I am posting this introduction to Emergence Theory here to demonstrate that modern physics is seeking answers and arriving at conclusions similar to SCIET Theory. Both of them believe that space is geometric with the smallest unit a tetrahedron based on the Planck Unit, and that these units compound into a larger reality. Also both incorporate consciousness into their explanation.
These similarities are very important, but the divergence between them quickly grows immense. Focusing a lot of energy on crystalline structures, studying how they can be projected from higher dimensions to lower dimensions, speculating that this is pivotal to understanding reality.
SCIET Theory does not do that.
SCIET Theory is based on “design” principles and is the result of backward chaining design problems to find basic rules in the Creation. As its originator, I have not been restricted by mathematical approaches, but able to look for them in the design solutions that appeared as the result solving the design problems. The mathematical description of the SCIET is primitive using simple concepts to speculate on immense consequences to the creation. This is intentional from the outset of its development, for nature cannot use supercomputers and everything must derive from the simplest possible precursors available. Approaching the creation as being the result of design choices, it became possible to think backwards to find those choices. This did not begin from a college class or a challenge from a colleague, but from a deep philosophical pursuit that provoked a spontaneous vision that downloaded higher dimensional knowledge into my very being. It happened one evening when I wondered if the buzzing in my leg was the cells calling out for oxygen and if so was that the chi or prana of eastern belief, and did it flow from one place to another. As soon as I mentally asked this, I began to see the energetic structures of my own consciousness responding to my every question about the nature of the soul and the invisible energies with which it communes. The vision lasted for twenty minutes and afterward I could still feel it and the information it downloaded with my C-fiber nervous system. It became a template holding all the knowledge I had received, one that would respond to my thoughts as I compared every idea I encountered in my search for the existence of the soul and the invisible energies of which it was a part.
I can barely imagine how I could have pursued the knowledge that led to the SCIET without that template. And so my admiration for those who pursue the great questions without such inspiration matches those questions. I can only admire from a distance the work that has gone into Emergence Theory since the advanced mathematics used to arrive at its conclusions have not been used or needed for SCIET Theory to evolve.
Please enjoy the video below, and admire the fascination that possesses those who seek the solution through Emergence Theory.
[Editors’s Note] The below article by Elva Thompson articulates very well the prevailing mentality that motivated my pursuit of the SCIET beginning in 1974. Seeking the underlying rules of nature, those that are not acknowledged or understood, meant looking past the Dogmas of Science to see what we might have missed. Ultimately it boiled down to an all encompassing underlying reality that was too obvious for us to treat separately. The SCIET goes to the heart of the change in space that is so prevalent that we cannot grasp its existence, for how each point in space adjusts to the change between it and all other points, while recording a history of that change, is the key to understanding what we have missed. It underlies everything in existence.
On this site an explanation of how the essence of space itself is created by the continual resonance of tiny points of Awareness that create all-permeating field of disturbance around each and everyone of them. Smaller than a proton, their resonant interactions are descended from the first particle, the very origin of the Big Bang. All of these points are connected all of the time. Each of them remains connected to its origin, to the very Awareness that IS.
February 10, 2020
Elva Thompson, Contributor
Waking Times
The belief of conventional science is that it (as an over-arching organisation) already understands the nature of reality in principle, leaving only the details to be filled in. And, as we know, that is where the Devil resides.
The 10 dogmas are:
1. The assumption that Nature is mechanical, or machine-like. Animals are machines, plants are machines and we are machines, our brains being the equivalent of genetically programmed computers.
2. Matter is unconscious. The Universe, Nature, our bodies, are all made of unconscious matter. For some strange reason our brains became conscious, and that is a major problem for materialist science. Consciousness should not exist.
3. The laws of Nature are fixed, from the Big Bang (the first explosion!) until the end of time when all dissolves back into nothing.
4. Nature is purposeless. There are no purposes in animals, in plants and in Life as a whole.
The entire evolutionary process has no purpose, other than self-increase and survival. It has all come about by blind chance.
5. The total amount of matter and energy is always the same. Again, ever since the Big Bang until the end of time.
6. Biological inheritance is only material, it is all genetic or epigenetic.
7. Memories are stored as material traces inside the brain. All your memories are inside your head, stored in nerve endings or phosphor related proteins. No-one knows how, but the assumption is that they are all in the brain.
8. Your mind is inside your head, it is only an aspect of the electrical activity of the brain.
9. All psychic phenomena is illusory. It appears to exist, but it doesn’t. The mind is inside the head and cannot have any effect on the outside world.
10. Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that truly works. Alternative and complementary therapies may appear to work, but that’s only because people have got well anyway, or it’s due to the placebo effect.
But these dogmas are not facts, though they are treated as such, they are merely assumptions. Also, they have only come about in the last 200 years. But they are accepted as real because of the seeming success of technology, and people are generally content to live by their rules as it appears to make their lives a lot easier and more comfortable. Plus, it generates vast amounts of revenue in this materialistic system. It is easier for people not to question, to leave that to the so-called experts, so they can get on with enjoying their toys and frivolous distractions.
So how did this come about? Up until the Cartesian revolution of the Seventeenth Century the general belief taught in the universities of Europe, and through the Roman church, was that Nature was alive – the Earth was alive, animals and plants were alive, they all had souls – bestowed upon them by the Breath of God. This was the doctrine of Aristotle, and Christianised by Saint Thomas Aquinas. Everything was alive and infused with Spirit. Anima, the root of the word animal, means the Spirit which animates us. Sadly, Jungian psychology has tended to obscure this original meaning.
But the crux of the Seventeenth Century revolution was that it said: no, this is not a living world, it is a dead world, made up of unconscious machinery, not conscious organisms. Descartes, the major player in the formulation of this philosophy, proposed that Nature is split into 2 parts: matter, that is unconscious and mechanical, and makes up the whole of Nature; and Spirit or mind, which is conscious and only to do with reason, and rational thought. Mathematics and science are adaptations of the rational mind, which being in the head, is immaterial, not existing in space and time. Also, mind is confined to humans, angels and God. So there was created a radical split between the Spiritual, seen as the rational mind in humans, and Nature, seen as spiritually dead and mechanical. This in turn created the split between body and mind, humans and the rest of Nature, and between religion and science. More importantly, it removed God from the Earth.
In the Nineteenth Century this Cartesian dualism devolved into full-blown materialism where matter was made the only reality, and Spirit confined to the imagination. What is not material therefore doesn’t exist, so spirits, angels and gods are instantly abolished to the realm of fantasy or delusion. The human mind becomes nothing but the effluvium (invisible emanation, from the Latin ‘to flow’) of the activity of the brain. The uncomfortable consequence of this materialistic assumption is that, with matter being unconscious, we should not be conscious ourselves. It is considered an epiphenomenon, like a shadow of the brain’s processes, just an illusion. But it is an illusion that has created all the civilizations of humanity.
Today, at least, we have progressed to the stage where some scientists are admitting that there is some kind of mind or consciousness inherent in, not just human brains, but in all matter. Even to the point where atoms and electrons are said to have some kind of mental aspect to them. This is a philosophy called Pan-psychism, the idea being that there is a psyche or mind in everything that exists. Open-minded scientists, such as Rupert Sheldrake, believe that this is the only reasonable way forward.
About the Author
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, and Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @ amazon.com/author/heartstar
In SCIET Theory Spacetime is the byproduct of the formatting of the energetic expression that has been called the Big Bang by Cosmologists. This idea can be understood as a flash of lightning from one point to another, a single unit of energy, that reduces around its point of origin in the Void (see below for an explanation of the Void) until it disappears into its own footprint and then reemerges as a vast mist of equally distributed atomic particles.
Rather than a Big Bang, it was a big flash that immediately distributed itself around the point of origin, processed by an algorithm that divides it into multiple levels of angularly polarized monopoles, each with its own unique address within the whole. When all of the space has been addressed the final step is when it reaches the minimum unit from which it originated in the whole of space, it begins to resonate with the existing minimum unit valued so defined. This resonance between these minimum units surrounded by monopoles creates the first atoms, the nascent protons, which are the mist that defines Space.
The energy from the single unitary burst that is distributed throughout the mist/universe leaves faint tracks of each descending step, which is the formatting that furnishes the addresses to each and every bit of the space within the universe.
In effect, the concept of space is a layer of measurable resistance on top of the Void, which has no resistance at all. This resistance is responsible for the speed of light, a limit on the rate of change in space, which is reflected in the minimum unit of change, the quanta
In summary, in SCIET Theory space, time and matter emerge from an energized geometric form that subdivides into itself until it disappears into faint formatting before reemerging as a mist of equally spaced nascent protons.
Others are thinking in this way also:
…some researchers have sought to explain how all of space can emerge from scratch. For instance, ChunJun Cao, Spyridon Michalakis and Sean M. Carroll, all at the California Institute of Technology, begin with a minimalist quantum description of a system, formulated with no direct reference to spacetime or even to matter. If it has the right pattern of correlations, the system can be cleaved into component parts that can be identified as different regions of spacetime. In this model, the degree of entanglement defines a notion of spatial distance.
Their concept of entanglement echos the formatting described in SCIET Theory, in which space is created in the void and it subdivides the original energetic expression until it reaches the smallest possible size, reducing many magnitudes before it begins to resonate. The formatting takes place as both an inward and outward expression, with the tetrahedral forms interacting with one another to create interactive angular mono-polarities, at the convergence of five tetrahedrons, in effect the angular mono-polarities are the equivalent of “event horizons” at the quantum level. All the larger sizes from which it descended remain in space as faint tracks of universal levels, but also as the centers of measurement from the smallest to the largest systems, all of them based on the interactive angular polarities. Space is crystalline in nature because of this.
Spherical forms are created by the resonance between the first nascent atoms. Before these are created space is limited entirely to lines away from or between points. When resonance begins it is between two minimum units, which are actually holes in the fabric of spacetime that reach the void. Because of this, the resonant energy returning to each center cannot actually go into the center and so must span it and express itself as layers of monopoles circling the center. What this means is that each atom is actually built up from layers continuously streamed inward from each and every point to point resonant relationship.
The Limitless Awareness aka the Void
A stated above, the concept of space is a layer of measurable resistance on top of the Void, or in SCIET Theory, the Limitless Awareness.
The Nature of Limitless Awareness is the highest frequency potential in the universe. It is so fast that it is unlimited and thus needs the limitations of the slower Creation Substance (Spacetime) to project intention into. It is an order of magnitude faster and smaller than the Creation Substance. Awareness is unlimited, its receptive frequency potential is unlimited, so the role of the Creation Substance is to enable the creation of Limits and consequently, resonance within the creation substance.
The SCIET creates between ten quadrillion vigintillion and one-hundred thousand quadrillion vigintillion (1078 to 1082) atoms of smaller SCIETs when it reaches its smallest increment to form atoms through resonance, and each of these is due to the Point of Awareness at its center reacting to another point of the same value, an event that did not take place before reaching this level of reduction to encounter the base value of the entire system, the original Point of Awareness.
Theoretical Effects
The interplay between the Creation Substance (Spacetime) and the Awareness (Void) is the basis of the Soul, Black Holes, Portal Travel and other mysterious phenomena, as well those described by systems other than SCIET Theory.
The interactive quality of Spacetime, its “stickiness” causes it to form holes in the fabric of Spacetime when it is forced into a circular motion, such as occurs in Black Holes. This circular motion can also cause a separation between the spinning object and the fabric of Spacetime, which can enable the object to be independent of the effects of gravity, as the object creates its own gravity and can choose its own direction of attraction.
Portals capable of transporting matter actually do not, for instance, they allow matter entering into a Black Hole to appear instantaneously at another location, no travel is involved. This quality requires that a layer surrounding the portal be resonant with the other location, so it will only work with one other location.
