Projecting an Attractive Vision to Manifest your Desires
Dane Arr
This article first appeared on as Forming Space
“While wondering about the source of psychic phenomena, with my eyes open and looking across the room, suddenly the answer to every question was illustrated with dancing lines of white light. The lines responded to my thoughts and interacted with them as I learned in that short span of minutes how the fabric of space worked to create all that we see.”

The Dance of Shiva has been a cornerstone of the Hindu tradition since deep antiquity, and the various explanations of it include a visionary experience of dancing lines.
Projecting the will outside of the body is learned by warriors, game players, spectators, gamblers and business people. It is taught in sales seminars as an act of mental projection and positive expectation that works to increase sales.
Forming Spaceis a good term for the ability of consciousness to project the will outside of the body. The term properly expresses the responsive nature of space and the role of consciousness in affecting it. And it takes the individual past the euphemism of “visualization”, and into a more active role in the process of manifestation. Forming space occurs when we project an internal perception, a visualization filled with knowing and intention, into the shared space of society. It is most effective when the projection is well developed and clear in the mind of its creator. In essence the projection of the will is like a hole or mould that other energies are attracted to and shaped by.
A variety of visualization techniques offer good guidance in this process. The most well known of these is the Secret which coaches not just visualization, but to project oneself into the vision, feeling it already being. Its practitioners say it works as advertised. Of course the ability to “be” in the vision requires a substantial reality to draw from, meaning that imagining something with which you have no real experience will not be sufficient to activate the powers of manifestation you need.

The acupuncture points are the surface evidence of an external network of energy vortexes created by the interaction of the body’s Chakras with the gross physical frequencies of the organ related energies that flow throughout the body.
The ability to project into the space around you stems from the tools nature has equipped everyone with in order to live as hunter gatherers throughout deep evolutionary history. Our powers of mind depend on a continuous awareness of our surroundings, one that has us actually projecting our being outside of our bodies. When we do this other awarenesses experience our intention and unconsciously conform with it. In this way we are able to attract from our environment what we desire.
My first experience with Projected Visualization
My most unusual experience with projection was when I was able to see the body’s lines of force, which extend out like looping sensory antennas of white light. In the Seth Material by Jane Roberts, I found the only reference that describes what happened that day. According to one of the higher level being-states that she channeled, our nervous system projects these lines of force out from the skin where we perceive the acupuncture meridian points to be. When this happened to me, I was totally unaware of the phenomenon and experienced it as a vision, the Dance of Shiva is a name that has been used to describe it. While I sat with my eyes wide open and in the company of two other people, the lines of force responded to my every curious thought by illustrating the effects of my own interaction in a consciousness filled universe. I saw how my own visual focus was but a guide for the projection of my will, a mechanism for me to extend my mind beyond my body and into the space around me. The often cited situation of feeling like you are being looked at in a crowded room, when you will turn and look directly at a stranger, in spite of there being hundreds of others who might be looking as well, was shown to be a result of these line of force intruding upon the persons body-space. I watched as I practiced controlling the lines of force, extending them up to my friend, but stopping short of touching her with them. I realized that the concept of visual focus had to be coordinated with that of mental focus. There was a difference between looking at someone and staring at them. Looking was not intrusive, I held my visual and mental focus just short of the body, but acute enough to see clearly.

The underlying gravitational field effects created by the body’s interaction with the Earth’s layers are the substrate for the projection of awareness through the acupuncture point-centered Phi Resonance driven Capacitance layers.
Projecting into another person’s space, past their skin and into their mind was as simple as visualizing a Ping-Pong ball in the middle of their head and then imagining it as an extension of me, as if it were on an invisible rod. Doing this frequently drew a response like “What’s up?”
Forming Space: An Astrological Analogy
All metaphysics describes and deals with this reality differently. Having studied astrology for many years, I find it useful to explain the qualities with astrological references.
SCIET Dynamics validates and explains astrology as the result of the continual outreach and crystallization of each moment by the center of being that each person represents (the SCIET cycle). Each moment’s outreach is crystallized based on the angularities of the body in space and in the context of the solar system. SCIET-based Sets establish the relevance of the angularities and their relationships to the signs and houses while the SCIETline provides the basis for understanding the impact of the planetary bodies on each person’s individuality.
