Point of Awareness: An Alien Perspective

A few years ago my friends and I read and discussed a PDF book titled Alien Interview by Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy. The small volume was fascinating for several reasons, first it purported to be a first person account of meeting and communicating with one of the survivors of the Roswell crash in 1947. As the book explains it:

The content of this book is primarily excerpted from the letter, interview transcripts and personal notes I received from the late Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy. Her letter to me asserts that this material is based on her recollection of communication with an alien being, who “spoke” with her telepathically. During July and August of 1947 she interviewed an extraterrestrial being who she identifies as “Airl”, and whom she claims was and continues to be an officer, pilot and engineer who was recovered from a flyer saucer that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico on July 8th, 1947.

The story is convincing and the author, Lawrence R. Spencer has included an appendix that requires more than half of the books 319 pages (164) which provide extensive support for the claims made.  I have included the book as a downloadable PDF linked from the article.

This image is not intended to be Airl, but one that suggests the situation during her captivity.

In the book Ms MacElroy describes her role as an Army Air Force Nurse (WAC) assigned to assist with the care of the survivor at (Kirkland) Army Air Force Base in New Mexico. While involved with her duties with the Alien, she began to receive telepathic communications, and was told that she was the only one because the other people in contact with the Alien were aggressive and only wanted to control the situation. As the relationship developed the Alien told Ms. MacElroy that she identified with being a female and wanted to called Airl. One of the pivotal statements from Airl explains her view about answering questions and why:

... I thought. "Will you answer questions from the
gallery now?"
"No.  I will not answer questions.  I will provide
information to you that I think will be beneficial to
the well-being of the immortal spiritual beings who
comprise humanity, and that will foster the survival of
all the myriad life forms and the environment of Earth,
as it is a part of my mission to ensure the preservation
of Earth.
"Personally, it is my conviction that all sentient
beings are immortal spiritual beings.  This includes
human beings.  For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I
will use a made-up word: "IS-BE".  Because the primary
nature of an immortal being is that they live in a
timeless state of "is", and the only reason for their
existence is that they decide to "be".
No matter how lowly their station in a society, every
IS-BE deserves the respect and treatment that I myself
would like to receive from others.  Each person on Earth
continues to be an IS-BE whether they are aware of the
fact or not."

While this book has much to discuss, the key part for me is described in the above paragraph. The “IS-BE” is identical to the concept of the Point of Awareness that accumulates all its experiences, in SCIET Dynamics, which is well presented in the article on this site titled The Soul Explained by SCIET Theory  Of course, the articulation of what is meant by “IS-BE” is extensive and provides a much better narrative than is possible from humanity’s limited perspective. Download the PDF and take a look at it, read if you have time and think about what this concept means to us in the context of the Soul.

Please write about your perceptions of the book in the comments section below. I will answer a often as possible. For your information and to inspire you read the book.  I have excerpted the first 28 pages of the Alien Interview in order to provide a sense of what the book contains.


Based On Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided by : Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy
Editing and Supplemental Footnotes by: Lawrence R. Spencer ( Author of “The Oz Factors” )
Copyright (c) 2008 by Lawrence R. Spencer. All Rights Reserved.
Cover and book design by Lawrence R. Spencer
Printed in The United States of America First Edition Printing: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-6152-0460-4

The Complete Alien Interview PDF


My sincerest thanks to the enthusiastic, insightful editorial support of Michel and Brenda. Thank you very much to all of the diligent and unselfish work of the owners, staff and tireless contributors and editors of Wikipedia.org upon which thematerial in this book relies heavily for efficacious documentary support of many of the footnoted items sited in the text of the transcripts and comments from Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy.


As far as the Editor of the book, “Alien Interview” is concerned, and for all practical purposes, the content of the book is a work of fiction. The Editor makes no claim to the factuality of the content, and in fact, cannot prove that the alleged author actually ever existed. Although some of the dates, locations, persons and incidents described may be factual or based on fact, there is no evidence to authenticate that equally as many may be subjective contrivances of the author.

All of the information, notes and transcripts received by the Editor are contained in their complete, original form, as represented in the book. The Editor is no longer in possession of any original documents or copies of original documents from the author, i.e. Mrs. MacElroy.