The Soul is the byproduct of the SCIET in combination with a projection of the Awareness to create purposefulness, forming a desire to do and be. This desire drives the Point of Awareness to accumulate knowledge and experience time. The SCIET allows the Point of Awareness to use its connection to the original Awareness to project itself forward and accumulate knowledge and experiences using its accumulated memories and knowledge.
Evolving objects within the fabric of Spacetime are surrounded by spherical memories due to their resonance with other objects, which can range from atomic structures to Black Holes at the centers of Galaxies. These spherical memories resonate with one another to create gravitational effects and also torsion field effects.
Spherical Layers and Spacetime
Gravitational attraction due to resonance is complemented by repulsion due to dissonance, and the two effects combine to slightly distort one another. This distortion creates midpoint variations in the resonance value that can emulate other body’s resonance and cause objects affected by them to suddenly be in alignment with an unexpected gravitational effect. Spacetime may regard it as an object that is out of place and time and can manifest the object in that place and/or time. This effect has been exploited to create transportation systems using tunable gravitational resonators.
SCIET Theory opens the door to numerous new approaches to solving problems related to combining elements into new forms, or combining forces into new effects.
Utilizing the nature and character of the Awareness in the context of a proper understanding of Spacetime can unlock the ability to easily “jump” from one part of Spacetime to another without expending the time and energy otherwise required.
An enlarged knowledge of gravitational torsion effects can greatly assist our abilities to work with materials and utilize torsion fields to facilitate manufacturing in new ways.
The SCIET itself offers an understanding of how to manufacture intelligent materials that are impervious to external forces and can react in ways that allow them to be self healing and self reproducing. These and other insights make an understanding os SCIET Spacetime an essential component of an advanced human civilization in the future.
Physicists believe that at the tiniest scales, space emerges from quanta. What might these building blocks look like?
This article is from Scientific American and presents the current views of scientists about Spacetime. I have reproduced it in its entirety to provide a reference for SCIET and how it deals with Spacetime. In other articles, I will refer to this one for contrasting approaches. This article beautifully presents some core issues regarding the controversy over the competition to describe reality in the realm of very small changes in space. We need to find a General Theory of Spacetime to do this, and that is the intention of SCIET Theory.
People have always taken space for granted. It is just emptiness, after all—a backdrop to everything else. Time, likewise, simply ticks on incessantly. But if physicists have learned anything from the long slog to unify their theories, it is that space and time form a system of such staggering complexity that it may defy our most ardent efforts to understand.
Albert Einstein saw what was coming as early as November 1916. A year earlier he had formulated his general theory of relativity, which postulates that gravity is not a force that propagates through space but a feature of spacetime itself. When you throw a ball high into the air, it arcs back to the ground because Earth distorts the spacetime around it, so that the paths of the ball and the ground intersect again. In a letter to a friend, Einstein contemplated the challenge of merging general relativity with his other brainchild, the nascent theory of quantum mechanics. That would not merely distort space but dismantle it. Mathematically, he hardly knew where to begin. “How much have I already plagued myself in this way!” he wrote.
Einstein never got very far. Even today there are almost as many contending ideas for a quantum theory of gravity as scientists working on the topic. The disputes obscure an important truth: the competing approaches all say space is derived from something deeper—an idea that breaks with 2,500 years of scientific and philosophical understanding.
[Note] The article is posted here because it beautifully presents some core issues regarding the controversy over the competition to describe reality in the realm of very small changes in space. We need to find a General Theory of Spacetime.
A kitchen magnet neatly demonstrates the problem that physicists face. It can grip a paper clip against the gravity of the entire Earth. Gravity is weaker than magnetism or than electric or nuclear forces. Whatever quantum effects it has are weaker still. The only tangible evidence that these processes occur at all is the mottled pattern of matter in the very early universe—thought to be caused, in part, by quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field.
Black holes are the best test case for quantum gravity. “It’s the closest thing we have to experiments,” says Ted Jacobson of the University of Maryland, College Park. He and other theorists study black holes as theoretical fulcrums. What happens when you take equations that work perfectly well under laboratory conditions and extrapolate them to the most extreme conceivable situation? Will some subtle flaw manifest itself?
General relativity predicts that matter falling into a black hole becomes compressed without limit as it approaches the center—a mathematical cul-de-sac called a singularity. Theorists cannot extrapolate the trajectory of an object beyond the singularity; its time line ends there. Even to speak of “there” is problematic because the very spacetime that would define the location of the singularity ceases to exist. Researchers hope that quantum theory could focus a microscope on that point and track what becomes of the material that falls in.
Out at the boundary of the hole, matter is not so compressed, gravity is weaker and, by all rights, the known laws of physics should still hold. Thus, it is all the more perplexing that they do not. The black hole is demarcated by an event horizon, a point of no return: matter that falls in cannot get back out. The descent is irreversible. That is a problem because all known laws of fundamental physics, including those of quantum mechanics as generally understood, are reversible. At least in principle, you should be able to reverse the motion of all the particles and recover what you had.
A very similar conundrum confronted physicists in the late 1800s, when they contemplated the mathematics of a “black body,” idealized as a cavity full of electromagnetic radiation. James Clerk Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism predicted that such an object would absorb all the radiation that impinges on it and that it could never come to equilibrium with surrounding matter. “It would absorb an infinite amount of heat from a reservoir maintained at a fixed temperature,” explains Rafael Sorkin of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario. In thermal terms, it would effectively have a temperature of absolute zero. This conclusion contradicted observations of real-life black bodies (such as an oven). Following up on work by Max Planck, Einstein showed that a black body can reach thermal equilibrium if radiative energy comes in discrete units, or quanta.
Theoretical physicists have been trying for nearly half a century to achieve an equivalent resolution for black holes. The late Stephen Hawking of the University of Cambridge took a huge step in the mid-1970s, when he applied quantum theory to the radiation field around black holes and showed they have a nonzero temperature. As such, they can not only absorb but also emit energy. Although his analysis brought black holes within the fold of thermodynamics, it deepened the problem of irreversibility. The outgoing radiation emerges from just outside the boundary of the hole and carries no information about the interior. It is random heat energy. If you reversed the process and fed the energy back in, the stuff that had fallen in would not pop out; you would just get more heat. And you cannot imagine that the original stuff is still there, merely trapped inside the hole, because as the hole emits radiation, it shrinks and, according to Hawking’s analysis, ultimately disappears.
This problem is called the information paradox because the black hole destroys the information about the infalling particles that would let you rewind their motion. If black hole physics really is reversible, something must carry information back out, and our conception of spacetime may need to change to allow for that.
Heat is the random motion of microscopic parts, such as the molecules of a gas. Because black holes can warm up and cool down, it stands to reason that they have parts—or, more generally, a microscopic structure. And because a black hole is just empty space (according to general relativity, infalling matter passes through the horizon but cannot linger), the parts of the black hole must be the parts of space itself. As plain as an expanse of empty space may look, it has enormous latent complexity.
Even theories that set out to preserve a conventional notion of spacetime end up concluding that something lurks behind the featureless facade. For instance, in the late 1970s Steven Weinberg, now at the University of Texas at Austin, sought to describe gravity in much the same way as the other forces of nature. He still found that spacetime is radically modified on its finest scales.
Physicists initially visualized microscopic space as a mosaic of little chunks of space. If you zoomed in to the Planck scale, an almost inconceivably small size of 10–35 meter, they thought you would see something like a chessboard. But that cannot be quite right. For one thing, the grid lines of a chessboard space would privilege some directions over others, creating asymmetries that contradict the special theory of relativity. For example, light of different colors might travel at different speeds—just as in a glass prism, which refracts light into its constituent colors. Whereas effects on small scales are usually hard to see, violations of relativity would actually be fairly obvious.
The thermodynamics of black holes casts further doubt on picturing space as a simple mosaic. By measuring the thermal behavior of any system, you can count its parts, at least in principle. Dump in energy and watch the thermometer. If it shoots up, that energy must be spread out over comparatively few molecules. In effect, you are measuring the entropy of the system, which represents its microscopic complexity.
If you go through this exercise for an ordinary substance, the number of molecules increases with the volume of material. That is as it should be: If you increase the radius of a beach ball by a factor of 10, you will have 1,000 times as many molecules inside it. But if you increase the radius of a black hole by a factor of 10, the inferred number of molecules goes up by only a factor of 100. The number of “molecules” that it is made up of must be proportional not to its volume but to its surface area. The black hole may look three-dimensional, but it behaves as if it were two-dimensional.
This weird effect goes under the name of the holographic principle because it is reminiscent of a hologram, which presents itself to us as a three-dimensional object. On closer examination, however, it turns out to be an image produced by a two-dimensional sheet of film. If the holographic principle counts the microscopic constituents of space and its contents—as physicists widely, though not universally, accept—it must take more to build space than splicing together little pieces of it.
The relation of part to whole is seldom so straightforward, anyway. An H2O molecule is not just a little piece of water. Consider what liquid water does: it flows, forms droplets, carries ripples and waves, and freezes and boils. An individual H2O molecule does none of that: those are collective behaviors. Likewise, the building blocks of space need not be spatial. “The atoms of space are not the smallest portions of space,” says Daniele Oriti of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, Germany. “They are the constituents of space. The geometric properties of space are new, collective, approximate properties of a system made of many such atoms.”
What exactly those building blocks depend on the theory. In loop quantum gravity, they are quanta of volume aggregated by applying quantum principles. In string theory, they are fields akin to those of electromagnetism that live on the surface traced out by a moving strand or loop of energy—the namesake string. In M-theory, which is related to string theory and may underlie it, they are a special type of particle: a membrane shrunk to a point. In causal set theory, they are events related by a web of cause and effect. In the amplituhedron theory and some other approaches, there are no building blocks at all—at least not in any conventional sense.
Although the organizing principles of these theories vary, all strive to uphold some version of the so-called relationalism of 17th- and 18th-century German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz. In broad terms, relationalism holds that space arises from a certain pattern of correlations among objects. In this view, space is a jigsaw puzzle. You start with a big pile of pieces, see how they connect and place them accordingly. If two pieces have similar properties, such as color, they are likely to be nearby; if they differ strongly, you tentatively put them far apart. Physicists commonly express these relations as a network with a certain pattern of connectivity. The relations are dictated by quantum theory or other principles, and the spatial arrangement follows.
Phase transitions are another common theme. If space is assembled, it might be disassembled, too; then its building blocks could organize into something that looks nothing like space. “Just like you have different phases of matter, like ice, water and water vapor, the atoms of space can also reconfigure themselves in different phases,” says Thanu Padmanabhan of the Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics in India. In this view, black holes may be places where space melts. Known theories break down, but a more general theory would describe what happens in the new phase. Even when space reaches its end, physics carries on.
The big realization of recent years—and one that has crossed old disciplinary boundaries—is that the relevant relations involve quantum entanglement. An extrapowerful type of correlation, intrinsic to quantum mechanics, entanglement seems to be more primitive than space. For instance, an experimentalist might create two particles that fly off in opposing directions. If they are entangled, they remain coordinated no matter how far apart they may be.
Traditionally when people talked about “quantum” gravity, they were referring to quantum discreteness, quantum fluctuations and almost every other quantum effect in the book—but never quantum entanglement. That changed when black holes forced the issue. Over the lifetime of a black hole, entangled particles fall in, but after the hole evaporates fully, their partners on the outside are left entangled with—nothing. “Hawking should have called it the entanglement problem,” says Samir Mathur of Ohio State University.
Even in a vacuum, with no particles around, the electromagnetic and other fields are internally entangled. If you measure a field at two different spots, your readings will jiggle in a random but coordinated way. And if you divide a region in two, the pieces will be correlated, with the degree of correlation depending on the only geometric quantity they have in common: the area of their interface. In 1995 Jacobson argued that entanglement provides a link between the presence of matter and the geometry of spacetime—which is to say, it might explain the law of gravity. “More entanglement implies weaker gravity—that is, stiffer spacetime,” he says.
