What the Pyramids tell us about Spherical Memory Layers and Form Resonance
This is the Alexander Golod Pyramid near Moscow, the photo is from a Russian language website
The concept of Pyramid energy was recognized in the twentieth century and extensive research has shown it to be a significant effect, best described as negentropic, meaning it causes the matter affected to become more ordered, organized, and stable. SCIET Theory provides a clear explanation of this.
Its opposite is entropy, which is the steady loss of energy that leads to the disintegration of objects over time.
Why is the Earth’s rotation on its axis important to Pyramid energy? This question remained after the other peculiarities of the Great Pyramid seemed to be obvious. Its symmetry was required, but its angles and scale were not, smaller pyramids with different angles of the slope also worked well.
In Russia, Alexander Golod built more than fifty pyramids like the one in the photo.
The Russian Pyramid research has shown that the most effective angle for the greatest pyramid effect is using the Phi triangle for the sides. The Phi triangle uses the numbers of the Fibonacci series for the sides of the triangle and this makes the pyramid a lot steeper than the Giza Pyramids. The drawback to this shape is its vulnerability to wind or ground vibration such as earthquakes, and the 144-meter pyramid in the image was seriously damaged in a storm several years ago.
Four triangular sides of varying proportion joined at the top above a central point upon a perfectly level and square base would work so long as the base was aligned to true north. Like the Giza Pyramid, there could be no metal in its construction.

This photo was taken by Gatenbrink, whose robot this camera is attached to, later investigators sent a camera to take better photos of the engraving and were able to interpret it to the 8400 BC era. It had to have been done during construction when the top stone was added to this chamber.
The Giza Pyramid’s design is intended to help it resist earthquakes, such as the slightly concave sides and its angle and height, which keep it stable when the ground moves in an earthquake. These design features have enabled it to remain intact for many thousands of years, and only the disrespect and arrogance of local governors caused it any damage since it was completed in 8320 BC. (the engraved star map shows this date on the rock at Gatenbrink’s Door), the data related to Kufu in the mid-third millennium is due to the control of Free Masonry, a group that is dedicated to bringing in a “New World,” which in their view, means control of history. To this end, they have worked to define the history of Humanity as beginning in the Fifth Millennium. This history has no giants, alien contact, or worldwide civilizations that left ruins everywhere. because they did not exist.)
Believing it must contain treasure, a governor of Egypt opened a hole in the side and after that, a continuous stripping of the outer casing left it as it is today. Only a small remnant of the casing now remains near the top.
David Wilcock’s Research
David Wilcock has written and presented extensively videos about pyramid energy and other subjects related to Spherical Memory Layers. He has a website and a Facebook page as well.
His Pyramid presentations have emphasized the increase in stability of all systems around the pyramids in all directions. Increases in the fertility of the land and the growth of plants are important aspects he reports. Among the benefits he reported are:
- A simple drug that helps people fight viruses suddenly becomes 3,000 percent more powerful.
- Just one milliliter of a simple placebo of distilled water stored in the pyramid was administered to twenty different premature babies who were almost certainly going to die, and every single one of them enjoyed a complete recovery.
- Two groups of normal white laboratory mice were given strain 415 of the virus S. Typhimurium (typhoid fever) in equal amounts over the course of one day. The only difference was that one group of mice was kept in the pyramid, and the other was not. Amazingly, 60 percent of the mice in the pyramid survived smaller doses of the virus, whereas only 7 percent survived in the control group.
- Using a Russian instrument known as a “military locator,” similar to radar, a column of “unknown energy” was detected around the pyramid—some five hundred meters wide and two thousand meters tall.
- An ozone hole that was directly over the pyramid closed up only two months after they built it.
- Pyramids built over oil wells made the oil 30 percent thinner, thus causing production to increase by 30 percent because the oil was so much easier to pump
- Agricultural seeds in the pyramid for one to five days before they were planted. This was done with more than twenty different seed varieties planted across tens of thousands of hectares. In every single case, the pyramid seeds experienced a 20 to 100 percent increase in crop production. These plants did not get sick and were not affected by droughts.
Wilcock has written The Source Field Investigations, including his years of work with anomalous phenomena. It is a treasure of detail and insight about so many things that are not well understood in science today.
Long before Wilcock’s book, another investigator was informing the world about pyramids.
Patrick Flanagans Research
Patrick Flanagan wrote Pyramid Power in the 1960s to present his research on pyramids. He included his research on the pyramids but little theoretical discussion except for the ideas about vortex energies.
The book has extensive notes on his experiments, not only on pyramids but also on the energy systems he tested with the pyramid. If you need a thorough knowledge of the Giza Pyramid, this book has all the details, including those related to his tests on many objects placed into the pyramid for various amounts of time.
Chapter eight is the most interesting as it discusses Theories of Energies, Ether-Vortex, and Subatomic Vortices and Forces.
Flanagan was a gifted physics student and won a science fair by designing an intercontinental ballistic missile detector while in high school, resulting in interest in his career by the military, which may have influenced his later work that avoided anything that may cause their interest to resume. His early work was innovative within the context of personal experiences people could have using the devices he developed. A charismatic showman, when presenting his work, he flourished by selling personal devices and experiences.
Pyramids and Spherical Memory Layers
The Scale of the Spherical Memory Layers is extremely tiny. The layers are very thin, measured in Planck units; an eighth of an inch would be about thirty million trillion trillion Planck Units thick, so given the number of bodies in resonance with the planet, the layers will vary in volume at any one elevation. The most common demonstration of this effect in action is the Pyramid.
Shape affects how an object interacts with the Earth’s Spherical Memory layers, as does its symmetry and alignment with the planet’s rotation. Together these factors control the Form Resonance of the Pyramids.
- Form controls the focus of the interaction of the layers with an object
- Alignment to the planet’s rotation affects the interaction with the layers aligned to the rotation.
- Symmetry affects the rule of squaring of natural forces because when the object resonates with the layers, the resonance converges on the center evenly.
- A properly aligned pyramid shape causes the Spheric Memory Layers to nest one in the other in a descending pattern.
- The nesting reinforces the resonance to build a powerful cavitation effect on molecules, making them resonate in tune, and become stronger in their attraction to their center. Note that the effects of the Pyramid cause a continual enclosure to grow around the smallest value created at the top, which makes all affected objects experience a uniform ordering of all structures from the largest to smallest.
- The intersection of the Pyramid’s elevations causes a geometric vortex to form that creates a Spherical Memory Layer, so it is that Sphere that is nesting from top to bottom.
The Pyramid Effect is caused by the right shape, proper alignment, and nesting to build a powerful cavitation effect in molecules, making them resonate in tune so they become stronger in their attraction to their center. In this way, it works in opposition to entropy
Below is an illustration of a pyramid with a view facing the corner, with the earth’s layers apparent as the horizontal lines.

