The idea of Black Holes is at the heart of the SCIET Functional Cosmology. According to Erick Curiel, conventional science approaches the subject of Black Holes from a variety of directions depending on the branch of science and its tool set.
In the January issue of the journal Nature Astronomy, a precise and agreed definition of this ‘singular’ state proves to be frustratingly elusive. Its author, Dr. Erik Curiel of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, summarizes the problem as follows: “The properties of black holes are the subject of investigations in a range of subdisciplines of physics — in optical physics, in quantum physics and of course in astrophysics. But each of these specialties approaches the problem with its own specific set of theoretical concepts.”

The Event Horizon Telescope’s image of the black hole at the center of Messier 87, a large galaxy in the Virgo cluster. This black hole resides 55 million light-years from Earth and has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the sun.
It seems surprising to learn that the idea of Black Holes is not clearly defined in science, but they are the product of analysis rather than observation, so each branch is free to provide their own explanation with their own analytical tools.
SCIET Theory has an analytical approach derived from postulates about the role of the SCIET Algorithm in the evolution of Space Time. According to SCIET Theory, Black Holes are regions where the fabric of space has been pulled back by the effects of matter as it rotates around a central Point of Awareness. The conventional explanation from General Relativity is that they are the result of extreme gravitational pull which has compressed the attracted matter so that no light can escape its attraction. This view has been longstanding and the many explanations come from the adherents of GR who are working with that concept.
Another important discussion of Black Holes that confirms SCIET Theory is published in an article on titled “Are We Living in a Hologram?”, and offers another confirmation of the SCIET. One of the core ideas related to the SCIET is that incoming information is cast outward as it approaches the center, forming a spherical layer around the center of the Point of Awareness. This concept is at the heart of the SCIET explanation of the Soul and pivotal to the formation of matter, and is the basis of memory in space as well. In the article, the case is made that current mathematical analysis of what happens to information entering a Black Hole is that it is spread around the surface of the Black Hole. You can read that article here This is a direct confirmation of SCIET Theory. A quote from the article:
Researchers have found that when a single bit of information enters a black hole, its surface area increases by a very precise amount: the square of the Planck length (equal to an incredibly small 1.6 x 10^-35 meters on a side).
At first blush, it may not seem all that interesting that a black hole gets larger when matter or energy falls into it, but the surprise here is that it’s the surface area, not the volume, that grows in direct proportion to the infalling information, which is totally unlike most other known object in the universe. For most objects that we’re familiar with, if it “consumes” one bit of information, its volume will grow by one unit, and its surface area by a only a fraction. But with black holes, the situation is reversed. It’s like that information isn’t inside the black hole, but instead stuck to its surface.
“Stuck to its surface” is an interesting way to describe the SCIET Orbital Effect. However, we are discussing here the function of Black Holes as portals of matter, a concept that may seem to contradict the conversion of matter into a layer on the surface of a sphere.
The difference between the attraction of matter to a Black Hole and using it as a portal pertains to a concept in SCIET Theory known as “Like interacts with Like”, meaning that in order for any two values to affect each other they must have specific frequencies in common. The practical meaning of this is that the surface area of a Black Hole is a gateway to another Black Hole. Matter that is attracted to the swirling Event Horizon is the source of the gravitational attraction. Thus “matter” spilling past the surface area is instantly transported to the other resonant Black Hole where it is ejected, so the surface values relate to other locations, a feature that means they can exist in one area and treat incoming matter as incompatible with the location they are in and instead send it to another location defined by the surface layers.
This is explained in SCIET Theory as the result of the resonance of points of awareness. In this case the resonance between two centers has created specific values related to their continuing relationship, and those values allow incompatible matter to be transferred between the two Black Hole locations in an effort to balance them. This means that the matter that is attracted to these resonant centers is not going to be assimilated, but rather will continue to circle the Black Hole in ever denser external layers, creating the Event Horizon beyond which matter or energy cannot escape. Consequently, there are two forms of matter attracted to the center of a Black Hole, that which is actually the result of resonance between another Black Hole and that which is attracted to the matter surrounding the Black Hole.
The rotation of the mass surrounding the Black Hole has the effect of enlarging the center area of the Black Hole, because the increase in mass from its attraction of matter actually pulls the fabric of space away from the center, revealing the original Void, a region where values present in the fabric of space cannot be expressed. This results in the immediate transmittal of matter that is compressed past the Event Horizon to another Black Hole where it is ejected into the space surrounding that distant black hole. So…
SCIET Dynamics proposes that the fabric of space can be distorted by its own motion, and that under sufficient velocity can create openings to the original Void, forming a so-called Black Hole.
Further Explanation: This idea, that Black Holes are in reality holes in the fabric of space links them to many phenomena such as portals, wormholes and even the Soul of living Beings. In this sense the fact that older black holes often have jets of matter streaming out of them while newer ones are busy gobbling up nearby stars and clouds of space dust can be explained by the idea that all black holes must achieve a certain frequency as they form in spacetime. Due to this, all black holes are linked and when matter is drawn into the black hole it is immediately transported to a distant one where it is ejected as a stream of dust or a gas jet.
It does seem contradictory to explain that a Black Hole is the result of the super compression of matter, but that matter is observed to fall into it rather than being crushed into darkness.
SCIET Theory is based on a novel mathematical form called the SCIET, which is nature’s way of keeping track of what has happened in space. The simplest way to visualize the SCIET is to imagine that each change in relationship between two points sets off an adjustment in the space between them. This adjustment occurs when the fabric of space “fractures” as the result of the change and immediately resets itself to restate the relationship based on the change. Much like a guitar string vibrating when plucked, the relationship subdivides the change until it diminishes to undetectability.
The SCIET stands for Single Cycle Integrative Effect Topology and defines the entire area around the point of change using fractionally subdivided lines and angles that are expressed around the point area until they seem to disappear into the space where they occur. When this happens it describes a sort of spherical vortex whose center is defined a location where the subdivision becomes so small that it becomes smaller than the original defined unit of change can express, at which point it starts over with that unit as the beginning of a new SCIET.
The continuous compression of the SCIET leads to the Awareness or in conventional science, the Void. This does not stop the compression of the incoming information, but does push it into the realm of Pure Awareness, beyond the concepts of the material reality from which it originated.
The SCIET is used to describe the First Action (Big Bang) that created Space Time, after which its smallest units began to resonate with the Creation Substance, the minimum value of SpaceTime from which the process began. While all the other values defined by subdivision of the First Action remain as the fabric of spacetime, the minimum units begin to resonate with one another to form nascent atoms throughout space, an idea that suggests that the Big Bang was actually the Big Precipitation.
The notion of how the fabric of space was created within the original Void is central to how Black Holes exist in SpaceTime, and how they function to transport matter from one to another.
- In this theory, the Fabric of Space exists within the Void, and upon the Void, much like a region of magnetic formatting used on computer hard drives, like media but without a surface upon which it remains in place, instead it is held in place by its relationship with the entirety of SpaceTime in the Void. In this way SpaceTime is a type of holographic matrix with each tiny point a mirror image of the original, and capable of storing any change that occurs in or on it.
- SpaceTime is understood in SCIET Dynamics to be made of layers of linked values within other layers of linked values, in effect it is the remnant of the original defining of SpaceTime with all the subdivisions existing like faint images of the original set of changes that led to the creation of matter. This is what is being referred to as “formatting”