Several approaches to quantum gravity—most of all, string theory—now see entanglement as crucial. String theory applies the holographic principle not just to black holes but also to the universe at large, providing a recipe for how to create space—or at least some of it. For instance, a two-dimensional space could be threaded by fields that, when structured in the right way, generate an additional dimension of space. The original two-dimensional space would serve as the boundary of a more expansive realm, known as the bulk space. And entanglement is what knits the bulk space into a contiguous whole.
In 2009 Mark Van Raamsdonk of the University of British Columbia gave an elegant argument for this process. Suppose the fields at the boundary are not entangled—they form a pair of uncorrelated systems. They correspond to two separate universes, with no way to travel between them. When the systems become entangled, it is as if a tunnel, or wormhole, opens up between those universes, and a spaceship can go from one to the other. As the degree of entanglement increases, the wormhole shrinks in length, drawing the universes together until you would not even speak of them as two universes anymore. “The emergence of a big spacetime is directly tied into the entangling of these field theory degrees of freedom,” Van Raamsdonk says. When we observe correlations in the electromagnetic and other fields, they are a residue of the entanglement that binds space together.
Many other features of space, besides its contiguity, may also reflect entanglement. Van Raamsdonk and Brian Swingle, now at the University of Maryland, College Park, argue that the ubiquity of entanglement explains the universality of gravity—that it affects all objects and cannot be screened out. As for black holes, Leonard Susskind of Stanford University and Juan Maldacena of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., suggest that entanglement between a black hole and the radiation it has emitted creates a wormhole—a back-door entrance into the hole. That may help preserve information and ensure that black hole physics is reversible.
Whereas these string theory ideas work only for specific geometries and reconstruct only a single dimension of space, some researchers have sought to explain how all of space can emerge from scratch. For instance, ChunJun Cao, Spyridon Michalakis and Sean M. Carroll, all at the California Institute of Technology, begin with a minimalist quantum description of a system, formulated with no direct reference to spacetime or even to matter. If it has the right pattern of correlations, the system can be cleaved into component parts that can be identified as different regions of spacetime. In this model, the degree of entanglement defines a notion of spatial distance.
In physics and, more generally, in the natural sciences, space and time are the foundation of all theories. Yet we never see spacetime directly. Rather we infer its existence from our everyday experience. We assume that the most economical account of the phenomena we see is some mechanism that operates within spacetime. But the bottom-line lesson of quantum gravity is that not all phenomena neatly fit within spacetime. Physicists will need to find some new foundational structure, and when they do, they will have completed the revolution that began just more than a century ago with Einstein.
This article was originally published with the title “What Is Spacetime?”
George Musser is a contributing editor for Scientific American, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to String Theory (Alpha, 2008) and of Spooky Action at a Distance (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015). This article won the 2011 Science Communication Award from the American Institute of Physics.
Paracas Peru is famous for its ancient cemeteries whose mummies have elongated heads, although these types of skulls are found all over the world. Some are the result of artificial cranial deformation, but others are natural. As expected, the ancient people’s DNA has been tested and found to be different from normal humans, since it was taken from those with distinctly non-human skulls. The many that were found with artificial cranial deformation were thought to have adopted it for cultural reasons, probably for higher social status, but there may be a functional reason as well.
SCIET Theory offers a concept of neurological function based on the interaction of scalar fields generated by all matter, and it suggests that this interaction compounds, or increases in frequency when similar fields are involved. This is a primary component of SCIET Theory. It solves the problem of how different frequent systems mutate into magnitude higher frequencies to enable integration of slightly varying versions of the same information. Stereoscopic vision is the the best example in which two inputs become one vision. Conceptually this means that the third field created is functionally able to combine both lower field inputs into a single one that possesses information from both. In stereoscopic vision the objective is to provide depth of field knowledge and adjust placement in the environment.
In the case of the brain and how it works to model the environment, the idea builds on the duality of the nervous system inputs to each hemisphere of the brain. Restating the above, using this theory, the dual inputs create a set of interactive fields whose combination results in a third one that is a multiple of the two original fields.
This image from the Museum in Paracas Puru shows a natural dolichocephalic skull on the left and an artificial cranial deformed one on the right
This approach is controversial because the ability of the scalar fields to compound into higher frequencies is not tested, primarily because it is generated at very low power and in frequencies that are not electromagnetic in nature. Evolved from the fields created by Platinum Group elements in the high spin state in the cells and synaptic gaps, they are referred to as Meissner Fields. They are the result of room temperature superconductivity at the elemental level compounded throughout the entire body. We can surmise that the fields exist because of the volume of these elements found in the body, and there is no other explanation for their presence.
Brain Lateralization
These fields are intrinsic to the operation of the nervous system, and by the structure and arrangement of the inputs and the parts of the brain we can model their size and location. Assuming that the nervous system is built up from these fields and that it evolved in their presence, the role of the brain in synthesizing the frequencies of consciousness becomes clear using SCIET Theory.
The etheric fields surrounding the body are emanated by the cells. The midline of the body defines a natural pattern of interaction with the material and living environment because the cells are both matter and etheric. The movement over the surface generates flow from the center around both sides and combines with the sensory centers of the brain to generate opposing polarities that synthesize or balance to generate a mid-point field that is a magnitude faster and finer than the two that created it. This is the Focal Consciousness Field
The mechanism for compounding the fields is called the mid-point field in SCIET Theory, it is basic to all compound interactions in nature beginning with the formation of atoms, and in the brain it is generated by simultaneous inputs to each brain half by the sensory nervous system. The inputs firing simultaneously on opposite sides of the brain stimulate the creation of a third field that is a compound of both sides.
The body moves through the environment, which is an ocean of these scalar fields created by the planets multi-billion year journey through space. In addition to the built up spherical fields, the volume of molecular matter is structured by the layers of memory fields around the planet created by the rotation and resonance with all other moving fields. This is illustrated in the above graphic.
Stereoscopic vision is an example. Examining this idea, a researcher is struck by the fact that the primary region where the mid-points must be located in an empty space between the two hemispheres. These four cavities are referred to as the ventricles, and they are filled with cerebral spinal fluid. Based on this we can propose that the midpoint interaction of the hemispheric fields does not require neuronal network to function, because it operates at frequencies unrelated to the cellular tissue.
Returning to the distribution of sensory regions in the brain, the mirroring is not exact between the two halves and this suggests that there may be distinct frequency sets involved with each hemisphere. Hemispheric specialization, or lateralization is well known in popular culture with each side of the brain being responsible for different types of mental processing.
We now know that the default communication between cells in the body is based on light. Photonics communication is observed in the body and in the brain as well. So the specialization to process sound to manage speech is an addition to what is needed for normal survival by people. It may also suggest that speech itself is the result of an epigenetic adjustment by humanity that dramatically increased the availability of dopamine.
Dopamine Increases
Brain lateralization creates special areas on both sides of the brain dedicated to certain functions, with a particular emphasis in humans on speech and language, along with dominance of one side for the expression of the will. These features in humans rely on an enhanced use of dopamine. Its increased availability is due to adaptations related verbal language and vocabulary, and does not depend on specialized brain centers. Broccas region in humans is pivotal to speech, but in other primates it functions with much simpler sounds such as the variable screeches of a monkey. Apparently its role is not governed by its physiology but by the other features of the brain such as the availability of neurotransmitters and the scalar fields with which it stores information. If it is damaged the ability to manage those factors is limited or destroyed.
The senses input similar information along pathways to each side of the body and this causes a polarity imbalance that stimulates an electrical discharge between the sides of the brain. This discharge serves multiple functions since it is affecting both the nervous tissue and the field they generate. One function is to drive the formation of synaptic connections between the brain halves, creating the corpus callosum, and the other is to fix the recall of the immaterial scalar field associated with the experience that created the neuronal connection.
The process of thinking involves left-right discharge related to both visual and verbal inputs, apparently stimulating synaptogenesis, the synaptic formations created by sensory nervous system in response experience. Verbal in particular has evolved specific areas of the brain to handle sounds. It can be argued that the default processing of the brain is based on light, so the visual processing is inherent to the brain, while speech is a later add-on in human development.
Changing the availability of certain neurotransmitters may be a key adaptation to enable increased verbal abilities. Dopamine levels are shown to be pivotal to properly functioning linear or verbal processing in humans, at the same time the lack of it contributes to enhanced visual or spacial processing.
With the addition of enhanced dopamine in humans, the likelyhood that the left-right hemispheric specialization has given rise to different forms of processing on each side of the brain has increased. The ability to make voluntary choices to move the body is clearly shown to be related to dopamine.
Studies show that dopamine drives left-hemispheric lateralization of neural networks during human speech. How dopamine does this is shown to not be dependent on physical pathways, so the field interactions working with dopamine levels can be surmised to be related to electrical activity observed between the hemispheres during voluntary actions. This research supports the idea that hemispheric lateralization is related to the increase of dopamine levels.
In another article, Mission to Earth, I discuss the idea that humans were using a form of telepathy enabled by the global resonant temple complex until the end of the third millennium BC when the Temple were destroyed by global storms. What is inferred by this is that during the period following that disaster humanity was forced to depend on spoken language entirely and this required a lot more dopamine for the brain to manage speech. This could only happen with adaptations to the epigenetic markers in the genes. More than a thousand years pass before humanity demonstrates the quality of self-awareness according to Julian Jaynes in his Bicameral Brain theory, it is said to be capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as separate from the environment. According to Jaynes Bicameral Brain theory humans began to have this ability around 1000 BCE, so it took more than a thousand years after the Confusion of Tongues for humanity to develop this ability. This is probably forty or more generations. Dopamine is a key adaptation for modern man, because its increased presence does not need to be supported by DNA, but can be based on epigenetic coding instead.
How brain lateralization is affected by different shapes of the skull is not obvious, but research on the history of cultures that were predominantly dolichocephalic or long skulled, indicates that they were much less aggressive than their round skulled counterparts. In fact most of the ancient populations with long heads were matrilineal Goddess worshipers and their communities ended when round head invaders murdered them and heaped their bones into their homes and burned them. Understanding how being long headed predisposes an individual to be gentler and more philosophic is an important question.
The Resonant Cavity of the Skull
This article is focused on examining the consequences of changes to physiology of the brain and the resonant cavity of the skull. The reported changes in personality in individuals who have undergone cranial deformation to elongate their skulls are related to being more calm and thoughtful.
This comparison of a dolichocephalic individual with a normal human is proportional to the location of the facial features
The efforts of the brain to harmonize its charge state and use this to drive the sorting, analysis and storing of experience using fields makes sense, as does the layout of opposing sensory centers.
The graphic on the right was done to compare the physiology of the face and skull of both a long headed and round headed individual, with both aligned eye-to-eye, nose-to-nose and chin-to-chin the comparison reveals that dolichocephalic individual’s longer and narrower skull extended the brain backward significantly with the same volume of brain mass. This is an example of a cranial deformed normal human whose skull has been compressed with a clamping device during the first four years of growth. The result changes the shape of the brain as well as the skull, making the brain hemispheres closer together, shortening the distance across the ventricles and lengthening the sensory input regions within the brain. If the skull were a musical instrument, it would definitely make a different sound, and in this context the resonance of mental processes.
The ventricles are filled with fluid and are where the midpoint field centers during sensory input discharge.
The efforts of the brain to harmonize its charge state and use this to drive the sorting, analysis and storing of experience using fields makes sense, as does the left-right discharge between related neural inputs. In this context it would be natural to assume that there would be an optimum brain shape and layout of opposing sensory centers.
This is where the challenge of understanding the mental effects of cranial deformation begins. The main issue concerns the effect of narrowing the ventricles between the brain halves and moving the sensory centers of the brain closer to one another. Doing this makes the left-right electrical discharge travel a shorter distance and the scalar fields generated compound differently. The migration of axon and dendrites between the brain halves is shorter and this also makes the corpus callosum longer during it development as well. The inputs must be the same, so the only difference is in the generated fields proximity to one another and the resulting mid-point values.
