The Mind Experiences the Soul
Our experience of seeing, remembering and visualizing all hinge on the ability of the mind to place our awareness at the center of a spherical reality that converts incoming sensory information from our nervous system, particularly our eyes, memory and imagination into a manipulable visual construct.
The visual aspect of our being is a only a part of total sensory input, but pivotal to understanding how we survive death and return again and again to complete our goals for living. We call it the Soul, and it has two important qualities that seem very different during analysis. First there is the ability to contain the experience of living and review it, whether it is a moment later or many lifetimes in the past. Second and most important is that we remain at the center of the experience at all times, somehow we are able to observe those experiences regardless of the events that created them.
Clearly our memories are not who we are, only the record that tells where we have been and what we have done, who we have loved and how we have felt. Who is it that does the observing? How does it work that this capability remains constant throughout our experience of being conscious?
The Soul contains all of our memories from all our existences both material and immaterial, it includes the yearning and hopes from previous lives and remembers those we loved so deeply that losing them meant that our lives no longer had meaning. Your soul gives you your purpose for living.
The Experience of Meditation Solves the Hard Problem
Today’s scientific researchers depend largely on their knowledge of neurology and physics in order to deal with much of the evidence they have gathered, but those tools leave us stranded without answers for so many questions that no-one seems to be able to present the sort of working hypothesis that gains easy acceptance. Compounding this is the lack of a way to model non-material aspects of our experience, the shared Etheric reality in which the Universe exists. None of the proposals to understand where the “I” exists, the hard problem of consciousness, really nails it.
The real hard problem for scientific researchers into the nature of consciousness is that they are forbidden from discussing so-called “supernatural influence”, especially the existence of a Creator Being, without which the entire discussion depends on unconvincing assumptions about the source of consciousness. SCIET Theory explains that a range of frequency far higher than that of SpaceTime can achieve the unification of all information. No supernatural effect is required.
By invoking the common experience of meditation, a practice in which we are told to “go inward” and be in the silence of our internal reality, we can understand this. If you take this idea into its logical extreme, then you can imagine that a great being, a sort of super meditator could go so deep that a state could be reached where no other being had ever ventured or entered. It would be a state of mind without limitations except what the meditator defined. If you can imagine this situation then we can go to the next step.
The meditator would be at the center of their own potential universe, but within a larger reality of being already in existence. So the meditator reaches this state and realizes it, only to ask “where I am I?” or to observe that this is a new space and that the meditator being is within it, at the center of it. Now the question of “where am I” is one of observation and this would require the meditator being to inquire of the new space about its conditions. So how would this happen? If we assume the meditator being possesses attention and focus then the question would have these qualities as well, so its search would begin with an outreach of curiosity, a probing beam of attention. In doing this the meditator being would bring the energy of its larger existence into this much more limited space, and this energy would be forced to contain itself in this limited realm.
So this sets the stage for a concept of God existing in the awareness of being that is found within meditation. What is created by the inquiry is an energetic difference from the emptiness that existed when the meditator being arrived in the state. Now the question is, “What happens when the energy of a larger existence enters the limited space of the meditators internal reality”?
The “Hard Problem of Consciousness” is resolved by this notion of the “Great Meditator” because it assigns the ability of the mind to place our awareness at the center of a spherical reality to the original Awareness that preexisted the Creation Event. This idea is echoed throughout mystical and religious literature in which a creator being puts fragments of his/her consciousness within each sentient being in the creation.
SCIET Dynamics explains the Soul simply
The Soul is based on the same principles that created atoms at the beginning of the Creation. Point-to-point resonance returns to each point and goes into orbit around the center forming a continuous spherical layer of information.

Actual photograph of a nuclei of pure iron taken with a radiation microscope. Note that it is made of spherical shells connected by lines from center to center.
When this happens at the atomic level it creates the Atomic Shell and the same effect is used to store memories around the point of Awareness. This means that your sensory system is interactive with all points that surround you, and that your consciousness utilizes this to process your path forward moment-by-moment. Simply stated, you are behind your eyes utilizing a modeling system to see what is presently around you, to remember what you have seen and experienced and to imagine anything else that you want to visualize. These spherical layers are also reduced to molecular size as they are processed by the mind until they reach their smallest possible size, which is then broadcast throughout the body’s DNA in true Holographic fashion.
