Understanding the Etheric Evolution Chart
A key concept of Etheric Energetics is called Frequency Potential Levels. This concept is used in electronics when a conductor transfers electrical potential from one location to another. That’s right, it is a way of referring to the conduction of a frequency and the medium that is doing the conducting.
The key to understanding their importance is that four of them have evolved from the first one, and the last one represents the next stage of evolution after Awareness, the first Frequency Potential Level, in which intention and energy were released (more on this in the “Creator”) and that energy and intention was immediately distributed throughout the defined area which we now call the “Visible Universe”, which became the Creation Substance. Literally within minutes and seconds that intention and energy began to interact with entry point value and resonate, an event that created the second Frequency Potential Level. Since these points were evenly distributed throughout the defined area, rather than a “big bang”, what happened was a “big precipitation” as the resonating points began to form spheres that surrounded the points leading to the second Unitary Value, or individuation.
The above paragraph skims over the the beginning of the creation in order to give it a concept of sequence within a set of sequenced events, but remember that the Awareness is unlimited and to create a universe, the first thing is to create limitation, to create a container for change to evolve within. The creation substance is made of the distributed energy released by the first action, which may be compared to a bolt of lightening reaching across the vastness of primeval space. More than that, the first action is leveraged to become the source of natural law, since it is the one fixed point upon which all actions in the creation can measure from.
After the “big precipitation” began, the resonance between the original void points at the center of each nascent proton was joined by the adjustment in space to the change of position by these protons with one another, which we now call electromagnetic radiation. This means that each proton has two resonances, one that is based on the internal center and another which is based on the unit of space defined by the spherical cocoon of information. (see below) which are the basis of the first and second Unitary Values
In the chart below I have listed six different Frequency Potential Levels:
Expanding on the Nature of the Frequency Potential Levels
Think of a Frequency Potential Level as a range of frequency that exists in the Universe which is harmonious within itself, but can only interact with that which is outside itself in very specific ways. In this way, what is in the Void can only interact with other values through its own byproducts, in this case what is referred to here as the isotope of tetrahedral values, a situation created by the extremely unstable nature of the tetrahedral “bubbles” that are here and gone.
The void exists within the center of all objects, wrapped in a cocoon of orbiting etheric information that has been streaming inward since its beginning. The spherical cocoon of information gave rise to an entire new set of frequencies that are based on the spherical shells created by the orbiting etheric information which uses a set of frequencies that are much faster than those created by the spherical shells.
The shells are the surface of protons and continue to accumulate with every passing moment. The interactions between proton shells give rise to electrons and as the protons increase their surrounding shells due to the actions of their central connection to the Void, the proton interacts with other protons until a web of complex forces begin to influence the space around them. With the ongoing accumulations of spherical memory shells the protons interact and resonate, slowly achieving similar resonant frequencies and with that attract one another until they form masses, gradually becoming great clouds of free floating protons with associated electrons around them, eventually gathering enough density to stimulate friction and electrical charges to drive more dynamic effects.
The proton shells become their own Frequency Potential Level
Description of the Frequency Potential Levels
The Void or as it should properly be known, the Awareness, which is unlimited in its capacity but necessarily has a value when dealing with the presence of consciousness or a creator.
So the first Frequency Potential Level is the Unlimited Awareness (Void) and its ability to accept the formatting of the First Action. It is the highest frequency in existence.
The role of the creator within the Unlimited Awareness is to define limitation in the Unlimited Awareness, first by Being in it and them by establishing a range of presence, in effect the effort to understand where and how its being is present. This act of definition is often called the Word in the Bible or in science the Big Bang. It is the first act of creation, and in Etheric Energetics it is a singular value initially expressed from the center to the edge and which then fractionally defuses throughout the entire space surrounding the center defined by the first radial expression. This process has the effect of giving each space within the volume a unique address relative to the first action, including time, location, energy and frequency. This represents the first Frequency Potential Level.