The proportional difference in the length of the brain is obvious in the illustration above. The dolocephalic brain is about twenty percent longer in this image.
Modeling the visual focus field of the brain depends on the eye sensory centers located between the ears and occipital regions of the brain at the back of the head. Clearly this is affected by narrowing the head which increases the distance to the visual imaging area. In SCIET this is used for projecting the Point of Awareness and intention.
Another concept in SCIET Theory that is related is the awareness of time and future potentials present in every action, which may be interpreted as a spiritual quality. Lengthening the visual field increases the awareness of the environment while enhancing peripheral vision. Since sensory fields and their processes overlap within the brain, all are affected by the physiological change. We can only guess how it impacts the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components of the personality.
Archeological Evidence
These long head skulls are from Malta, where they ae stored in a basement room. This photo was taken in the seventies and is one of the rare images of the Malta long headed people who were found stuffed into The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni sanctuary.
We find that during the third millennium there were a wave of barbarous invasions into the area where many dolichocephalic populations lived in Europe and the Mediterranean. In Malta the long headed people were found in The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni stacked to the ceiling, their bodies apparently interred without ceremony by invaders intent on eliminating them and their Goddess worshiping culture.
This is seen in communities in ancient England as well, where the villages were attacked and the residents stacked in their long houses like bags of potatoes with evidence of violent death. It may have been a type of religious conflict driven by orders from the leaders of the attackers. It seems similar to the circumstances of the the Israelite attacks on Cannan, which were directed to eliminate hybrid humans and replace them with pure humans. Certainly it can be assumed that the long headed people were genetically different from he round headed people, whether the long heads were a pure genetic strain or mixed would have made no difference to a group intent on wiping that race from the face of the Earth.
This is the skull of a woman from Romania who died in Bavaria in the sixth century AD
Whether it is myth or fact, we have heard that the disaster of 9400 BC was engineered to eliminate what was considered a contaminated genome from the planet. We know that those efforts were not entirely successful, and that many areas on the surface escaped devastation, Whatever populations lived there continued to proliferate and stories like the one from the Bible about attacking Canaan and killing every living thing suggest that genetic contamination had to be a factor in this attitude.
In modern times the effort to eliminate the long heads continues in the form of denying the existence of the skulls throughout Europe and the Americas. Only since the Internet came into existence has this embargo on information been broken. Museums have consistently hidden the long skulls, storing them away from public view. Recent finds in Puru and the resulting publicity have avoided this fate and we now know that these skulls are from a people with a different DNA than normal humans.
For example, in many areas of the world, the custom of cranial deformation was practiced until those who did so were forced to stop by religious or political authorities. The practice seems strange to modern people, but apparently it served some purpose to those doing it. Of course it happened beginning shortly after birth, so however it started, the ones whose heads were deformed knew nothing about how it would be without it.
Culture of Long Heads
We do know a few things about the long headed people, where they lived and when. Some populations like the ones in Peru continued up to the time of William the Conqueror in isolated regions on the Southern coast of Peru, and their influence continued to inspire some tribal peoples to use head binding to lengthen their skulls.
A population that practiced cranial deformation, the Nahai-speaking area of Tomman Island and the south south-western Malakulan (Australasia), believe that a person with an elongated head is more intelligent, of higher status, and closer to the world of the spirits.[28]
Channeled Insights
Long Skulls in Egypt were found in the same burial areas as the aristocracy of Egypt and seem to be considered the Priest class of that society. In this channeled insight posted here, Elizabeth Haich explains the view of the Pharaoh on the differences between long heads and round heads.
Elisabeth Haich was a spiritual teacher and author of several books dedicated to spiritual subjects. The below quote is from her best known book, Initiation, Haich describes early experiences of her life in Hungary, as well as details of her past life during which she was initiated by her uncle, Ptahhotep, in ancient Egypt. In the following chapter of this book she describes why some people in the Egyptian aristocracy had elongated heads, and where their race came from.
Ever since my childhood father has been accustomed to my questions, and he now answers me as patiently as ever: ‘You have a mirror, and you have seen your head in this mirror, haven’t you?’ ‘Yes, Father, I see my head every day when Menu does my hair.’ ‘And what have you noticed?’ asks father. ‘That I have a much longer head than the sons of men in general. But you too, and Ptahhotep and most of the people in our race—the Sons of God, as people call us—have the same longer head form. It’s noticeable even in spite of the kerchief or head-gear or ornaments the person might be wearing. How is it, Father? Why is the shape of our heads different from that of the heads of the sons of men?’
Right now we are living in such a period of transition in which changes are noticeable. One of these phenomena is evident in the fact that various races of people with roundish skulls are led and governed by rulers who are spiritually greatly superior to them and who are even different from them physically. They have a more graceful figure and an elongated cranium.
Those of us who have this elongated skull make relatively little use of our intellects because we are able to experience truth directly with our inner sight. Our forehead is not heavily arched, because in our heads the brain centres having to do with the power of thinking are only developed to the point necessary for us to perceive and consciously experience external impressions. On the contrary, in the rear part of our cranium we possess fully developed brain centres, the physical instruments of spiritual revelation. These brain centres enable us to be conscious on the divine plane and give us those superior qualities and characteristics which distinguish us from the sons of men. Human beings, in their consciousness, live in time and space. We, although we too inhabit earthly bodies, enjoy the perfect spiritual freedom, in freedom from time and space. Through the power of the divine consciousness and with the help of these brain centres, we are able to move freely in time and space. ‘This means that we are able to shift our consciousness into the past or into the future at will. In other words, we are able to experience the past and the future as present. And with the same ease we can free ourselves from the hindrance of space and move our consciousness to any place we wish. In this condition there is no “here” and no “there”, but only omnipresence. For past and future—here and there—are only different aspects, different projections of the one and only reality, the eternal omnipresent Being: GOD.
It is interesting that it mentions the idea that the fore brain used by modern humans to recall our experiences and plan activities is mentioned as being unnecessary to the “Sons of God” because they use the fully developed brains centers of spiritual revelation in the back of the head. These ideas are consistent with what would be expected by lengthening the skull, but we cannot address how a naturally evolved Long Head was like, we are only looking at why normal humans would opt to narrow the skulls of their infant children. There must have been perceived advantages, and it may have involved being more spiritual and even the ability to communicate telepathically with others having the same type of skull as mentioned in the quote above.
Long Heads and SCIET Summary
In popular literature and on the Internet, what is referred to as Long Heads is of two types in the modern era of archeology, natural long heads and cranial deformed long heads. This article addresses the second type as a means to examine the effects of narrowing the skull of a normal human being.
The practice of artificial cranial deformation was widely practices until it was forbidden by colonial invaders in the last 400 hundred years. In some tribes on islands and the interior of the continents it may continue today. Although it was frowned upon by churches and authorities because it represented an older culture, there was no practical reason for banning it, unless it was considered abusive to the child. This may well have been the reason cited by the colonials.
What is obvious is that those practicing cranial deformation did it for a reason, and what is reported about those so affected, is that they were more spiritual and wiser in their reactions to others.
Brain cavity analysis of those born normal and artificially deformed shows that their brain processes were different because of it. Illustrated above is an increase on the length of the brain by 20 percent, making their visual fields subject to the influence of other regions of the brain during processing. Whether or not this made them wiser or more philosophical is not known, but that is the character reported by the historical information available today.
The history of long headed people from the archeological record indicates that the naturally long headed were not war like, being Goddess worshippers within a matrilineal society. These people lived everywhere on the planet and that until the third millennium they prospered throughout the Mediterranean, Indus Valley and Europe, at which time invading tribes of patrilineal people engaged in a campaign of genocide against them. We know that the Celts and Aryans both committed genocide against the long headed people, but there is no explanation for why.
One idea that comes forward now is derived from research related to the influence of off world beings. It appears that the long headed beings were a hybrid of the off world culture, and that the round headed ones were the intended “inheritors of the Earth”, an idea, that if true would suggest that the round heads, the humans, were instructed by their “Gods”to exterminate them and eliminate their genes from the planet. Research on the DNA of the Paracas long heads has established that they are not “homo sapiens” but another variety of human entirely.
The Sumerian tablets tell that a great flood was called for by one of the Sumerian Gods, and that it caused humanity to be pushed to the brink of extinction, necessitating intervention by introducing genetically adapted cereal crops and domesticated animals. The cataclysm must have so damaged the environment that they could no longer forage for food successfully.
What we learned from the research is that long headedness made people more gentle, thoughtful, philosophical and peaceful. Unfortunately this made them easy targets for violent invaders who used this quality against them in their invasions.
It may have been that the natural long heads had a marked advantage over the humans in terms of mental abilities. They may have been able to communicate telepathically, overwhelm the self control of normal humans and other capabilities that we would consider paranormal. Some of the skulls in Paracas are so different, with such larger brain cavities that suggesting they could do more seems logical.
What the natural long heads were like in terms of their culture can only be surmised from the archeological record in places like Paracas Peru, where large cemetery sites have been excavated during the last fifty years. While many cultures bury people with weapons, these are conspicuously missing from the funerary sites. Jewelry, woven cloth and personal items dominate their grave goods. The end of their culture along the coast of Peru did not indicate a violent end. Whether a calamity like a tidal wave or an epidemic was responsible is unknown, but if this did happen it is very likely that afterward the remaining people continued until the last one died or moved to another known society.
Our experience of seeing, remembering and visualizing all hinge on the ability of the mind to place our awareness at the center of a spherical reality that converts incoming sensory information from our nervous system, particularly our eyes, memory and imagination into a manipulable visual construct.
The visual aspect of our being is a only a part of total sensory input, but pivotal to understanding how we survive death and return again and again to complete our goals for living. We call it the Soul, and it has two important qualities that seem very different during analysis. First there is the ability to contain the experience of living and review it, whether it is a moment later or many lifetimes in the past. Second and most important is that we remain at the center of the experience at all times, somehow we are able to observe those experiences regardless of the events that created them.
Clearly our memories are not who we are, only the record that tells where we have been and what we have done, who we have loved and how we have felt. Who is it that does the observing? How does it work that this capability remains constant throughout our experience of being conscious?
The Soul contains all of our memories from all our existences both material and immaterial, it includes the yearning and hopes from previous lives and remembers those we loved so deeply that losing them meant that our lives no longer had meaning. Your soul gives you your purpose for living.
The Experience of Meditation Solves the Hard Problem
Today’s scientific researchers depend largely on their knowledge of neurology and physics in order to deal with much of the evidence they have gathered, but those tools leave us stranded without answers for so many questions that no-one seems to be able to present the sort of working hypothesis that gains easy acceptance. Compounding this is the lack of a way to model non-material aspects of our experience, the shared Etheric reality in which the Universe exists. None of the proposals to understand where the “I” exists, the hard problem of consciousness, really nails it.
The real hard problem for scientific researchers into the nature of consciousness is that they are forbidden from discussing so-called “supernatural influence”, especially the existence of a Creator Being, without which the entire discussion depends on unconvincing assumptions about the source of consciousness. SCIET Theory explains that a range of frequency far higher than that of SpaceTime can achieve the unification of all information. No supernatural effect is required.
By invoking the common experience of meditation, a practice in which we are told to “go inward” and be in the silence of our internal reality, we can understand this. If you take this idea into its logical extreme, then you can imagine that a great being, a sort of super meditator could go so deep that a state could be reached where no other being had ever ventured or entered. It would be a state of mind without limitations except what the meditator defined. If you can imagine this situation then we can go to the next step.