This illustration offers an analysis of the pattern of the nested spheres created by the slope of the corners, about 42 degrees. It is interesting to see that the top of the spheres is above the point of the Pyramid, surrounding it like a halo.
Since the slope of the sides is different at 51º51′, it creates a different set of nested spheres within the mass of the pyramid. Overlying the two sets of nest spheres should reveal why the King’s Chamber is the most impacted part of the pyramid. Look at the effect below the plateau’s surface; there is a tremendous effect underneath the Pyramid.
The Pyramid form compounds the effects of the layers on it. When it is perfectly level, has the right slope to its sides, and is aligned to the rotation of the planet, it interacts with the layers to create a lens effect for the pyramid focusing the effect of the layers so that it is magnified to affect the entire area with a very high negentropic effect at the Planck Unit scale.
Generalizing the Pyramid Effect
Generalizing the Pyramid effect to all Science
SCIET Theory reveals that properly aligned Pyramids are effective because of the Quantum Spherical Memory Layers that surround all Bodies in Space. It is the presence around the planet of these highly energized layers of energy.
These layers are horizontal to the surface and aligned with the rotation of the planet, and this is why the pyramids need to be aligned to the true north. The pyramid also must be level, its sides must be identical in size and shape leading to a point above the center of a square base.
The proportion of the base to the height has been tested for the best effect and surprisingly the most effective is one based on the Phi ratio rather than the Giza Pyramid, which suggests that it had multiple purposes of which the anti-entropic effect was only one. The symmetry of the Great Pyramid was required, but its angles and scale were not, smaller pyramids with different angles of the slope also worked well.
All of these issues are addressed with SCIET Theory.
Form Resonance is a term describing how a body on the surface interacts with the Planetary Quantum Layers, it stimulates a resonant reaction, in other words, it creates another Quantum Spherical Memory sphere using a vortex above the point on the interactive body. T
This effect is particularly important when learning about the spiritual entities associated with the body in Vedic literature since each vortex connects to an existing frequency of information. Above each shoulder is the site of a vortex, and each of them holds information related to the living being. Of course, there are many vortices of the body and each has a name in the Vedic literature.
What happens when the pyramid interacts with these layers of energy is discussed next.
Spherical Memory Layers

Interaction Between point/objects Creates Quantum Spherical Memory Layers in Spacetime. Everything else written here leads to this one rule. But before we learn how this happens, let’s get right into the discussion about layers or Quantum Spherical Memory Layers.

