The fact that Astrology has survived as part of all cultures attests to its reality. In today’s Western culture of Objective Materialism it has persevered because it provides demonstrable benefits to its practitioners. What experimental science has taught us is that material bodies have a limited reach with the forces they possess, so it is only logical to expect that there must be immaterial forces that exist within the material objects, and this is what my research into possible answers led me into.
Astrology works because every object has an immaterial center that is in resonance with all other immaterial centers. How this actually works is explained by SCIET Dynamics, a theory developed over more than forty years examining a spiritual download in 1974.
The lens of science concludes Astrology cannot be real, but because it works, many decide that it must be because of archetypes or the placebo effect. Archetypes remain the dominant excuse for its achievements, but this rests on the work of Jung and his followers during the last hundred years. Their work is rooted in deep psycho analysis of ever-present ideas within every individual, and it is this deeply rooted self-identity, referred to as the Ego is a component of both Astrology and Psychoanalysis, as it the Will and the Subconscious. Concepts of mother and father, drives for love, aggression, social dominance and mystery are also present in both. In fact, astrology deals with the subconscious using the Moon, which aggregates the information without the conscious minds awareness, then serves as a warehouse of ready information based upon the aspects of all the planets in the horoscope. So the ideas of Astrology are integrated in Jung’s psychoanalytic techniques, but explained as the product of a different set of forces.
For me, using a catchall terms like Archetypes is absurd, speaking as though it is magic with no basis in our world of cause and effect. When I began my inquiry into astrology it was in the context of physics, and my questions were related to the existence of energetic qualities that could not be detected by our current scientific instruments. My guiding reference was what science could demonstrate about consciousness, which was remarkably little.
After all, if so little is known about how we had the power of thought in all its ranges, then how can science declare that Astrology has no merit? The series of questions was part of a much larger search within my personal journey of discovery, which was focused on the existence of the Soul. I had taken this quest to be my life’s work as I searched for a direction for my college education. This had coalesced one day when it occurred to me that there had to be a way for “energy” to stand still, as opposed to radiating away from its point of origin at the speed of light. This realization became my focus as I began my studies.
The first major impact of this realization was a sudden belief in the existence of discarnate beings and non corporeal entities of all sorts. Soon after this blooming awareness began I was motivated to walk into a bookstore because I had about ten minutes before I was expected at my next appointment. Only a few steps into the store and I stopped to examine a newly published volume, Seth Speaks. It claimed to be the channeled testimony of an ancient being, who had lived many times on Earth. It was just what I was looking for, a non-corporeal entity explaining how it worked. Little did I know that this volume would be regarded as one of the most profound channeled works of all time. It has the same tenor of speech and presence as a later channeled work, the Law of One, the Ra Material. The two books seemed to address personal and social reality, each from a very deep perspective. As soon as read a few pages of the Law of One, (from a different channel, ten years later) I felt it was the same entity speaking.
The purpose of the discarnate being was to explain how we create our own reality and so it revolved around each person being at the center of their own creation. It was as if the entity Seth was speaking directly to my question, telling me how to understand “energy standing still” as a personal experience.
I read Seth Speaks everyday for four months, sometimes taking an entire day absorb a single page of a session of questions and answers from the the entity, Seth. I was seeking to understand reality from an immaterial being who could interact with the material world. and this was what I had been looking for. I received every idea in the context of my central question, “How can energy stand still?”.
It is safe to say the my world of logical assumptions was already turned topsy turvy by the realization that there had to be a way for this to work, so the deep questioning I brought to the work, Seth Speaks, by Jane Roberts was rewarded with an incredible absorption of knowledge. The totality of it was not really known to me, but later it seemed to surge from my mind fully integrated as a “download” of energetic information, with the incredible buzzing of a lower leg from oxygen deprivation, (my leg went to sleep) becoming the tool with which to make sense of how energy could stand still. Literally the moment I asked if the buzzing was Chi, I could suddenly see the energy patterns around me, responding to my thoughts and every question was answered in a new language of understanding that had no parallel in my experience. It lasted twenty minutes and afterword I retained the pattern within my awareness, and I later realized that it was attached to my “C” fiber senses, specialized nerves in our skin that detect vibration. I could not exactly think with it, but anything I thought about could be compared to that retained pattern. It became a tool for me to examine any incoming information for its “fit” to this higher truth within me.
