Souls and Protons

SCIET Theory originated as a means to answer the long-standing questions about the existence of the soul and provide a logical explanation for it.

A scientific explanation is also a goal, but the first goal is to provide a logical means to account for its existence and behavior in the context of human experience. Four decades of consideration have produced these ideas, giving ample time to try as many approaches as possible before deciding that this Theory is the best.

Notice that the orbs seen near spiritual researchers are similar in size to the brain cavity of a living human.

The Theory did not begin as an explanation for the Creation of matter, but since the Soul could not be defined as emerging from matter, it was necessary to explore what came before matter, and thus we have an explanation for how the matter was formed.

None of these ideas came from experience or experiments but were given as whole thoughts during a twenty-minute period in 1974. From that point on, I knew this information, but it has taken almost fifty years to find the words and concepts to communicate it to others.

Always the simplest answer emerged as the best. In this vein, the proton is remarkably similar to the Soul. Each has a Point of Awareness at the center surrounded by memories of its past. The environment of the proton has few variables and its memories are only of other protons. The incredible age of the proton accounts for the strength and power of its structure, and the calculations regarding its energy are consistent with the forces that have molded it.

SCIET Theory offers a method to understand the formation of atomic structures through the function of a single mathematical structure that occurs pulse-like and records its existence in space as a spherical layer around a point of AwarenessIn

Actual photograph of nuclei of pure iron taken with a radiation microscope. Note that it is made of spherical shells connected by lines from the center to center,

In SCIET Theory protons are the final stage of the creation of the Universe from Crystalline Space, which begins with the First Action and continues through eighty-one magnitudes of subdivision to stimulate resonance return at the boundary layer.

SCIET Resonance Return: A SCIET is an information-filled assembly of twelve leg-like regions equidistant from one another, and angled toward the center, forming a star-like structure of twelve angles. All points are SCIETS, and when two of them resonate, the resulting midpoint structure is also a SCIET, although its information is a harmonic of both. When it is disturbed or forced to adjust and recalculate its information value, the original mid-point information value pulses toward, or resonance returns to each of the original SCIETs, The twelve legs approach the center but cannot reduce into it, and so span it and each leg surrounds the center as a level, forming a twelve level layer, or quanta.

SCIET Boundary Layer: The SCIET First Action leads to successive subdivisions of the first measure and does not end until it reaches a Boundary Layer, a predefined value that represents the limit of the First Actions area of effect. This is common n the Nervous system

Photons are the same but exist independently of another structure.

This process continually adds SCIETorbital components around the center of each interference point.
 This initial cumulative effect resulted in the formation of protons, electrons, and neutrons.

Thus protons emerged from or appeared in, the crystalline space at the beginning of the universe simultaneous to the creation of radiation and gravity.

 The proton shells continued to grow due to resonance with each other and this effect began the effects of gravity, the attraction of matter together based on sharing orbital layers. these protons formed clouds and moved toward others of the same nature, as the clouds grew close, the layers that surrounded them adjusted and stabilized at a standard distance, with the midpoint resonance between them becoming an Electron, and its apparent movement due to its shifting from the midpoint of one proton to another that is also in resonance. Other protons at different distances would have electrons specific to them

  • The very high resonance rates or densities of the interiors of stars enabled protons to assemble in close proximity and become molecules.
  • Neutrons are those so compacted that the midpoints would standardize very close to the shell.

The Proton and Causal Levels

The role of molecularSCIET is to explain the nature and behavior of the molecular structures.

By focusing on the atoms separately from the events that lead to their formation or the mechanisms of their combination into molecules, we can get the most distinct view of the SCIETorbital concept and the important idea of Causal Levels.

  • The term level is used to denote the next or previous of the same interval, such as a value that steps twelve levels to create a layer.
  • A ny increment that can exist is described as a level when considering it in relation to the formation of the shells, layers or lattice.
  • Causal Levels begin inside the proton shell where incoming Resonance Return Values Symmetrically React to the SCIET angle at the center and establish a pulsed polarity of those values into the surrounding space where they become parallel in twelve levels and orbit in perpetuity to form SCIETspheres 

SCIET Theory attributes the formation of protons to the sufficient subdivision of space to stimulate resonance return as a common event.

Protons and electrons formed out of the original creation during the plasma and from them, neutrons and all the molecules emerged from the furnace of stellar gravity.

Protons and electrons remain the fundamental source of materiality and understanding them will reveal the patterns that underlie all of nature.

The proton is derived from the internalization of the void created by the first SCIET which defined itself, not as a relationship between two points in space, but as a point on the surface of a sphere between an internal and an external void.

SCIET Theory offers a method to understand the formation of atomic structures through the function of a single mathematical structure that occurs pulse-like and records its existence in space as a portion of a closed-loop layer surrounding both origin and destination.

The concept of the SCIETorbital and its closed-loop nature underlies much that is mysterious in nature, but it is to be expected that a simple rule is universal and responsible for many effects.

The most obvious area to seek confirmation of these ideas is in the realm of atomic structures and quantum mechanics.

A SCIET interacts with other SCIETs that have matching values. This means that every value defined around the center is treated as a SCIET.

At the smallest levels of creation, this has important implications.

The minimum unit of change is at the center of the proton and reaches out from that deep place to define the infinitesimal substrate that exists throughout the Universe.

When each of the twelve steps away from the center are considered in the context of being originating values, it is obvious that each value becomes the basis of a whole system of derived values.

Posted by spaceimet

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