This image of an iron nucleus is created with a radiation microscope. It validates the formation of shells by streaming reactions between resonant bodies. I conducted a search for similar photos taken by the same process, but nothing about this can be found online. This image and the ideas that it provokes are a contradiction of the conventional model
SCIET Theory reveals that the power of pyramids comes from their interaction with the SCIET Quantum Spherical Memory Layers that surrounds the earth and all bodies in space. The layers are based on the same effect of quantum resonance that forms proton shells. Each layer is related to resonance with another body in space, and for this reason, they continue to grow as the universe evolves, becoming thicker with age. Even so, the layers are only Planck Units thick and interact easily with molecular structures on the surface of the Earth.
Understanding that the Earth is surrounded by Quantum Spherical Memory Layers, which are based on the matter of the Earth and whose thickness is measured in terms of Planck Units is easy with the right ideas.
The layers are thin because they originate from the interaction between protons, the most basic unit of matter. They are measured in Planck Units, even those surrounding Black Holes and stars, so it is easier to think of these layers as a sort of stratified atmosphere of quanta around all bodies in space. Perhaps the most intriguing research relating to this was found in the 1990s.
The Quantum layers originate with the formation of protons from the interaction of the minimum units before anything else existed. The shells of the first protons are made of Quantum Spherical Memory Layers and then the protons become a source of another set of new interactions, as does everything that is formed after the beginning. Each new size spherical layer creates more ad infinitum. Conglomerations of molecules become bodies in space that interact to create layers of Quantum memory spheres around themselves, and these layers continue to form at the same rate today. Everything is becoming more layered and dense.

Comparing the Bohr Model of the Atom to the image of the iron nucleus shows that the models in use relate to teaching chemistry and are not intended to to actually illustrate reality.
One visualization exercise that is helpful is to imagine a balloon that has another balloon blown up inside of it. with both of them individually pressurized and independent from one another, but so close that they almost touch. Now imagine that these balloons exist continuously away from the earth with their thickness growing thinner as they get further away from the center. This vision of layers can be applied to all bodies in space.
When a layer encounters a molecular structure, a resonant reaction begins that creates a Quantum spherical memory shell around the molecular mass, which resonates continuously until it is no longer engaged with the layers. This idea is pivotal to understanding Form Resonance.
Sensory Nervous System
All life has evolved in the presence of the Quantum Spherical Memory Layers of the planet. While additional systems of layers have evolved using other types of energy and fields, the Amino Acids that make up the nucleus of the cells are based on the Spherical Memory Layers of molecular structures, just like the planet,

Einstein’s thought experiment about the elevator simulating the effect of gravity tells us that the forward movement of animals creates a type of acceleration of gravity within the complex organism and that this stimulates the formation of Quantum Spherical Memory Layers that become the basis for its evolution. Plants depend on gravity and the movement of the environment around them for the evolutionary stimulation they need, while animals move around the environment for this stimulation. In both cases, the Quantum Spherical Memory Layers that surround the planet is used to drive an energetic adjustment that results in their evolution.
Black Holes