Astrology became important to me after that. It was based on the resonance between energetic bodies, and was totally harmonious to the “template”, but understanding exactly how would take another twenty years of comparing almost everything I mentally explored with the “template”.
Etheric Astrology treats everything around us as being “line of sight” resonant with us. By “us”, I mean all our energetic components, every level of frequency within us, even our soul memories going back hundreds of thousands of years. This form of energetic analysis assumes that before molecules existed, there was a preexisting state of individuation already in place that gave each and every point in space its own energetic identity, and that the last step of this individuation was to match the vibration of the originating source, a process that was the beginning of materiality and the storing of memory of relationship in space and time.
Our physical bodies are thus part of the second creation, coming after the resonance of space with itself, which is the fabric of space and the source of memory and mind. The resonance of space with itself continues relentlessly, while the resonance of the material creation proceeds on its own parallel track, with the resonance of space continuing to occur within materiality, each molecule occupied at its center with the same original immaterial infinite resonant point that it began with an the moment of creation.
Eventually I saw my work, SCIET Dynamics, as a General Theory of the Fabric of Space, explaining how our Universe was created by the resonance of space with itself, generating evermore complex structures using the simple laws with which it had begun. Sharing that knowledge has been extremely difficult, it seems to operate almost the opposite of what people think, the ideas of an expanding universe turned on its head, for the Universe created by the resonance of space with itself is one of compression toward the center of each resonant Point of Awareness. Instead of an expanding Universe we live in one where the separation of the original resonant points is continual as they seek to achieve the same resonance with one another, drawn relentlessly together in ever greater clusters from their origins as individuated points equally spaced throughout the creation.
The General Theory of the Fabric of Space has its greatest teaching tool in the study of Etheric Astrology. It is within this paradigm that the mind becomes a working laboratory for each individual, a way to use personal experience to test the Theory against the daily reality of events and relationships.
Science’ greatest theoretician, Nicola Tesla is famous for his quote, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”, and it is within the study of of his insights that the impact of the interaction of frequencies has attained its greatest benefit.
The Theory of the Fabric of Space provides a blue print for frequency to exist stationary to its environment. It continues to exist as frequency, its stored energy focused in spheres of memory nested one within the other, overlaid like a series of moments continually streamed one upon the other. Each of these memory spheres is accessible with a frequency with which it will resonate. The entire creation is made of memory from the first nascent molecules to the complex galaxies spinning in space. Souls are the witnesses to the creation, evolving within the fabric of space independently of matters but dependent on it for the creation of the experiences recorded within each Soul.
Etheric Astrology is the key to accessing the logical structure of Creation, for it enable one to connect with the self in the process of its own creation of reality. For within each of us is a record of all that is, and all that happened in the Creation.
Etheric Astrology as a Practice
Each person is in resonance with all that is. This resonance is the basis of their existence and the stored values of each incarnation are amplified in reaction to the non-material frequencies of the planets and bodies that have been present during their many incarnations. This includes the other souls that have been present with them during their evolution too. Remember that frequencies resonate to other frequencies that match them and when two souls have shared an existence together they retain the overall frequencies of that time within them.
At this point in this article it should be obvious that planets and all other heavenly bodies possess within them the energetic qualities of the Soul and that each incarnate soul is reactive to the inner being or soul of all the bodies in a solar system. The star, our sun, is the dominant frequency around which all the planets orbit and it has a soul frequency as well. Here I am saying that our solar system is conscious and that each evolving soul is in continous communication with all of the bodies in the Solar System.
These great bodies exist with each of us as resonant frequencies like frequency domains within a sphere, and all our other stored memories exist within the complex of these great resonances. It is for these reasons that the moment of our birth weighs so heavily on our personalities, for until we separate from the womb, these frequencies are intercepted by the body of the mother. In the context of modern analogies, the moment of birth is like your own memory resonance operating system.
Etheric Astrology treats all incoming information as being continually reduced toward the center where it eventually reaches a state of such high frequency that it no longer relates to the material world from which it came, except through the continuous thread of its own origins.
Belief is the key to unlocking this knowledge, for you must believe it is there to drive your inner-self to connect with it. Belief is the energetic tool that brings you to the door of the sealed vaults of time within the self and expectation is the energetic tool that draws out what is within.
To be continued…