to the receptor site does.

Although neuroscience researchers ignore the role of monoatomic molecules, we can now assume that the space between the axon and dendrite is filled with monoatomic elements as well as neurotransmitters. A nerve impulse ejects potassium ions from the axon and these provide the mechanical force to convert the monoatomic ormus molecules to a superconductive state. Just like described for the cells, the purpose of this is to create Meisner field able to carry the frequencies of consciousness throughout the entire body.  This model of synaptic function is similar to the original vacuum tubes used to capture electromagnetic waves for the old radios, whose operative principle was to allow the electricity spanning the gap between the two contacts to take the shape of the electromagnetic waves of the space itself. With this concept we can attribute the purpose of the synaptic gap to allow the  presence of the mental/spirit body “imprint” the neurotransmitters before they are seated in the dendritic surface.  As stated above, 5% of the dry weight of a brain is monoatomic matter, and if it is not used in this way, then what is it used for?

So we can say that the brain/mind connection is related to the use of monoatomic molecules throughout the nervous system, and that it exists as a unique field throughout the body. And also that the field is generated by both the synapse and the cells themselves. Taking this idea a little further, we can project that the quality of the monoatomics within our body would definitely affect our energy body and our consciousness and the abilities related to these.  So Hudson is right on target, but the ability to replace all our functional monoatomic with higher quality ones is not that easy, and the various ideas about how to do this just BEGIN with ingesting them.

Qigong illustrations from 200 BC Han Dynasty Manuscript

In China, the practice of Qigong is able to concentrate the Elements of Life from all sources so that the body holds them in great abundance. There is little reference in the practice of ingesting them directly, eating the right foods considered to be rich in Qi is one thing, but it is the movements, breathing techniques and exercises combined with mental focus and intention that causes them to concentrate in the body beyond what is required for life itself.  The Chinese refer to the practice of Qigong as “cultivation”, clearly understanding that they are capturing Qi (energetic monoatomic molecules) and connecting them to their consciousness. From this we can observe that atmospheric monoatomic respond to consciousness positively, being attracted to it rather than repelled as in the case of electro magnetism.

David Hudson

David Hudson outside his Home

The monoatomic elements are pervasive throughout nature, those that are able to become superconductive, the metallic Platinum element group appear throughout the history of civilizations as pivotal discoveries to each civilization. Their scientific discovery became public knowledge in the 1990’s through the work of David Hudson and a host of evangelical followers who taught and shared that information worldwide on the Internet.  We are now well aware of the elements and recognize them in the historical texts for what they really are, for Hudson’s work demystified them. His tireless curiosity was driven by destiny, for what he did will certainly be remembered as an incredible achievement for humanity.  Due to  his work we know that he Elements of Life on Earth, the Platinum group, number only eleven (see above), but we can assume that these numbers will grow as we discover the higher density elements created in the furnace of the stars are also super conductive and quantum tunneling.


Few people think of Tachyons as monoatomic molecules, but their behavior and description leaves little dispute that they are in fact a form of superconductive quantum tunneling molecular structure. Very old and powerful stars create them and they are capable of quantum tunneling to any place in space, since their nature makes them their own “multidimensional portals”.  For this reason they should be considered the Elements of Consciousness, rather than life, since they are too energetic to remain in cells or bodies, instead they are attracted to the field of consciousness created by the body, where they remain for a limited amount of time.