Every large mass is surrounded by these layers derived from ancient and ongoing relationships with other large masses. In the 1990s researchers discovered that when information enters a black hole (as an example) its surface area increases by a very precise amount, the square of the Planck length (equal to an incredibly small 1.6 x 10^-35 meters on a side).
Cosmologists have used Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity to visualize what the beginning of the universe was like. By using the GTR equations, but working them backward, they have been able to see where inflation began. Not surprisingly, the calculation leads back to a size matching the Original Intrusion before the First Action, which sits at the center of every Proton, and whose effects account for the Quantum Spherical Memory Layers that surround all bodies in space.
Astronomers researching Black Holes have found that energy/information entering a Black Hole does not add to the volume, but to the surface area, so any stream of information exchanged by bodies in space would continually add to the surface surrounding the center point of the body in space. This is where the layers come from, and this is confirmed by what has been observed by astronomers. What remains for the scientific community is to research and conclude that this phenomenon is true of all interacting objects in space.
“Stuck to its surface” is an interesting way to describe the SCIET Quantum Spherical Memory Layers that accumulate around bodies in space. It is indicating that the Point of Awareness at the center of the Proton is still the operative force creating Quantum Spherical Memory Layers around large bodies as well as around protons.
At first blush, it may not seem all that interesting that a black hole gets larger when matter or energy falls into it, but the surprise here is that it’s the surface area, not the volume, that grows in direct proportion to the infalling information, which is totally unlike most other known object in the universe. For most objects that we’re familiar with, (i.e. planets) if it “consumes” one bit of information, its volume will grow by one unit, and its surface area by a only a fraction. But with black holes, the situation is reversed. It’s like that information isn’t inside the black hole, but instead stuck to its surface.
Gravitational Lens

Conceptualizing that all astronomical bodies are surrounded by Quantum Spherical Memory Layers measured in Planck Units, suggests that the interaction between them by objects as small as rocks or as big as stars would cause a resonant effect within the layers.

Einstein’s General Relativity proposed that gravity distorts the space around objects like bowling balls on a mattress, but his approach only addresses massive objects.
SCIET Theory can supply a conceptual explanation. It conceptualizes gravity as the resonance of the SCIET Spherical Memory Layers between two bodies, with the larger body gradually causing the smaller body to resonate with it. Since all bodies are already in resonance the change in the smaller body registers as dissonance with other bodies. This means that gravity has both push and pull components.
Consider that the SCIET Quantum Spherical Memory Layers exist as Planck Unit interactive layers, which affect each and every molecule within the mass of an object. Movement causes each mass/object to adjust to its change in position relative to its rest position.
The speed of light is limited, and since the object is made of the same fabric of space that limits the speed of light, the rate of change in the matter is also limited. As a mass/object approaches a body its rate of change increases at a set rate until it reaches it’s maximum related to the limits related to the speed of light. Each body has layers that interact in the same way, so the squaring effect is related to the effect of both bodies interacting, it is a combined value.
The mass/object adjusts its resonance to match that of the attracting body, and as it does so becomes more and more in tune with the attracting body until joins it and stops accelerating, and continual adjustments end.
Formation of Matter
The Formation of Matter is by the continuous layering of Quantum memory around the center of a proton.

Since the very first atom, everything in the Universe has been reacting to everything within its line of sight. When atoms formed molecules, and molecules formed conglomerate masses, they all resonated with one another. In all cases, this resonance led to the formation of memory spheres, a continuous record of their relationship. Spacetime began with the First Action of the Geometric Vortex without matter in it, but the matter was added throughout it almost immediately. Since then matter has continually added Spherical Memory Layers that surround each atom, molecule, and conglomeration of molecules into bodies in space. So the effects on bodies in space depend on these three concepts
- The Quantum Geometrical Vortex (the SCIET) and the First Action
- SpaceTime is created by the Quantum Geometrical Vortex during the descent to the level of the original intrusion resulting in Points of Awareness
- Spherical Memory is created by the interaction of points of awareness which has continued to increase in complexity over time.
All action in space depends on these three concepts. The formation of matter is the result of the interaction between Points of Awareness at the level of the Original Intrusion, which activates the adjustment between bodies using the Geometric Vortex and the First Action to establish the resonance that returns to the Point of Awareness where it transits to an orbital path around the center, creating the Quantum Spherical Memory Layers that are the shells of Protons.
What this generalizes to is that all matter creates Quantum spherical layers of energy around itself, and at first, these are limited to interacting with others of almost identical form, but as they grow larger they become layers that surround masses of matter and the operational source of gravity, and as life evolved, the basis of the nervous system in animals.
The Giza Pyramids are evidence that Quantum Spherical Memory Layers exist, and they are the primary instruction we have that has propelled us toward their discovery.
It may be that the ancients knew that the people of the future would eventually realize this by analyzing the Great Pyramid. For this reason, the most important consequence of their study may be the existence of Spherical Memory Layers surrounding our planet and all other bodies in space.
Dane Arr
Updated October 1, 2022