The Role of the SCIET in Movement
Compounding Quantum Layers
The “falling body” thought experiment enables anyone to understand how these iterations work together to create the holographic effect, gravity and other effects due to movement in the space of one body relative to another.
The thought experiment is to imagine a body (planetary, not human) as a point surrounded by innumerable layers the thickness of a Planck length, like skins on an onion, and that these layers are able to merge into unity when they are precisely aligned.
Since quantum layers are only a Planck length thick, the Unity Function can only take place on a line between their void point centers, a line that exists close to the void. The The layers that exist in the space between cosmic bodies are the called the Quantum Lattice.
Each layer exists independently as a relationship with the body’s center and the rest of the universe. Each point has layers that extend away from its center to the edges of the universe, or as far as the rate of change allows.
Since matter is made of many points nearby, rules exist to merge their effects to operate as one. Basically, a shared value, a kind of common denominator, is determined based because each point is a prime number and their midpoint value is assimible by both primes through a natural harmonic or created by multiplying the interacting layers until they reach a rate able to return to each center. The resulting midpoint value is a new SCIET with its baseline aligned to the dominant or larger body. In a sense, the new SCIET exists in a higher dimension since it must integrate both systems; that is to say, it must transfer its new value back to each of the bodies simultaneously and throughout the entireties of the bodies.
The solution to the falling body problem is the above “Rule of the Third SCIET,” and it is a simple and effective way to solve the merging of many.

Image is of an iron molecule using a radiation microscope.
Molecules are surrounded by quantum layers that combine to become objects and act in concert as a single body because they are overlaid with a series of derived SCIETs compounding to effect a single unified body. They are fully relativistic since they exist due to and for one body alone. In SCIET Theory, the relationship is treated as a separate body that adds values through a common denominator function to each of the bodies.
This effect is cumulative and results in “shell” formation, which is to say that these values return toward the center of the body, (think of RADAR), but the energy they contain goes into orbit around it. These are “Quantum Shells” since they exist as spherical quantum layers, again, like “the skin of an onion.”