The body’s field of consciousness is derived from all the moments that the gnome has been developing on earth. It is an accumulation of SCIETsphere-based moments extending back hundreds of millions of years, evolved in the gnome and retained in the frequency-based infintesimal seed of spirit that is known as the soul. The physical body has evolved in concert with the seed of spirit over the eons to provide the connection between this conduit, or continuity, to the ancient mental past and the physical present. The relationship to the physical present is based on super conducting cellular Phi resonant consciousness, the ability of the living organism to sustain itself, and the rise of a larger body of survival intelligence is rooted in a gestalt consciousness, or shared experience that is available to the nervous system by virtue of shared space. (Sheldrake’s Morphogenetic Field, et al) Human beings are a vehicle for an ancient, even universal, consciousness that integrates with the body during its early development. (incarnates). The seed of spirit provides a template for the underlying processes of the nervous system to stream the incoming sensory information into the extra-dimensionsal storage capabilities that we know as long-term memory. Access to the memory is provide by a process of tagging that is retained in the physical/mental energies of the body. These tags and the memories held in their frequencies dissipate at death and that is why we experience an unwinding of our stored memories. Patterned after the solar system
The body and the spirit have ancient relationships with the solar system. The evolved seed of spirit retains the experiences of countless lifetimes and the gnome is the equivalent of a planetary being in itself, having been moving continuously on the surface of the Earth for over four billion years. Together they have ancient and evolved relationships with all parts of our solar system. The planetary bodies have both spiritual and material frequencies that allow our dual natures to establish a lock on time and space.
The astrological relationship established by the body/gnome with each of the planets leads to an ongoing set of capacitance layers related to each planets. These capacitance layers remain from the beginning of the planets evolutionary development and are the foundation of evolution for all energetic life forms.
Our minds are patterned after the solar system. The perspective of an Earth-based evolution creates a system of concentric spheres that begins with the Earth/moon on the inside and includes Mercury, Venus and Mars as elements of a personal solar sphere of consciousness.
Illustrated on the right are the inner planets with the earth/moon at the center. Venus is in blue, Mars is red and Mercury is black and the sun is yellow. The planets each have two circles representing their furthest and closest approaches to our planet. The sun and moon vary only slightly in their distance from the Earth. This diagram shows the range of intensity based on physical proximity that is possible based on the planets positions in space.
The inner planet energies are tools under our direct control, while the outer planets function as part of our social awareness, providing a framework for our interaction with the world.

This diagram shows the range of intensity based on physical proximity that is possible based on the planets positions in space. The inner planets with the earth/moon at the center. Venus is in blue, Mars is red and Mercury is black and the sun is yellow. The planets each have two circles representing their furthest and closest approaches to our planet. The sun and moon vary only slightly in their distance from the Earth.
The pattern is governed by the fact that we are on earth/moon, the third planet from the center of the solar system, the basis of our experience. The moon’s energy is the reservoir of all our experiences, it is the externalized portion of the third planet, the outer part of a single entity orbiting the sun. The sun rules the physical body and the will, our ability to “see” and choose from what we see or what to see and what not to see. The sun is the source of light, giving life to the Earth and evolutionary basis of the photonic processes underlying mind. In this way it is the source of the matrix though which all other processes function. The moon’s energy is the reservoir of all our experiences, it is the externalized portion of the third planet, the outer part of a single entity orbiting the sun, and holds the assumptions from which the lines of force extend, grounding them to the depths of the soul.
Mercury rules how we project our lines of force, or perhaps a better expression is filaments of consciousness, out from our bodies. It is the ability to articulate with the lines of force, enabling the power of focus and allowing us to project our concentration outside of our bodies. When a person is “concentrating on something”, it is more than a figure of speech, it is a projection of the mind. Venus and Mars rule particular attractions and projections and are linked to biological necessities as well as each individuals general mode of action or inaction. Beyond Mars the effects on the lines of force blend to rule the interactions between larger and larger groups. Starting with Jupiter the outer planets are about how the mind deals with the external aspects .
Forming Space: Radiant consciousness and projecting into the space around us.