The meditator would be at the center of their own potential universe, but within a larger reality of being already in existence. So the meditator reaches this state and realizes it, only to ask “where I am I?” or to observe that this is a new space and that the meditator being is within it, at the center of it. Now the question of “where am I” is one of observation and this would require the meditator being to inquire of the new space about its conditions. So how would this happen? If we assume the meditator being possesses attention and focus then the question would have these qualities as well, so its search would begin with an outreach of curiosity, a probing beam of attention. In doing this the meditator being would bring the energy of its larger existence into this much more limited space, and this energy would be forced to contain itself in this limited realm.
So this sets the stage for a concept of God existing in the awareness of being that is found within meditation. What is created by the inquiry is an energetic difference from the emptiness that existed when the meditator being arrived in the state. Now the question is, “What happens when the energy of a larger existence enters the limited space of the meditators internal reality”?
The “Hard Problem of Consciousness” is resolved by this notion of the “Great Meditator” because it assigns the ability of the mind to place our awareness at the center of a spherical reality to the original Awareness that preexisted the Creation Event. This idea is echoed throughout mystical and religious literature in which a creator being puts fragments of his/her consciousness within each sentient being in the creation.
SCIET Dynamics explains the Soul simply
The Soul is based on the same principles that created atoms at the beginning of the Creation. Point-to-point resonance returns to each point and goes into orbit around the center forming a continuous spherical layer of information.
Actual photograph of a nuclei of pure iron taken with a radiation microscope. Note that it is made of spherical shells connected by lines from center to center.
When this happens at the atomic level it creates the Atomic Shell and the same effect is used to store memories around the point of Awareness. This means that your sensory system is interactive with all points that surround you, and that your consciousness utilizes this to process your path forward moment-by-moment. Simply stated, you are behind your eyes utilizing a modeling system to see what is presently around you, to remember what you have seen and experienced and to imagine anything else that you want to visualize. These spherical layers are also reduced to molecular size as they are processed by the mind until they reach their smallest possible size, which is then broadcast throughout the body’s DNA in true Holographic fashion.
At this size the memories are passed to an even smaller dimension where they enter long term memory to form what I have called a Memory Tunnel. The Awareness is able to pass from waking consciousness at the center of your brain to deep ancestral awareness at the center of your Memory Tunnel during any past life. You are able to traverse from one moment to the previous or into deep antiquity by simply imagining that past moment.
This new math allows us to understand how we can be the observer at the center of a spherical field with layers of information that exists as a result of the brains energetic field. The layout of the brain’s parts is consistent with this idea, with the internal reality modeled upside down and backwards, so that the visual field is projected toward the back of the head while the feet are modeled with the top regions the brain. The sky is modeled from point where the spinal cord connects the brain, and is the vanishing point above our heads. All the parts of the body and its sensory system are modeled by the brain using synaptic firing to provoke different spherical memories needed to manage the body.
SCIET Theory, Consciousness and the Soul
The new math, the SCIET, reduces all incoming information toward the center until it reaches SOURCE. Therefore all SCIETs are points of Awareness and are, in effect, holes in the fabric of SpaceTime that connect to Source. All Relationships in SpaceTime are Point-to-Point, (Einstein’s Special Relativity) meaning that the Soul is in continuous relationship with everything around it. According to its concepts the Soul is a recording of all experiences a being has since it separated from the Awareness that began the Creation. The SCIET provides a mathematical tool to describe this process using a single cycle integrative effect topology to identify how a single point-to-point fractional reduction becomes a record of that momentary state while alive and also while in the transitionary state between lives. The center of this recording is where the fragment of God exists, and it is this center of Awareness that is charged with evolving, or learning how to operate within the constraints of the accumulated information. So the Soul is a vehicle for Awareness that is descended from the original Awareness that began the creation. In this sense, the Soul is the combination of that Awareness and all of the experiences it has accumulated.
This illustration of orbs is a composite of many images. Note that some have what appear to be faces inside of them.
If you want to imagine what this would look like and how it would be a vehicle during the after life, consider what is written about Orbs that appear when researchers investigate reports of ghosts or visit spiritual sites. The appearance of Orbs of Light is constant in some places and sometimes witnesses report seeing faces or people within them. Additionally, Orbs are reported as UFOs and are always reactive to what people are thinking or saying about them. Recently, a witness from the Secret Space Program has reported being in contact with a race of beings from the Sixth dimension who manifest themselves as Blue Spheres, but can also manifest as humanoid beings in order to meet with him.
The Soul is a point of Awareness surrounded by the energetic information of its accumulated existences, and appears to us as an orb of light when it wants to appear to us at all, the rest of the time it exists in the frequency realms that vibrate at the center of our DNA, constantly aware of all life and able to inhabit whatever vehicle we need to achieve our spiritual purpose.
Normally, we do this during the experience of dreaming, a time when our consciousness connects to higher frequencies through the pineal gland. These higher frequencies enable us to bring our entire Soul Experience into a realm that is as small as the frequency channel at the center of the strand of DNA molecules within each cell of our bodies. It is this frequency realm that surrounds the planet as part of the biological web of life, and it is within this channel that our After Life exists, still able to connect to the living, who all have access to this frequency level as part of their consciousness. When we really analyze the scale of life, it is the cell and the DNA within it that provides the basis of all living organisms.
The path to truly understanding who we are and how we connect to the Universe depends upon the intellectual tools we use. The SCIET is an idea whose time has come, but it is so different from the current tool set, that most people educated in modern science cannot grasp its simple ideas, primarily that we live in a crystalline SpaceTime reality that fractures with every move made within it. The SCIET describes how this happens and how each of these moves creates a permanent record at each level while continuously feeding those changes back to the Source from which it all originated. It is a new tool, one that help us understood with computer modeling the invisible worlds of multidimensional reality, the brain and nervous system, the mind and spirit, and the Soul when society is ready to grasp who we are and how we have arrived at this point in our evolution.
Is it possible that Tachyons are the KEY TO THE EVENT?
Yes, the best guess about the “energetic particles” referred to as being pivotal to the raising of frequencies is that they are Tachyons.
After reviewing the article on Wikipedia about Tachyons, it is necessary to depart from the idea of an imaginary particle and focus on one that can and does exist.
The platinum group of elements has been extensively researched for their ability to become superconductive when forced into circuit, that is the idea of being mechanically deformed so that their end valances actually connect to form an energetic circuit, a loop.
This image of a star with jets of particles shooting from its poles is from an unknown source.
There is much experimental work regarding this, and one of the key discoveries is that these elements are quite common in their monoatomic form, unlike the metallic form we usually think of when referring to these elements. In fact they are common enough that all life incorporates them into each cell and the glial cells in particular host them in significant numbers where they are used to bathe the synaptic gaps with a fluid that generates a superconductive field around the synapse. Based on the carbon reduction of brain tissue in laboratories, the brain of a pig contains a significant amount of iridium and rhodium, which is important because these elements have no role in construction of brain tissue. They are not structural elements so they must be there for a different reason, namely to create the high frequency field needed by the mind/brain to manage the body and its connection to the high frequency long term information storage in the DNA, and in humans it goes beyond that to what is referred to as the “soul”.
Today there is substantial interest in using Tachyons to assist the body in healing and balancing itself in the turmoil of an environment filled with toxic elements and fields of energy.
If, as the article in Wikipedia suggests, Tachyons are extremely high speed particles similar to cosmic rays or neutrinos, their utility in healing would be negative instead of positive. Being “faster than light” may not be true at all, in the sense that they travel through space like bullets faster than the speed of light. What is most likely is that “tachyons” are actually related to ORMES, White Gold, the Philosophers Stone and other Ormus minerals being tested and used to heal around the world.
Faster than light is a term not necessarily incorrect for Tachyons if they are related to the platinum group of elements. The quality of these elements to be able to use quantum teleportation is the basis of their being able to appear to travel faster than light. This is because they enter a state of disconnection from materiality when in the superconductive state, losing their gravitational attraction and become their own “portals” able to jump through time and space.
Of course this begs the question of “where do they come from?”, a question that has the rather weird answer: “from anywhere they are in the superconductive state”
Now the better answer is to postulate that these elements are being ejected from stars in the superconductive state, and in such quantity that they have accumulated throughout the universe as “highly energetic particles” over the entire span of the universe existence, or at least since it became complex enough to have the platinum group of metals being formed in stars. In this case the “tachyons” would be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. If this seems odd and contradictory, then you need to think about the effect of their being their own time and space “portals” able to connect to anyplace that seems attractive to them wherein they simply jump through the void to that attractive place and time.
Realistically, most tachyons are probably coming from nearby, especially since they are likely related to the Ormus elements and are pervasive in the environment.
The Tachyons created by stars are another matter entirely. It is logical to assume that these elements are activated, meaning that the end valances are connected and they are in a superconductive state, since this state would need to be involved in a collision for it to end, so when they enter it they remain in that state.
When will these Tachyons reach “critical mass”, the condition where their presence as superconductive portals extends beyond their small presence at the molecular level and into the space around them? This question is not far fetched at all. In fact the spiritual body is based on just that condition, a situation in which the super conductive field created by the presence of the Elements of Life in the body is able to move out of the body and into the external realms surrounding the planet.
Indeed, the potential for our galaxy to become a sentient body with its own field of consciousness just like the ones that engulf the embodied souls of living beings is not so difficult to imagine.
Is this situation the Event? Will all spiritual beings be able to function as part of this single body of consciousness at that point? This would be consistent with what we know about the creation and explains much about what is being said about the Event.
A few years ago my friends and I read and discussed a PDF book titled Alien Interview by Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy. The small volume was fascinating for several reasons, first it purported to be a first person account of meeting and communicating with one of the survivors of the Roswell crash in 1947. As the book explains it:
The content of this book is primarily excerpted from the letter, interview transcripts and personal notes I received from the late Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy. Her letter to me asserts that this material is based on her recollection of communication with an alien being, who “spoke” with her telepathically. During July and August of 1947 she interviewed an extraterrestrial being who she identifies as “Airl”, and whom she claims was and continues to be an officer, pilot and engineer who was recovered from a flyer saucer that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico on July 8th, 1947.
The story is convincing and the author, Lawrence R. Spencer has included an appendix that requires more than half of the books 319 pages (164) which provide extensive support for the claims made. I have included the book as a downloadable PDF linked from the article.
This image is not intended to be Airl, but one that suggests the situation during her captivity.
In the book Ms MacElroy describes her role as an Army Air Force Nurse (WAC) assigned to assist with the care of the survivor at (Kirkland) Army Air Force Base in New Mexico. While involved with her duties with the Alien, she began to receive telepathic communications, and was told that she was the only one because the other people in contact with the Alien were aggressive and only wanted to control the situation. As the relationship developed the Alien told Ms. MacElroy that she identified with being a female and wanted to called Airl. One of the pivotal statements from Airl explains her view about answering questions and why:
... I thought. "Will you answer questions from the
gallery now?"
"No. I will not answer questions. I will provide
information to you that I think will be beneficial to
the well-being of the immortal spiritual beings who
comprise humanity, and that will foster the survival of
all the myriad life forms and the environment of Earth,
as it is a part of my mission to ensure the preservation
of Earth.
"Personally, it is my conviction that all sentient
beings are immortal spiritual beings. This includes
human beings. For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I
will use a made-up word: "IS-BE". Because the primary
nature of an immortal being is that they live in a
timeless state of "is", and the only reason for their
existence is that they decide to "be".
No matter how lowly their station in a society, every
IS-BE deserves the respect and treatment that I myself
would like to receive from others. Each person on Earth
continues to be an IS-BE whether they are aware of the
fact or not."
While this book has much to discuss, the key part for me is described in the above paragraph. The “IS-BE” is identical to the concept of the Point of Awareness that accumulates all its experiences, in SCIET Dynamics, which is well presented in the article on this site titled The Soul Explained by SCIET Theory Of course, the articulation of what is meant by “IS-BE” is extensive and provides a much better narrative than is possible from humanity’s limited perspective. Download the PDF and take a look at it, read if you have time and think about what this concept means to us in the context of the Soul.