Since the mid 1960’s the idea of Tachyons has grown into a substantial body of lore and practice. These “faster than light” particles are attributed healing powers and a means of extra terrestrial star travel.  Numerous researchers have adopted the terminology to explain the powers of various healing systems, tools and artifacts. Their claims that the particles mysteriously appear due the configuration or composition of their devices cannot be verified or understood without an understanding of the existence of monoatomic elements capable of being antigravity, superconductive and quantum tunneling. The existence of Tachyons can only be proven by the success of systems that use them and those systems do so repeatedly for those who use them.  We know that stars and other astronomical bodies throughout the Galaxies compress matter and shoot out highly pressurized jets of gasses into space, and it is assumed that it is these gas jets that generate Tachyons. We cannot go to those locations and be sure that this is true, but the theoretical nature of these particles can only have one explanation and the gas jets are it. The mechanical force needed to make them superconductive is certainly there and there may even be enough force to make them permanently activated, and in this state they possess the ability to “quantum tunnel”, which correlates to the ability to create their own inter dimensional portal, moving from one material location to another without traveling across the space between. They can appear wherever the proper frequency value exists in a material location regardless of where they were formed or existed previously. The are the most activated of the Elements of Life, and their presence around living bodies has an energizing effect on the Elements of Life within those bodies.

This explanation of Tachyons bypasses the argument that they are hypothetical particles that always move faster than light. Most physicists believe that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics, but they are not traveling faster than light, they are quantum tunneling or creating their own portals to the location that calls them. As stated above, they are believed to activated by stars where they are ejected in the so called “jets” from their centers.

A holistic treatment system using Tachyons has been developed and is expanding worldwide. The treatment is straight forward, the patient lies on a platform at the center of an assembly of Tachyon attracting objects, which create a focused area of Tachyons where the patient is lying. You can find out more about Tachyon Treatments here and contact Members of the PFCLeadership Council who operate them to have your questions answered:

A list of Tachyon Chambers located all over the world is posted on this page.

The Philosophers Stone

Mentioned earlier, the Philosophers Stone is a special form whose discovery could only have been due to the intervention of higher dimensional beings. This is because it is created from the elements that have been part of a living consciousness, traveled through the Pineal gland and then been discharged from the body as excretion. How it became known and developed in alchemy in deep antiquity is unknown, but those who practiced this technique felt it extremely important to maintain the strictest secrecy, and who could blame them? If it was known that they could create the Philosopher’s Stone and give the power of wizards to themselves, to move from solid to immaterial presence at will and manifest from the aether anything they could conceive, surely they would be caged like birds and forced to use this knowledge to benefit their captors. The knowledge and practice of converting the excreted monoatomic into the Stone only works when the one whose body produced the excretion uses their own consciousness to create the Stone. Once the stone exists, the alchemist ingests it slowly and its sublime presence infuses the body with the frequencies of the higher realms, converting the physical into the immaterial as an act of consciousness.

Instructions for making the Philosophers Stone are available using modern chemistry setups.

The Book of Aquarius, a 160 page PDF book, is available for download explaining the process of making the Philosophers Stone.

An important idea associated with the Philosophers Stone is that those who ingest the stone of their own creation become Ascended Masters, a quality of spirituality that allows them to become so energized that they are a unique class of spiritual being, one whose energy body is able to remain whole while in the bio-grid of the planet, able to hear the intentions of others and respond to their minds regardless of where they are on the planet. From this state of high energy they can manifest anywhere on the planet and function as a physical being, but one with almost miraculous powers of manifestation. Ascended Masters are more than just ascended, they have taken their physical bodies into the realm of pure energy and memory, and they can exist in this way in the realm of the third density. This is different that the fifth density  where all who dwell there have similar powers, for in that case the individual’s frequencies are the product of the entire environment and exist much like the computer technology called “virtual machines” since they replicate the entire third density body using higher frequencies, just as the virtual computers replace hardware with software that emulates the hardware.

White Powder of Gold

We now know that the use of White Powder of Gold was an essential component of the Extraterrestrial civilization that colonized Earth 430 thousand years ago.  The notion that they were mining gold to save their planet’s atmosphere is as phony as Zecharia Sitchins research. The primary use of gold by the Anunnaki was the manufacture of the White Powder of Gold, which was used both technologically and  biologically. This was far more valuable to them than any other known application for gold.