In concept this act of definition is similar to formatting a magnetic hard drive to create addresses for each part of the drive, so it is useful to consider that space is itself a recording medium.
The first action is an act of self awareness, and until the entirety of the volume is identified, no reaction to other can take place. In other words, the first action initiates a continuous subdivision until it reaches the values established at the center from which the first action emanates. Upon reaching the center value, the subdivision encounters a match, or another values that is the same as itself, triggering a resonance response. This is the first occurrence of resonance in the nascent creation and represents the first Unitary Value, the concept of identity or individuated particle in space.
Another useful idea from computing is to observe the difference between a bit and a byte, in the ideas being discussed here the smallest unit or bit is actually a here and gone bubble commonly thought of as a quantum unit, but we will think of it as a tetrahedral pulse that exists for a quantum unit and then disappears. The bit then is a tetrahedral energetic pulse that is provoked by the existence of a difference at its level. The byte is an isotope of these tetrahedral bits arranged so that the impulse to disappear is balanced by a group action around a shared center point. It requires multiple tetrahedral bits to balance and a fully stable unit has twenty arranged in opposition to one another. Once formed in space this becomes the dominant form of energetic expression within the primary domain, or the defined space.
Like interacts with Like is a rule taken from the study of frequency and commonly experienced when tuning an old crystal radio. As the reception is adjusted the tuner locks on to radio signals that match the frequency of the tuner. This is generalized to be a fundamental rule of interactions in space. It is pivotal to understanding the creation of bytes from bits in space. The tetrahedral bit is actually a reaction by a tiny “black hole” to the defined space of the first action, and as such can only interact with others that are like it. The tiny black hole can only relate to other tiny black holes, but in fact its relationships are based on the disturbance it creates as it pops into and out of the defined space since by definition, something in the void cannot, interact because it is VOID, so this leaves the four legs of interaction within the defined space as the sole quality able to interact and form the isotopic bytes. The isotopic byte is constructed of the interactions of the four tetrahedral legs with one another and in this way they create a new level of frequency based entirely upon the disturbance in space created by this interaction between the tetrahedral legs, which then can be seen as twelve corridors of value branching away from their shared center. These twelve corridors are the basis of Etheric Evolution. They establish the basis of interaction between other isotopes and are the energetic expression when resonance begins.
The existence of the tetrahedral bits and the isotopic bytes is pivotal to understanding the conversion of the descended subdivision’s match which begins resonance and the formation of memory spheres, or the first nascent protons.
What actually descends by subdivision from the first action is increasingly smaller, faster bytes, which are actually assemblies of twenty tetrahedral energetic structures, structures that are stimulated into existence when space needs to define any point related to the subdivision of larger expressions or bytes. The arrival by subdivision of the First Action at the level of the original center establishes a Match and begins Resonance between the two isotopic structures, basically causing them to define a common frequency to allow them to adjust to one another’s presence and account for any changes between them. Once begun, the resonance continues indefinitely.
Every Isotopic Byte is a Prime Number that requires a natural common denominator in order to interact with other Isotopic Bytes. The algorithm for this is handed down to us from antiquity from Pythagoras, the man responsible for the Music of the Spheres, although it is given as a prosaic solution for a geometry problem. In our situation the algorithm is useful to find the shared value between two prime number isotopes and which in turn created a new isotopic value that is harmonic to both. This harmonic changes as the two isotopes adjust to shifting positions or influences from other forms in space, and this change is communicated in both directions from its point of origin between them toward the center of the isotopic “black hole”.
The change, called the sciet orbital effect, is communicated as a continuous feed of twelve corridor values toward the center, but when it arrives at the center it only a small portion can actually be reduced into the center at the value it arrives as, and the larger values span the center and are streamed into a permanent orbital path around the center (see illustration). This action is fundamental to all etheric interactions in space, and is the basis of memory and the formation of matter in space.