Please write about your perceptions of the book in the comments section below. I will answer a often as possible. For your information and to inspire you read the book. I have excerpted the first 28 pages of the Alien Interview in order to provide a sense of what the book contains.
Based On Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided by : Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy
Editing and Supplemental Footnotes by: Lawrence R. Spencer ( Author of “The Oz Factors” )
Copyright (c) 2008 by Lawrence R. Spencer. All Rights Reserved.
Cover and book design by Lawrence R. Spencer
Printed in The United States of America First Edition Printing: 2008
My sincerest thanks to the enthusiastic, insightful editorial support of Michel and Brenda. Thank you very much to all of the diligent and unselfish work of the owners, staff and tireless contributors and editors of Wikipedia.org upon which thematerial in this book relies heavily for efficacious documentary support of many of the footnoted items sited in the text of the transcripts and comments from Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy.
As far as the Editor of the book, “Alien Interview” is concerned, and for all practical purposes, the content of the book is a work of fiction. The Editor makes no claim to the factuality of the content, and in fact, cannot prove that the alleged author actually ever existed. Although some of the dates, locations, persons and incidents described may be factual or based on fact, there is no evidence to authenticate that equally as many may be subjective contrivances of the author.
All of the information, notes and transcripts received by the Editor are contained in their complete, original form, as represented in the book. The Editor is no longer in possession of any original documents or copies of original documents from the author, i.e. Mrs. MacElroy.
Some material contained in the book may have similarities to Earth philosophies as the variety of these are too numerous to list, and bear too many fundamental similarities to be easily differentiated. Although the book discusses the origins of the universe, the time track of the physical universe, paranormal activities of immortal and/or extraterrestrial beings, “aliens” or “gods”, it is in no way the intention of the Editor to represent, endorse, forward or assume the viewpoint of the author, any political doctrine, economic vested interest, scientific hypothesis, religious practice or philosophy, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial.
The notes and transcripts contained in the book, are solely and only the based on the representations and documents provided by the author, the late Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy, unless otherwise specifically annotated by Footnotes in The Appendix of the book.
The Editor is not responsible for any assumptions, inferences or conclusions made by the reader based on the material is this book, which are solely and only the responsibility of the reader.
What is true for you, is true for you.
Lawrence R. Spencer — Editor
Table Of Contents
2 TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………
4 FOREWORD ………………………………………………………………
5 PREAMBLE…………………………………………………………………
6 DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………
8 DEFINITIONS …………………………………………………………………
150 APPENDIX: EDITOR’S FOOTNOTES………………………156- 303
“We ask, as Fools who know not Our Own Spirit:
Where are the hidden traces left by The Gods?”
— Rig Veda —
book i, stanza 164, lines 5 a & b
What greater brutality can be inflicted on anyone than to erase or deny the spiritual awareness, identity,
ability, and memory that is the essence of oneself?
— Lawrence R. Spencer — 2008
This book is dedicated to all Immortal Spiritual Beings, whether they are aware of themselves as such, or not. It is especially dedicated to the wisdom, courage and integrity of those Greater Beings, who in various incarnations at various times during the past, in the present and into the future, enkindle and carry the Flame of Truth into the darkest corners of the universe.
This dedication is not only to the philosophical teachings and technologies developed by these beings, but to the demonstrated and documented courage to apply their philosophy in the face of overwhelming ignorance, overt hostility and aggressive suppression by lesser beings and by the self- serving vested interests of inter-galactic and planetary political, economic, and religious institutions.
Though relatively few in number, the profound wisdom and heroic dedication of such beings, and those who share their quest, have been the only effective deterrent to spiritual slavery. Freedom, Communication, Creativity ,Trust and Truth for all Immortal Spiritual Beings in this universe is their legacy. The Good Examples set by them is our sanctuary and sustenance. Personal, diligent application of their teachings is our weapon against the dwindling spiral of chaos and oblivion that is the material universe.
— Lawrence R. Spencer —
Editorial Guidelines Used In This Book
I have tried not to edit the material I received from Mrs. MacElroy except to the degree necessary to make a logical sequence of the material she mailed to me. Wherever possible I have quoted or transcribed her original written notes verbatim.
In some instances I have taken editorial liberty to add other information, or supplementary commentary which I feel will add useful definitions, or clarification to the information given in the official transcripts, or to her remarks or observations. These appear as a numbered “(Footnote)” in the Appendix at the end of the book. All footnote references, where possible, are copied verbatim from the free internet encyclopedia website www.wikipedia.org. If information was not available through Wikipedia.org, I used the popular internet search engine www.google.com to find a website reference that seemed most appropriate to the subject matter.
Mrs. MacElroy did not make a notation of dates in the most of the documents, so I am not certain that the sequence of material matches the actual sequence of events, or sequence of the interviews, except as noted on the official transcripts themselves.
Since it has been 60 years since the date of the interviews, and considering the age of Mrs. MacElroy before her death, I reasoned that she did not necessarily have an acute recollection of exact names, dates and times, except as recorded in the transcripts of July 8th through August 12th, 1947.
The material in this book is organized into three different types. The following notations will be used to designate where these appear in this book:
(TYPE FONT: Times Roman, 12 point)
a survival or non-survival plan or agenda which has been “clothed” to make it seem like something other than what it actually is.
any person, group or entity which prevents or controls communication to serve their own purposes, (plans or agenda).
— Reference: Page 37, The Oz Factors, by Lawrence R. Spencer. Mystery:
an enigma or problem involving paradox or apparent contradiction
profound, inexplicable, or secretive quality or character
— Reference: www.merriam-webster.com
The Mystery of UFOs and Extraterrestrials
If you have studied UFO phenomena at all, you are already familiar with the infamous Orson Welles radio broadcast of “War of the Worlds, And The Invasion from Mars” 1 (Footnote) on Oct. 30, 1938. This fictitious radio dramatization of an invasion of Earth by “aliens” incited a global UFO and extraterrestrial hysteria long before the UFO crash near Roswell, N.M. in 1947.
During the past 60 years, since the alleged Roswell crash, there have been tens of thousands of reported UFO sightings. A global hysteria has emerged from “evidence” of what is presumed to be extraterrestrial phenomenon. Concurrently, the unrelenting denial of this phenomenon by the U.S. government has precipitated an uninterrupted flurry of accusations, counter- accusations, cover-up conspiracy theories, lunatic fringe speculations, “scientific investigations”, etc., etc., ad nauseam, and a growing multitude of similar alleged “close encounters”.
My first thought when I received the package of documents from Mrs. MacElroy was: “This is just another set of Majestic-12 documents”.
I am referring to a “mysterious package” reportedly received by mail in 1984 shortly after the death of the last surviving member of the so- called “Majestic-12” committee, alleged to have been organized by President Harry Truman shortly after the Roswell incident in 1947.
There are several similarities to the “Majestic-12” documents and the package I received from Mrs. MacElroy. In the case of the former, an envelope was sent from an anonymous sender with no return address. It contained an undeveloped roll of film. That’s all. On the roll of film were photos of documents that were assumed to be authentic by the recipient and his colleagues whose vested interest, i.e. livelihood, depend heavily on attracting public notice and credibility to themselves as “leading authorities” on the subject of UFO phenomena. They have worked relentlessly since then to discover “proof” that the documents are authentic. Of course, government agencies deny everything alleged in the documents and anything having to do with the subject of extraterrestrials in general.
In addition, the subject has become so thoroughly overwhelmed with obvious false reports, discredited sources, hearsay, manufactured falsehoods, misunderstandings, missing information, added inapplicable information and a myriad of other conflicting complexities which have made the subject laughable or unapproachable as a science. This may be intentional, or simply a reflection of the general chaos and barbarism that is Humanity.
As for government denials and cover-ups, the events of September 11, 2001, have made it abundantly apparent to me that the U.S. government has destroyed any vestige of trust the American people and the world may have harbored, even through the Vietnam war, Watergate, and many similar betrayals, in the “honesty” of the American government, military and intelligence community, by blatantly lying to it’s own people about almost anything and everything.
In spite of vast numbers of “UFO sightings”, innumerable reports of “alien abductions”, and “close encounters” with extraterrestrials that pervade nearly all of prehistoric and recorded human history I found only one underlying, unifying, undisputable, axiomatic common denominator that permeates all of this data:
Assuming that subjective reality, or beliefs, of individuals is acceptable evidence, there has been no universally agreed upon “proof” that UFOs and / or extraterrestrial life forms exist whether based on government admission , physical evidence, circumstantial or subjective data.
There are several deductions I can infer from the lack of agreement, government admission or physical evidence that such things are real that, if verified, may lead to a workable solution to this mystery:
In spite of an enormous collection of subjective, circumstantial and objective “evidence” of extraterrestrial activity on and around Earth, the existence, intentions and the activities of extraterrestrials remain hidden and mysterious.
Universally agreed upon proof of extraterrestrial life based on subjective data, government admission, physical and circumstantial evidence are subject to conflicting vested interests, which has made such proof unattainable.
Collectively, these deductions beg the obvious question:
If extraterrestrials life forms exist, why is there no consistent, forthright , open, interactive communication between Mankind and Extraterrestrials?
Fortunately, subjective reality does not require evidence or “proof”. Therefore, I decided to write this book in order to pass along a subjective communication I received from Mrs. MacElroy to other people who may be interested in it.
Personally, I am not assuming that anything I received from Mrs. MacElroy is in any way authentic, with the exception of the envelope and the paper inside the envelope. I cannot substantiate any of it. Indeed, I can’t truly verify that there was ever such a person as Mrs. MacElroy other than a voice I heard over the phone in 1998. The voice could have been anyone. Personally, I do not have a vested interest in UFO research. Yes, I’ve written a few books about immortal spiritual beings — because I’m interested in the subject. But I haven’t sold enough of those books to pay for the time it took to write them.
It is a hobby. I earn my living as a small business consultant.
It is not my intention to justify, explain, or remedy any disability to perceive or understand the mysteries of extraterrestrial existence, UFOs, governments agendas or spiritual abilities. Nor is it intended to educate, persuade, or promote to anyone that any of these phenomena exist. Furthermore, what I may or may not think about any of this is irrelevant.
Moreover, I have burned all of the original documents, including the envelope I received from Mrs. MacElroy. I do not want to spend the rest of my life being hounded by UFO researchers, government agents, grocery store tabloids reporters, UFO advocates and de-bunkers alike, or anyone else. Any “proofs” or attempts to authenticate the assertion that Mrs. MacElroy actually interviewed an alien in 1947 will have to be done by others.
Ripley says, “Believe It, or Not”. 3 (Footnote) I say, “What’s true for you, is true for you”.
Lawrence R. Spencer Editor
About The Source Of Material In This Book
The content of this book is primarily excerpted from the letter, interview transcripts and personal notes I received from the late Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy. Her letter to me asserts that this material is based on her recollection of communication with an alien being, who “spoke” with her telepathically. During July and August of 1947 she interviewed an extraterrestrial being who she identifies as “Airl”, and whom she claims was and continues to be an officer, pilot and engineer who was recovered from a flyer saucer that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico on July 8th, 1947.
Obviously, anyone reading anything about this most famous, or infamous, of all “flying saucer” or “alien encounter” events must necessarily be highly suspicious regarding 1) the authenticity of the report and 2) the credibility of the source of information, especially when it appears for the first time sixty years after the alleged event!
I received the aforementioned letter from Mrs. MacElroy on September 14th, 2007, together with a package of documents. The package contained three types of documents:
1) hand-written notes in cursive on ordinary, lined, 8 1/2″ X 11″school notebook paper, which I assume had been written personally by Mrs. MacElroy.