At this size the memories are passed to an even smaller dimension where they enter long term memory to form what I have called a Memory Tunnel. The Awareness is able to pass from waking consciousness at the center of your brain to deep ancestral awareness at the center of your Memory Tunnel during any past life. You are able to traverse from one moment to the previous or into deep antiquity by simply imagining that past moment.
This new math allows us to understand how we can be the observer at the center of a spherical field with layers of information that exists as a result of the brains energetic field. The layout of the brain’s parts is consistent with this idea, with the internal reality modeled upside down and backwards, so that the visual field is projected toward the back of the head while the feet are modeled with the top regions the brain. The sky is modeled from point where the spinal cord connects the brain, and is the vanishing point above our heads. All the parts of the body and its sensory system are modeled by the brain using synaptic firing to provoke different spherical memories needed to manage the body.
SCIET Theory, Consciousness and the Soul
The new math, the SCIET, reduces all incoming information toward the center until it reaches SOURCE. Therefore all SCIETs are points of Awareness and are, in effect, holes in the fabric of SpaceTime that connect to Source. All Relationships in SpaceTime are Point-to-Point, (Einstein’s Special Relativity) meaning that the Soul is in continuous relationship with everything around it. According to its concepts the Soul is a recording of all experiences a being has since it separated from the Awareness that began the Creation. The SCIET provides a mathematical tool to describe this process using a single cycle integrative effect topology to identify how a single point-to-point fractional reduction becomes a record of that momentary state while alive and also while in the transitionary state between lives. The center of this recording is where the fragment of God exists, and it is this center of Awareness that is charged with evolving, or learning how to operate within the constraints of the accumulated information. So the Soul is a vehicle for Awareness that is descended from the original Awareness that began the creation. In this sense, the Soul is the combination of that Awareness and all of the experiences it has accumulated.

This illustration of orbs is a composite of many images. Note that some have what appear to be faces inside of them.
If you want to imagine what this would look like and how it would be a vehicle during the after life, consider what is written about Orbs that appear when researchers investigate reports of ghosts or visit spiritual sites. The appearance of Orbs of Light is constant in some places and sometimes witnesses report seeing faces or people within them. Additionally, Orbs are reported as UFOs and are always reactive to what people are thinking or saying about them. Recently, a witness from the Secret Space Program has reported being in contact with a race of beings from the Sixth dimension who manifest themselves as Blue Spheres, but can also manifest as humanoid beings in order to meet with him.
The Soul is a point of Awareness surrounded by the energetic information of its accumulated existences, and appears to us as an orb of light when it wants to appear to us at all, the rest of the time it exists in the frequency realms that vibrate at the center of our DNA, constantly aware of all life and able to inhabit whatever vehicle we need to achieve our spiritual purpose.
Normally, we do this during the experience of dreaming, a time when our consciousness connects to higher frequencies through the pineal gland. These higher frequencies enable us to bring our entire Soul Experience into a realm that is as small as the frequency channel at the center of the strand of DNA molecules within each cell of our bodies. It is this frequency realm that surrounds the planet as part of the biological web of life, and it is within this channel that our After Life exists, still able to connect to the living, who all have access to this frequency level as part of their consciousness. When we really analyze the scale of life, it is the cell and the DNA within it that provides the basis of all living organisms.
The path to truly understanding who we are and how we connect to the Universe depends upon the intellectual tools we use. The SCIET is an idea whose time has come, but it is so different from the current tool set, that most people educated in modern science cannot grasp its simple ideas, primarily that we live in a crystalline SpaceTime reality that fractures with every move made within it. The SCIET describes how this happens and how each of these moves creates a permanent record at each level while continuously feeding those changes back to the Source from which it all originated. It is a new tool, one that help us understood with computer modeling the invisible worlds of multidimensional reality, the brain and nervous system, the mind and spirit, and the Soul when society is ready to grasp who we are and how we have arrived at this point in our evolution.
Dane Arr
April 22. 2019
Im thankful for the blog. Really looking forward to read more. Great. Tarah Tam Zaneski