I regularly scan scientific publications for information that appears to confirm the tenants of SCIET Theory and recently was rewarded by an article in Scientific American.
The article, entitled Twist and Shout, was published in the May 19, 1997 issue. It is a presentation explaining the analysis of electromagnetic waves from 160 distant radio galaxies. This analysis, by Borge Nodlund of the University of Rochester and John Ralston of the University of Kansas, suggests that our universe has a shape. They have detected a phenomenon called electromagnetic anisotropy, which means that in addition to the expected effects on the EMF from distant galaxies, they observed rotation that depends on its direction as it approaches earth from its point of origination.
Scientists Find Universe Has Prefered Orientation
The article, entitled Twist and Shout was published in the May 19, 1997 issue. In it is a presentation explaining the analysis of electromagnetic waves from 160 distant radio galaxies. This analysis, by Borge Nodlund of the University of Rochester and John Ralston of the University of Kansas, suggest that our universe has a shape. They have detected a phenomenon called electromagnetic anisotropy, which means that in addition to the expected effects on the EMF from distant galaxies, they observed rotation that depends on its direction as it approaches earth from its point of origination.
Their research considers factors attributable to matter or localized field effects to show that this phenomenon must be a product of space itself.
The significance of this discovery may be lost on most of the world. Still, astrophysicists are rushing to corroborate the results because, if it is true, it changes one of the major assumptions about space long held by theorists like Einstein and Newton. They believed that space obeys the principle of rotational symmetry, that it is the same in all directions.
This Discovery Confirms SCIET Theory
The presentation of experimental evidence supports the most basic assertion of SCIET Theory: Space has an underlying pattern that guides distribution of energy. The discovery that the universe has orientation is a breakthrough for SCIET theory, because for SCIET assertions about mind to be true, they would have to be true for the entire universe.
While preliminary, this discovery fits SCIET expectations. A key assumption of SD is that the universe originated as a single quantum event. The Single Cycle Integrative Effect Topology (SCIET) is how the reactive charge is distributed throughout space. SCIET treats the universe as a geometrical vortex (SCIET) and everything in it as fractals of that original.
The Nodlund-Ralston Anisotropy is significant because it indicates that the universe, or at least the fabric of space, has defined a preferred path for light. Much research must be done before other SCIET predictions can be confirmed. Among the other predictions are;
• The universe has a center.
• Most of the matter is focused in a relatively small area at the center.
• The center of space is not the center of matter.
• Vast emptiness surrounds the matter at the middle.
• A pattern exists which passes light through the center in a figure-eight pattern.
A physicist might find it interesting, but SCIET Theory predicts it as the MIND OF GOD. The theory predicts a resonant pattern within the quantum field or Bose-Einstein Condensate that is the fabric of space. The pattern is the SCIET.
SCIET Theory explains consciousness as a quality of space itself. It includes a cosmology that begins with the void and consciousness within it. The SCIET diagrams how that Consciousness distributes itself.
SCIET Theory uses a concept of dual infinities and asserts that matter is produced at the intersection of these two qualities of space. This means that matter is a boundary between equally ancient and distant infinities. A quality of space that allows it to absorb energy from all directions infinitely can be no more amazing than one that allows it to radiate in all directions infinitely.
It is the ability to absorb energy/information infinitely that is the source of consciousness in life forms. I believe that the shape and orientation in the universe confirm that the universe is conscious with an evolutionary process in operation. In this way, it is confirmation that we are manifestations of a universal consciousness.
The universe began as a SCIET, and its evolution has resulted in a donut-like shape or, in cross-section, a figure eight. Matter exists in a relatively small area at the center surrounded by vast reaches of relatively empty space. This vast expanse is necessary to balance the time and energy distribution required for the SCIET Loop.
The Nodlund-Ralston Anisotropy is a paradigm-shifting discovery and may someday be compared to the Michaelson-Morley test results of the previous century, which led directly to Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity.
Dane Arr