2) notes typed on a manual typewriter on plain, white 20 lb. bond paper, which I am assume were prepared personally by her. At least both had the appearance of having been written in the same hand writing, and / or typed on the same typewriter consistently throughout. The writing in the notes I received also appeared to be the same as the writing on the address and return address of the manila envelope I received from Navan, Ireland, which was postmarked on 3 September, 2007. Since I am not a forensic expert, or handwriting analyst, my opinion in these matter is not a professionally qualified judgment.
3) many pages of typewritten transcriptions of her interview with the alien. These were obviously typed on a different typewriter. These pages were typed on a different type of paper and showed apparent signs of age and repeated handling.
None of these notes were assembled in any particular order, or by date, except where indicated by a sentence or paragraph of preamble or explanation by her, or by extrapolation from the context of the pages.
Voltaire 4 (Footnote) is quoted as having said: “History is a Mississippi of lies”.
According to the comments made by the alien in the interview transcripts, supplied by Mrs. MacElroy, the fundamental lesson of history is that many, many gods have become men, but very few men, if any, have returned to being a god again.
According to the alien being — “Airl” — if anything he / she / it supposedly communicated can be trusted — and if the “translation” or interpretation of this alleged communication is accurate, the history of this universe is a “River of Lies” down which the might and freedom of all-powerful, god-like, immortal spiritual beings ended and was lost in a Sea of Matter and Mortality.
Furthermore, according to the very direct and undiplomatic statements made — which seem to express the “personal opinion” of the alien — if one were traveling the far reaches of the universe in search of a place called “Hell”, it would be an accurate description of Earth and the inhabitants in its current condition.
To further compound, complicate and magnify the “incredible” source of the “interview transcriptions” I received from Mrs. MacElroy is the fact that they are:
1) based almost entirely on “telepathic communication” between the alien and Mrs. MacElroy.
2) many of these interviews discuss “paranormal” activities of “immortal spiritual beings”.
Of course, most “scientific authorities” are unwilling to acknowledge or perceive spiritual phenomena of any kind.
The dictionary definition of the word paranormal is: adjective:
1. cannot be explained by scientific methods
2. supernatural, or seemingly outside ”normal” sensory channels
By definition, people who use the word “paranormal” are 1) not able to explain spiritual phenomena and 2) spiritual phenomena are outside of their normal sensory channels.
In short, scientists suffer from the inability and/or unwillingness to perceive and/or explain spiritual activities. Therefore, the discussion of spiritual activities or spiritual universes in this book are expected to be understood only by those who can and will perceive such things.
According to the time spans related by the alien in several of the interviews, there are a number of compelling and heretofore unknown reasons that suggest the possibility that many extraordinary miscalculations have been made by Earth scientists regarding the origins and antiquity of the universe, Earth, life forms and events. Of course, these may or may not be accurate either, as time and it’s ugly step-child, history, are largely subjective.
However, it can be observed that, by contrast with interstellar or “macrocosmic time”, the historical perspective of residents of Earth is limited to a relatively microscopic period of time, compared to what are considered to be “recent events” in the chronology of an space travel civilization, much less the entire time span of the universe.
The geological record of Earth is reckoned, by the best guesses of scientists, to be only about 4 billion years. The antiquity of homo sapiens in the archaeology textbooks is estimated at only a few million years, at most. Even the entire biological spectrum is considered to have existed on this planet for only a few hundred million years. And, by and large, the personal memory of individual beings on this planet is limited to only one lifetime.
All other dates, events, or interpretations of events cited in this book are from terrestrial sources, which are purely subjective observations, conjectures, or inventions of human beings, including those of the author, and must therefore be credited or disregarded by the reader accordingly, considering the penchant of Earth inhabitants to myopia, egocentricity, and general ignorance of the several universes in which we dwell.
This book is intended to be an informal presentation of information provided to me, sixty years after the fact, of a series of interviews between an alien space craft officer, pilot & engineer and an Army Air Force surgical nurse.
Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy Biographical Information
Since I have never met Mrs. MacElroy in person, and spoke with her over the phone only once for about 20 minutes, I can not vouch personally for her as a credible source of information. In fact, I cannot factually substantiate that such a person actually existed, accept that I did speak with her on the phone and I received hand-written material in the mail which was sent from a physical address in Ireland.
When I spoke to her on the phone in 1998, I was living in Florida. At the time of our brief phone interview, Mrs. MacElroy lived on Scotty Pride Drive in Glasgow, Montana. I know this because I mailed a copy of my book, The Oz Factors, to her as a gift after it was published in 1999. I am sure she received the book, because she refers to it by name in the letter I received from Ireland, and says that she read it.
I did a little research on the internet about Glasgow, Montana for my own interest. Glasgow was founded in 1887 as a railroad town that became popular during the 1930s because President FDR requested that Fort Peck Dam be constructed there which became a huge source of employment for the Glasgow area. In the 1960s the population flourished up to 12,000 because of Glasgow Air Force Base (SAC), which was used during the Vietnam conflict and the earlier part of the ‘Cold War’. The base was deactivated and closed in 1969.
When I talked to Mrs. MacElroy on the phone she mentioned that she had been relocated there by the U.S. Air Force after her service was completed, and that’s where she met her husband, who was an engineer. I don’t think she mentioned his first name. However, he worked on building the Fort Peck Dam, which created the massive Fort Peck Lake. Although the dam was finished in 1940, he was a great fisherman and outdoorsman, so he stayed in the area. I gathered that the Irish heritage of the place had something to do with it, but didn’t pursue that point with her. I haven’t been able to find any record of a “MacElroy” who worked at the dam, but the personnel records from that period are virtually non-existent as far as I can determine.
I contacted her during my research for The Oz Factors book because I was led to believe, through a very circuitous line of investigation, that this womenwas suspected of having been involved with alien contact at Area 51, or the Roswell crash site, or something similar.
Through a sequence of circumstantial inferences and accidental referrals, I actually found her number in the phone book and called her up just on the chance that there might really be such a person.
Needless to say, when I called her she was less than forthcoming in her response to my questions. However, I think she was impressed by my genuine and innocent sincerity to get information for my book, and realized that I had no nefarious or financially motivated purposes or reason to exploit her in any way. Nonetheless, she did not give me any useful information at that time, except to say that she had been in the Army and was stationed in New Mexico in 1947.
She could not discuss anything whatsoever about any kind of incident, as her life depended on remaining silent. Although this piqued my interest even more, it was futile to try to push her any further, so I gave up and forgot about her until last September, when I got the package from Ireland.
I tried to contact her in Ireland at the return address on the package, but received no reply from her, nor have I been able to find anyone in Meath County, Ireland who was acquainted with either of them except the landlady from whom they rented a room for a few weeks before their deaths, which seemed to have occurred simultaneously, although I have no real evidence of this.
However, the post mark of the envelope she sent to me was stamped at the post office in Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland on the date sited above. Since there is an actual residence (according to Google Maps) at the return address shown on the envelope, I wrote to the address and was advised by the home owner that both Mrs. MacElroy and her husband, whose name turns out to have been “Paul”, were both recently deceased. She said that the cremated remains of Mrs. MacElroy and her husband were interred at Saint Finian Cemetery on Athboy Road.
Subsequently, I have not been able to find any record of her under the maiden name of O’Donnell, nor have I had any success at discovering any personal friend, family member or document to confirm her birth, medical education, or military record, marriage or death, with the exception of her landlady in Ireland (who is not a relative) just before her death. I suspect that this is the false identity given to her by the military when she left Roswell, as mentioned in her notes.
In either case, it seems likely that her identity and all evidence of her has been expunged from the public record. I understand that certain government agencies are adept at covering up evidence, or making records (and people) disappear. It seems likely that this has been done in her case, due to the highly sensitive nature of the Roswell incident and consistent with the rest of the alleged “cover up”.
Inasmuch as I do not have any further information to verify or substantiate that any of the notes of these “interviews” sent to me by Mrs. MacElroy are in any way factual, other than what I have already mentioned, let the reader beware, and take heed accordingly!
Mrs. MacElroy writes:
I have reconsidered my position, for a variety of reasons,not the least of which is my realization that you were right. I do have a responsibility to myself,
at least. I can not possibly tell you the personal Hell 5 (Footnote) of ethical irresolution and spiritual ambivalence I have endured since 1947. I do not want to keep playing the game of “maybe I should have, or maybe I shouldn’t have”, through the rest of Eternity!
Therefore, I think the time has come to pass along my secret knowledge to someone I think will understand it. I don’t think it would be responsible of me to take the knowledge I have into the silent afterlife, beyond reach or recognition. I think there is a greater good to be served than protecting the “vested interests” for whom this information is considered a matter of “national security”, whatever that means, and is therefore justification for making it “TOP SECRET”. 6 (Footnote)
Also, I am now 83 years old. I have decided to leave this body, which has outlasted it’s usefulness to me, using a painless method of self-administered euthanasia.7 (Footnote) I have a very few months to live, and nothing to fear or lose.
So, I have moved away from Montana, where my husband and I lived for most of my life, to spend our remaining days in a lovely rented upstairs bedroom in a house in the homeland of my husband’s family in County Meath, Ireland. 8 (Footnote)
I will die not far from “The Great Mound” at Knowth and Dowth, the “Fairy Mound of Darkness”. These are sacred “cairns” or massive stone structures that were erected about 3,700 BCE and engraved with indecipherable hieroglyphs — about the same time as pyramids and other inexplicable stone monuments were being built all over the Earth.
I am also not far from “The Hill of Tara”, 10 (Footnote) that was once the ancient seat of power in Ireland where 142 kings are said to have reigned in prehistoric time.
This information, which has been suspected and/or speculated upon by so many for so long, has been constantly denied by mainstream media, academia, and the Military-Industrial Complex 11 (Footnote) that President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address.
As you known in July,1947,the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) 12 (Footnote) issued a press release stating that personnel from the field’s 509th Bomb Group had recovered a crashed “flying disc” from a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, sparking intense media interest. 13 (Footnote)
Later the same day, the Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force 14 (Footnote) stated that Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved with the original recovery of the debris, had recovered only the tattered remnants of a weather balloon. The true facts of the incident have been suppressed by the United States government since then.
You may not know that I was enlisted in the U.S. Women’s Army Air Force(WAC) 15 (Footnote) Medical Corp which was a part of the US Army back then. I was assigned to the 509th Bomb Group as a Flight Nurse 16 (Footnote)at the time of the incident.
When the news that there had been a crash was received at the base, I was asked to accompany Mr. Cavitt, the Counter Intelligence Officer, 17 (Footnote) to the crash site as the driver of his vehicle, and to render any needed emergency medical assistance to any survivors, if necessary. 18 (Footnote) Therefore, I briefly witnessed the wreckage of an alien space craft, as well as the remains of the several alien personnel aboard the craft who were already dead.
When we arrived I learned that one of the personnel on board the craft had survived the crash, and was conscious, and apparently uninjured. The conscious alien was similar in appearance, but not the same as, the others. 19 (Footnote)
None of the other personnel present could communicate with the survivor, as the being did not communicate verbally or by any recognizable signs. However, while I examined the “patient” for injuries I immediately detected and understood that the alien being was attempting to communicate with me by “mental images”, or “telepathic thought”, 20 (Footnote) which projected directly from the mind of the being.
This was partly due to the fact that I was a nurse, and could attend to the physical needs of the alien, as well as serve as a non-threatening communicator and companion. After all, I was the only woman at the site and the only one who was not armed. I was thereafter assigned permanently to serve as a “companion” of the alien at all times. 21 (Footnote)
Chapter One
My First Interview With The Alien
“By the time the alien had been returned to the base I had already spent several hours with her. As I mentioned, Mr. Cavitt told me to stay with the alien, since I was the only person among us who could understand her communication. I could not understand my ability to “communicate” with the being. I had never before that time experienced telepathic communication with anyone.
The non-verbal communication I experienced was like the understanding you might have when a child or a dog is trying to get you to understand something, but much, much more direct and powerful! Even though there were no “words” spoken, or signs made, the intention of the thoughts were unmistakable to me. I realized later that, although I received the thought, I did not necessarily interpret it’s meaning exactly.