Radiant consciousness is the result of the Awareness in the body’s capacitance lattice, much different from radiant light. Radiant light is electromagnetic radiation, the result of the motion of atoms; we see the pulse of their adjustment or change of position in space.All EM is the result of movement, measured from the molecular level,
Radiant Consciousness is the result of the resonant adjustment in space (gravitational attraction) that all things have for one another. Modern physics uses gravity to describe the quality of all things to affect the space around them, an effect that is resonant in nature. Based on the concept of density, gravity increases when more atomic nuclei are packed into a smaller space. (See Causal Levels)
The resonance between bodies is easily observable, for instance tuning forks, bells and just about anything in which resonance can be detected. But it is what we cannot see or detect is the resonance between the resonance. We know that resonant bodies harmonize, because we can listen to bells until they softly fade to silence. But that we cannot see nor can we hear the resonance of one thing to another does not mean that we can assume that does not exist. In fact the quality of resonance between bodies is so pervasive that to assume that it stops when we can no longer detect it, is foolish. The problem is in understanding how it continues.
Describing the body as being at the center of its own resonating field does not seem to be much of a stretch for science. The real question is; WHAT is resonating and how can we describe it?
We can think of the body as a scalar field of resonance between a wide range of other fields through out the environment. We can easily imagine fields descending in order from generalities such as our body, our organs, our cells as groups, our cells individually and even and perhaps most important, our minds and memories.
So radiant consciousness is a composite of of all the levels that make up a being, focused through the lens of genetic material, the evolved body and the ancient stored memories of spirit/soul, all at once, all the time.
The question that remains is: How does this radiant amorphous concept become the lines of force, the looping sensory antennas of white light? The answer is resonance between the descending orders of evolved fields. Comprehending this concept requires us to reflect upon the refinement of the levels of this “resonance”. We are talking about the integrated, ongoing assimilation of ranges extending from the present body to memories of bodies that have been gone for thousands of years. Each person fills the space around him or her with values faint and powerful and all related. It is the role of the astrologically inspired resonance to make sense of it, to provide order and direction.
The lines are an interference pattern created by the mind/nervous system’s space-processing action and response to conscious choice, guided by the visual focus of the mind. It is interesting that some traditions, such as Chinese Qigong, conceive of the flow that I observed as an exchange between the individual and nature.
There appears to a factual basis for these beliefs. Researchers in super conductive nano-minerals believe that platinum-group mono-atomic elements, such as rhodium, become much lighter when in the super conductive state and become airborne, floating in the atmosphere like water or any particle of dust.Experiments with these super conductive materials show that they react to the lines of force or filaments projected by human beings. In this way Qigong allows its practitioners to develop personal power by attracting and controlling these airborne super conducting platinum group elements as a part of their field of focus. So, although the lines of force are the result all the resonance within us, they use frequencies affecting a small sector of materiality and give almost supernatural power to those who learn to work with them. The addition of the local effects on super conductive materials are not required for the interference patterns defined by the sun and mercury to control or form space with them.
The lines are conduits of very high frequency consciousness, extensions that the inner being extends out into the world.In this way, they are the opposite of physical energy, they are the power to form space by removing all resistance to change and imbuing it with intention, its own gravitational force to attract those parts that resonate with it. Moreover the basis of the filaments is rooted in the Awareness, the highest frequency shared with ensouled beings by the Creator, which meansthe lines of force are able to pattern the Creation Substance with consciousness,much like computer programs today use “virtual cores” to extend to operational effect of data analysis and retrieval. So a vision, once projected, becomes an attractive force, independent of its creators, drawing its needed parts together, but only those parts which resonate on its levels. This is done with the power of external focus, which enables a conscious being to “form” the fabric of space and imbue it with its own purpose and attractive force. So we are able to project our innermost selves, our quintesence out into the world and use it to create “forms” which literally attract what is needed to fill them and manifest our thoutghts. This is forming space. It is important for what it tells us not to do as well what to do. It explains the power of affirmations, prayer, wishes and all sorts of superstitions about talking negative. Be careful what you ask for: you just might get it.
Forming Space: Empowering Conscious Intentions
Knowing that we can project our minds outside of our bodies is empowering. Understanding how it works gives us the key to open the door to new technologies based on consciousness and allows us to go through barriers that have inhibited the progress of people for thousands of years. The development of a new way to express knowledge, which is already known through mystic traditions and psychology and the many practical techniques used by salesmen and athletes will mean creating tools that can used to translate those existing understandings as well as create entirely new ones. Visualization is a critical component of Forming Space and it is far more than just seeing or imagining the world in a new way. A lengthy discussion of how the nervous system interacts with the surrounding space can be found on the NeuroSCIET pages. However, is sufficient to say that we have two nervous systems which simultaneously process what is basically the same information and then synthesize it into a single reality. The integration of the dual nervous system is important for the conscious control of externalized inner self because it is through the resonant integration of these two separately occurring fields that we ARE conscious. It is also important to think of these two fields as counter-rotating with the synthesis taking place at what we call the focus of concentration.