As a biological agent it is the equivalent of a “Galactic Drug” for those who could obtain it. Ingesting it heals the DNA and strengthens the energy body, a quality that for some ETs provides greatly sought after multidimensional benefits.

Continued secret discoveries of ancient sites used by the ETs around the Earth reveal the White Powder of Gold was treasured by them and incorporated into temples and artifacts to enable trans-dimensional communication and movement. Its use as a means to insure longlife and vitality is evidenced by its presence in the rituals of Pharaonic classes in Egypt.

The Egyptian Source?

The Temple at Serabit El Khadim is important to the story of the White Powder of Gold, for it was the apparent source of it for the Royalty of Egypt. Flinders Petrie was the Archeologist responsible for the exploration of the Temple at Serabit El-Khadim and his findings are in a report linked below. Of particular interest to White Gold researchers is that he removed the stone tiles from the floor of the great hall and discovered a layer of white powder several inches thick. He did not know what it was, speculating that it was “white wood ash”, but today we can surmise that it was actually White Powder of Gold, placed there to turn the hall into a inter-dimensional stage upon which the “gods” could interact with the priests. Imagine the scene of an assembly in that room, chanting, drums beating and the priest calling the beings from another dimension. The layer of White Gold would have responded to the intense vibration upon the floor by becoming activated from the inert powder into superconductive quantum tunneling layer, engulfing the entire area to make everyone there part of an inter-dimensional stage.

Not knowing what it was, Petrie left the layer open to the desert winds and it all blew into the desert. Fifty tons of White Powder of Gold!

This book is W. M. Flinders Petrie’s report on an expedition he made in 1905 to the Sinai Peninsula and is mainly concerned with the ruins of the Temple of Serabít (located in the mountains on the southwestern part of the peninsula). This temple was dedicated to the Egyptian deity Hat.Hor (originally Ishtar, according to Petrie), and was associated with nearby mines which were a source of turquoise for the Egyptian pharaohs.

The temple was begun under Sneferu (IIIrd dynasty, dated by Flinders Petrie at c. 4770 BCE) and work was continued by later pharaohs, including Hatshepsut and Amenhotep III (c. 1490 BCE and c. 1400 BCE according to Petrie).

Petrie’s book is interesting for several reasons:

The exploration of an Egyptian temple in the Sinai devoted to Hat.Hor / Ishtar,

his report of his discovery of fifty tons of “white wood ash” of uncertain origin,

his revision of Egyptian chronology and

his interpretation of the Book of Exodus, leading to the conclusion that the number of Israelites with Moses in the Sinai was far smaller than had previously been believed.

Petrie was reprimanded by his sponsors for this discovery and his dedication to unraveling its implications. He was told that his job was to find evidence of the Exodus and this did nothing for that! This condemnation was probably incorrect, we now believe that the Temple at Serabit was in fact the place where Moses ascended to for his “burning bush” experience, and not only that the head priest there, termed the “Lord of the Mountain”, was actually his father-in-law, Jethro (Reuel) by marriage to Zipporah.

Gathering Manna Exodus 16:14-16

Moses knew about the White Powder of Gold, the priesthood at Serabit was responsible for producing it, and when Moses bade the people to eat the manna coating the ground, it was the same white powder according the Hudson, although this explanation may have been altered to suit the perceptions of the priests who wrote the bible more than 800 years later.

Anubis is the god of digestion and this glyph is explaining that the shew bread was meant to be consumed

The Egyptians called the White Powder of Gold given to the Pharaoh “Shew Bread” after the conical shape of the loaves of bread in Egypt it was mounded into for his consumption.

Was the temple at Serabit the special temple where the Shew bread was produced? From archaeological evidence and biblical writings this was probably the place, although it was said to be where turquoise and copper was mined, such public descriptions were probably disinformation to protect it from the enemies of the Pharaoh and the priest class.