I think that the alien being was not willing to discuss technical matters, due to the nature of her position as an officer and pilot with the duty to maintain the security and confidentiality required by her own “unit” or organization. Any soldier who is captured by the “enemy” in the line of duty has a responsibility to withhold vital information, even in the face of interrogation or torture, of course.
But, in spite of that, I have always felt that the alien being was not really trying to hide anything from me. I just never got that feeling. Her communication always seemed honest and sincere to me. But, I suppose you can never know for sure. I definitely feel that I shared a unique “bond” with the alien. It was a kind of “trust” or empathy that you have with a patient, or a child. I think this is because the alien could understand that I was really interested in “her” and had no harmful intention, nor would I allow any harm to come to her, if I could prevent it. This was true too.
I refer to the alien as “her”. Actually, the being was not sexual in any way, either physiologically or psychologically. “She” did have a rather strong, feminine presence and demeanor. However, in terms of physiology, the being was “asexual” and had no internal or external reproductive organs. Her body was more like the body of a “doll” or “robot”. There were no internal “organs”, as the body was not constructed of biological cells. It did have a kind of “circuit” system or electrical nervous system that ran throughout the body, but I could not understand how it worked.
In stature and appearance the body was quite short and petite. About a 40 inches tall. The head was disproportionately large, relative to arms, legs and torso, which where thin. There were three “fingers” on each of two” hands” and “feet” which were somewhat prehensile. 22 (Footnote) The head had no operational “nose” or “mouth” or “ears”. I understood that a space officer does not need these as space has no atmosphere to conduct sound. Therefore, sound related sensory organs are not built into the body. Nor does the body need to consume food, hence, the absence of a mouth.
The eyes were quite large. I was never able to determine the exact degree of visual acuity of which the eyes were capable, but I observed that her sense of sight must have been extremely acute. I think the lenses of the eyes, which were very dark and opaque, may also have been able to detect waves or particles beyond the visual spectrum of light. 23 (Footnote) I suspect that this may have included the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum, 24 (Footnote) or more, but I do not know this for sure.
When the being looked at me her gaze seemed to penetrate right through me, as though she had “x-ray vision”. 25 (Footnote) I found this a little embarrassing, at first, until I realized that she had no sexual intentions. In fact, I don’t think she ever even had the thought that I was male or female.
It become very obvious after a short time with the being that her body did not require oxygen, food or water or any other external source of nutrition or energy. As I learned later, this being supplied her own “energy”, which animated and operated the body. It seemed a little bit eerie at first, but I got used to the idea. It’s really a very, very simple body. There is not much to it, compared to our own bodies.
Airl explained to me that it was not mechanical, like a robot, nor was it biological. It is animated directly by her as a spiritual being. Technically, from a medical standpoint, I would say that Airl’s body could not even be called “alive”. Her “doll” body is not a biological life form, 26 (Footnote) with cells, and so forth.
It had a smooth skin, or covering which was gray in color. The body was highly tolerant to changes in temperature, atmospheric conditions, and pressure. The limbs were quite frail, without musculature. In space there is no gravity, 27 (Footnote) so very little muscle strength is needed. The body was used almost entirely on space craft or in low, or no-gravity environments. Since Earth has a heavy gravity, the body was not able to walk around very well as the legs were not really suited to that purpose. The feet and hands were quite flexible and agile however.
Over night, before my first interview with the alien, the area had been transformed into a buzzing hive of activity. There were a dozen men working on setting up lights and camera equipment. A motion picture camera and microphone and a tape recorder was there also set up in the “interview room”. (I don’t understand why a microphone was needed, since there was no verbal communication possible with the alien.) There was also a stenographer 28 (Footnote) and several people busily typing on typewriters.
I was informed that an expert foreign language interpreter and a “code breaking” team had been flown to the base during the night to assist with my efforts to communicate with the alien. There were also several medical personnel — specialists in various fields — to examine the alien. And, a professor of psychology was there to help formulate questions and “interpret” the answers. As I was just a nurse, I was not considered to be a “qualified” interpreter, even though I was the only one there who could understand anything the alien was thinking!
There were many subsequent conversations between us. Each “interview” resulted in an exponential increase in understanding between us, as I will discuss later on in my notes. This is the first transcript with the answers to a list of questions provided to me by the intelligence officer at the base which I debriefed to the stenographer immediately following the interview.”
Download the complete Alien Interview with the OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF THE ALIEN INTERVIEW
The idea of Black Holes is at the heart of the SCIET Functional Cosmology.According to Erick Curiel, conventional science approaches the subject of Black Holes from a variety of directions depending on the branch of science and its tool set.
In the January issue of the journal Nature Astronomy, a precise and agreed definition of this ‘singular’ state proves to be frustratingly elusive. Its author, Dr. Erik Curiel of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, summarizes the problem as follows: “The properties of black holes are the subject of investigations in a range of subdisciplines of physics — in optical physics, in quantum physics and of course in astrophysics. But each of these specialties approaches the problem with its own specific set of theoretical concepts.”
The Event Horizon Telescope’s image of the black hole at the center of Messier 87, a large galaxy in the Virgo cluster. This black hole resides 55 million light-years from Earth and has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the sun.
It seems surprising to learn that the idea of Black Holes is not clearly defined in science, but they are the product of analysis rather than observation, so each branch is free to provide their own explanation with their own analytical tools.
SCIET Theory has an analytical approach derived from postulates about the role of the SCIET Algorithm in the evolution of Space Time. According to SCIET Theory, Black Holes are regions where the fabric of space has been pulled back by the effects of matter as it rotates around a central Point of Awareness. The conventional explanation from General Relativity is that they are the result of extreme gravitational pull which has compressed the attracted matter so that no light can escape its attraction. This view has been longstanding and the many explanations come from the adherents of GR who are working with that concept.
Another important discussion of Black Holes that confirms SCIET Theory is published in an article on Space.com titled “Are We Living in a Hologram?”, and offers another confirmation of the SCIET. One of the core ideas related to the SCIET is that incoming information is cast outward as it approaches the center, forming a spherical layer around the center of the Point of Awareness.This concept is at the heart of the SCIET explanation of the Soul and pivotal to the formation of matter, and is the basis of memory in space as well.In the article, the case is made that current mathematical analysis of what happens to information entering a Black Hole is that it is spread around the surface of the Black Hole. You can read that article herehttps://www.space.com/39510-are-we-living-in-a-hologram.htmlThis is a direct confirmation of SCIET Theory. A quote from the article:
Researchers have found that when a single bit of information enters a black hole, its surface area increases by a very precise amount: the square of the Planck length (equal to an incredibly small 1.6 x 10^-35 meters on a side).
At first blush, it may not seem all that interesting that a black hole gets larger when matter or energy falls into it, but the surprise here is that it’s the surface area, not the volume, that grows in direct proportion to the infalling information, which is totally unlike most other known object in the universe. For most objects that we’re familiar with, if it “consumes” one bit of information, its volume will grow by one unit, and its surface area by a only a fraction. But with black holes, the situation is reversed. It’s like that information isn’t inside the black hole, but instead stuck to its surface.
“Stuck to its surface” is an interesting way to describe the SCIET Orbital Effect. However, we are discussing here the function of Black Holes as portals of matter, a concept that may seem to contradict the conversion of matter into a layer on the surface of a sphere.
The difference between the attraction of matter to a Black Hole and using it as a portal pertains to a concept in SCIET Theory known as “Like interacts with Like”, meaning that in order for any two values to affect each other they must have specific frequencies in common. The practical meaning of this is that the surface area of a Black Hole is a gateway to another Black Hole. Matter that is attracted to the swirling Event Horizon is the source of the gravitational attraction. Thus “matter” spilling past the surface area is instantly transported to the other resonant Black Hole where it is ejected, so the surface values relate to other locations, a feature that means they can exist in one area and treat incoming matter as incompatible with the location they are in and instead send it to another location defined by the surface layers.
This is explained in SCIET Theory as the result of the resonance of points of awareness. In this case the resonance between two centers has created specific values related to their continuing relationship, and those values allow incompatible matter to be transferred between the two Black Hole locations in an effort to balance them. This means that the matter that is attracted to these resonant centers is not going to be assimilated, but rather will continue to circle the Black Hole in ever denser external layers, creating the Event Horizon beyond which matter or energy cannot escape. Consequently, there are two forms of matter attracted to the center of a Black Hole, that which is actually the result of resonance between another Black Hole and that which is attracted to the matter surrounding the Black Hole.
The rotation of the mass surrounding the Black Hole has the effect of enlarging the center area of the Black Hole, because the increase in mass from its attraction of matter actually pulls the fabric of space away from the center, revealing the original Void, a region where values present in the fabric of space cannot be expressed. This results in the immediate transmittal of matter that is compressed past the Event Horizon to another Black Hole where it is ejected into the space surrounding that distant black hole. So…
SCIET Dynamics proposes that the fabric of space can be distorted by its own motion, and that under sufficient velocity can create openings to the original Void, forming a so-called Black Hole.
Further Explanation: This idea, that Black Holes are in reality holes in the fabric of space links them to many phenomena such as portals, wormholes and even the Soul of living Beings. In this sense the fact that older black holes often have jets of matter streaming out of them while newer ones are busy gobbling up nearby stars and clouds of space dust can be explained by the idea that all black holes must achieve a certain frequency as they form in spacetime. Due to this, all black holes are linked and when matter is drawn into the black hole it is immediately transported to a distant one where it is ejected as a stream of dust or a gas jet.
It does seem contradictory to explain that a Black Hole is the result of the super compression of matter, but that matter is observed to fall into it rather than being crushed into darkness.
SCIET Theory is based on a novel mathematical form called the SCIET, which is nature’s way of keeping track of what has happened in space. The simplest way to visualize the SCIET is to imagine that each change in relationship between two points sets off an adjustment in the space between them. This adjustment occurs when the fabric of space “fractures” as the result of the change and immediately resets itself to restate the relationship based on the change. Much like a guitar string vibrating when plucked, the relationship subdivides the change until it diminishes to undetectability.
The SCIET stands for Single Cycle Integrative Effect Topology and defines the entire area around the point of change using fractionallysubdivided lines and angles that are expressed around the point area until they seem to disappear into the space where they occur. When this happens it describes a sort of spherical vortex whose center is defined a location where the subdivision becomes so small that it becomes smaller than the original defined unit of change can express, at which point it starts over with that unit as the beginning of a new SCIET.
The continuous compression of the SCIET leads to the Awareness or in conventional science, the Void. This does not stop the compression of the incoming information, but does push it into the realm of Pure Awareness, beyond the concepts of the material reality from which it originated.
The SCIET is used to describe the First Action (Big Bang) that created Space Time, after which itssmallest units began to resonate with the Creation Substance, the minimum value of SpaceTime from which the process began.While all the other values defined by subdivision of the First Action remain as the fabric of spacetime, the minimum units begin to resonate with one another to form nascent atoms throughout space, an idea that suggests that the Big Bang was actually the Big Precipitation.
The notion of how the fabric of space was created within the original Void is central to how Black Holes exist in SpaceTime, and how they function to transport matter from one to another.
In this theory, the Fabric of Space exists within the Void, and upon the Void, much like a region of magnetic formatting used on computer hard drives, like media but without a surface upon which it remains in place, instead it is held in place by its relationship with the entirety of SpaceTime in the Void. In this way SpaceTime is a type of holographic matrix with each tiny point a mirror image of the original, and capable of storing any change that occurs in or on it.
SpaceTime is understood in SCIET Dynamics to be made of layers of linked values within other layers of linked values, in effect it is the remnant of the original defining of SpaceTime with all the subdivisions existing like faint images of the original set of changes that led to the creation of matter. This is what is being referred to as “formatting”