The BLUE lines represent the planet’s capacitance layers through which the living cellular structure moves, much like a submarine parts the water and forces it past on each side, which stimulate a continuous movement on each side from front to back, creating lateralization.
The symmetry of animal life is due to the fundamental nature of our interaction with the resonant fields around us and how they have been involved in our evolution. These forms of life all have ORIENTATION and MOBILITY. We part the fields as we go forward, brushing past and stimulating the pattern of resonance which forced the evolution of the right-left duality. Unlike the passive nature of a ship plowing through the waves on the sea, life moves forward by choice and the pattern of change created by this act is toward the goal. Both sides rotate forward and meet at the mid-line where the externalized THIRD resonance field is centered.
The Third Field
The concept of the third field is pivotal to understanding how we can control and use our inherent mental projection capabilities. When two resonant fields interact, they create a third resonance value which acts as a common denominator between them. This value originates from a point where the two fields are equal in energy, time and distance of resonant fluctuation. As I stated above, this is not an electromagnetic wave, but a reaction of two scalar fields of a gravitational nature. This is a critical issue because all interactions have the quality of the third field as their foundation. The third field is an order of magnitude greater than the two that created it. It is interesting that one of the ways to express this is the same as the Pythagorean Theorem.
Assuming that the each of the originating fields (A, B) are prime numbers, we can square them, add them together and find their square root to determine the lowest common denominator for the third field. In this case we are talking about a value that must be much faster and smaller than either of the first two field values, since it is the outcome of them being squared. The third field is able to interact with all of the scalar fields which are its progenitors, because it is a fractional component of them.
Forming Space: Using Sensory Perception
Returning to the astrological references, we identify our feelings or internal perceptions with the moon, our external perception to the sun and articulation to Mercury. It is well known that biorhythms are linked to these three bodies as well. The solar field is the intentional perceptual field and it is a third field phenomenon created by the functioning of the sensory system. Articulation within the radiant field of consciousness is ruled by the sun, the ability to focus.
The lines are the result of an interference pattern created by the mind/nervous system’s space-processing action and response to conscious choice, guided by the visual focus of the mind. It is interesting that some traditions, such as Chinese Qigong, conceive of the flow that I observed as an exchange between the individual and nature. The solar field is an externalization of the activity of the brain. It is important to understand that the processes which use the sensory organs to generate a model of the environment are also used to drive the externalized inner self, the product of the third field phenomenon. All of the nerves of the voluntary nervous system contribute to this, and for this reason we can use the movements and positions of our body to manifest the power of the projection of consciousness.
As stated at the beginning of this article, Forming Spaceis a good term for the ability of consciousness to project the will outside of the body. The term properly expresses the responsive nature of space and the role of consciousness in affecting it. It takes the individual past the euphemism of “visualization”, and into a more active role in the process of manifestation. Forming space occurs when we project an internal perception, a visualization filled with knowing and intention, into the shared space of society. It is most effective when the projection is well developed and clear in the mind of its creator. In essence the projection of the will is like a hole or mould that other energies are attracted to and formed.
We have described a variety of visualization techniques offering good guidance in this process. Please review information on the Secret, which coaches not just visualization, but how to project oneself into the vision, feeling it that it already exists. But remember that the ability to “be” in the vision requires a substantial reality to draw from, meaning that imagining something with which you have no real experience will not be sufficient to activate the powers of manifestation you need. In other words, build on what you know.
The ability to project into the space around you stems from the tools nature has equipped everyone with in order to live as hunter gatherers throughout deep evolutionary history. Our powers of mind depend on a continuous awareness of our surroundings, one that has us actually projecting our being outside of our bodies. When we do this other awarenesses experience our intention and unconsciously conform with it. In this way we are able to attract from our environment what we desire.
Focus, visualize, project your desires and manifest!
Dane Arr