Was the Egyptian Civilization established by extra terrestrials? Recent finds in Romania suggest that their veneration of the White Powder of Gold may actually be a link to ETs in their history.

The amphora of White Power of Gold was found in the dome shaped room.

One intriguing case regarding White Powder of Gold is the Bucegi Mountain discovery. During routine satellite imaging of underground formations, it was found that a dome shaped cavity existed in the Bucegi Mountains of Romania. Teams were sent to investigate and discovered an ancient high tech facility designed to discuss genetic manipulation of humans. Everything in it was scaled for beings more than 12 feet tall. And there, near the raised platform at the center was an amphora filled with a white powder, which turned out to be White Powder of Gold. One of the investigators shared his experiences in a book, Transylvania Sunrise which details the explorations and the subsequent cover-up.

This case in the Bucegi Mountains testifies to the importance and relevance of  the Powder of White Gold to the genetics of living beings. Clearly it is of the highest value to all beings, for if a civilization able to travel the stars and manipulate DNA with ease regarded it with such importance, it must be of universal importance.

Modern Alchemists

David Hudson toured many cities promoting his discovery of White Gold in the 1990’s. He formed a foundation and asked people to join and help him create a processing plant to provide White Gold Powder to the world.  His efforts were subverted by agents who wanted to gain control of the process, but instead Hudson made his patents public in the US, allowing anyone with the desire to use the information.

This act by Hudson has fueled a modern phenomenon of Alchemical enthusiasm by unconventional thinkers worldwide. One individual Barry Carter began a list serve to enable these modern practitioners to share knowledge and support one another’s efforts. Referred to above as numerous evangelical supporters, they have created an industry producing and selling all types of potions, elixirs, cremes and drinks loaded with the Elements of Life.


Barry Carter began to call the group of elements that could become superconductors “ORMUS”, a derivative of Hudson’s ORME acronym and the members of the list shared hundreds and now thousands of ways to produce them from all manner of source material. Barry has an article archive on his site, that is excellent reading if you want learn about what others have done.

If you are interested in discussing Ormus with others around the world, go to this page listing all the available forums on Barry’s site

The White Gold List is an inspiration to free thinkers everywhere. It enables this unique band of Alchemists to connect and encourage one another and they have shown that Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements are distributed throughout nature and life. Numerous ways to increase their bioavailability are listed, and one of the best, one that is almost universally accessible is the use of magnetic traps to concentrate them in fresh spring drinking water.

Attached to a garden hose this device will produce a gallon of oily ormus water while you water your lawn.

A magnetic vortex ORMUS trap separates the portion of water which is superconducting ORMUS material from that portion which is just plain water. In the example above, the water would follow the hot air path and the ORMUS water would follow the cold air path. This effect is induced by spinning the water in a tube which has magnetic tape or other magnetic structures attached to it. Here is a vortex trap made of transparent acrylic with the inner vortex clearly visible:

At the start of this article it is explained that monoatomic elements are everywhere in nature and bioavailable to all living things. The most important of the Elements of Life are Rhodium and Iridium, appearing in abundance in the most healthful foods. In practical terms this means that they are integrated into the evolution of life the same as carbon or oxygen, they are absorbed from the environment just the same as other elements are absorbed. They can be found and concentrated for use from just about anything, the air, water, rocks and minerals, and all living material.

Since Hudson first shared his work in the 1990’s the number of people working with ORMUS has grown into a global phenomenon, a quick search on the Internet will will return 988,000 results, and most of them will be products emphasizing their ormus content. However, if you want to grow your own, you can simply get an Aloe Vera plant for your garden. The leaves of this plant contain a very high percentage of rhodium and iridium.

I will follow up on this overview article with reposts of other writers works on the Elements of Life. A detailed analysis of the scientific awareness of Ormus is next.

Dane Arr
May 7, 2018

Elements of Life – Ormus, White Powder of Gold, and Tachyons

Posted by spaceimet, 0 comments