Some material contained in the book may have similarities to Earth philosophies as the variety of these are too numerous to list, and bear too many fundamental similarities to be easily differentiated. Although the book discusses the origins of the universe, the time track of the physical universe, paranormal activities of immortal and/or extraterrestrial beings, “aliens” or “gods”, it is in no way the intention of the Editor to represent, endorse, forward or assume the viewpoint of the author, any political doctrine, economic vested interest, scientific hypothesis, religious practice or philosophy, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial.

The notes and transcripts contained in the book, are solely and only the based on the representations and documents provided by the author, the late Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy, unless otherwise specifically annotated by Footnotes in The Appendix of the book.

The Editor is not responsible for any assumptions, inferences or conclusions made by the reader based on the material is this book, which are solely and only the responsibility of the reader.

What is true for you, is true for you.

Lawrence R. Spencer — Editor

Table Of Contents


2 TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………

4 FOREWORD ………………………………………………………………

5 PREAMBLE…………………………………………………………………

6 DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………


8 DEFINITIONS …………………………………………………………………























150 APPENDIX: EDITOR’S FOOTNOTES………………………156- 303


“We ask, as Fools who know not Our Own Spirit:

Where are the hidden traces left by The Gods?”

— Rig Veda —
book i, stanza 164, lines 5 a & b


What greater brutality can be inflicted on anyone than to erase or deny the spiritual awareness, identity,
ability, and memory that is the essence of oneself?

— Lawrence R. Spencer — 2008


This book is dedicated to all Immortal Spiritual Beings, whether they are aware of themselves as such, or not. It is especially dedicated to the wisdom, courage and integrity of those Greater Beings, who in various incarnations at various times during the past, in the present and into the future, enkindle and carry the Flame of Truth into the darkest corners of the universe.

This dedication is not only to the philosophical teachings and technologies developed by these beings, but to the demonstrated and documented courage to apply their philosophy in the face of overwhelming ignorance, overt hostility and aggressive suppression by lesser beings and by the self- serving vested interests of inter-galactic and planetary political, economic, and religious institutions.

Though relatively few in number, the profound wisdom and heroic dedication of such beings, and those who share their quest, have been the only effective deterrent to spiritual slavery. Freedom, Communication, Creativity ,Trust and Truth for all Immortal Spiritual Beings in this universe is their legacy. The Good Examples set by them is our sanctuary and sustenance. Personal, diligent application of their teachings is our weapon against the dwindling spiral of chaos and oblivion that is the material universe.

— Lawrence R. Spencer —

Editorial Guidelines Used In This Book

I have tried not to edit the material I received from Mrs. MacElroy except to the degree necessary to make a logical sequence of the material she mailed to me. Wherever possible I have quoted or transcribed her original written notes verbatim.

In some instances I have taken editorial liberty to add other information, or supplementary commentary which I feel will add useful definitions, or clarification to the information given in the official transcripts, or to her remarks or observations. These appear as a numbered “(Footnote)” in the Appendix at the end of the book. All footnote references, where possible, are copied verbatim from the free internet encyclopedia website www.wikipedia.org. If information was not available through Wikipedia.org, I used the popular internet search engine www.google.com to find a website reference that seemed most appropriate to the subject matter.

Mrs. MacElroy did not make a notation of dates in the most of the documents, so I am not certain that the sequence of material matches the actual sequence of events, or sequence of the interviews, except as noted on the official transcripts themselves.

Since it has been 60 years since the date of the interviews, and considering the age of Mrs. MacElroy before her death, I reasoned that she did not necessarily have an acute recollection of exact names, dates and times, except as recorded in the transcripts of July 8th through August 12th, 1947.

The material in this book is organized into three different types. The following notations will be used to designate where these appear in this book:


(TYPE FONT: Times Roman, 12 point)



a survival or non-survival plan or agenda which has been “clothed” to make it seem like something other than what it actually is.

any person, group or entity which prevents or controls communication to serve their own purposes, (plans or agenda).

— Reference: Page 37, The Oz Factors, by Lawrence R. Spencer. Mystery:

an enigma or problem involving paradox or apparent contradiction

profound, inexplicable, or secretive quality or character

— Reference: www.merriam-webster.com


The Mystery of UFOs and Extraterrestrials

If you have studied UFO phenomena at all, you are already familiar with the infamous Orson Welles radio broadcast of “War of the Worlds, And The Invasion from Mars” 1 (Footnote) on Oct. 30, 1938. This fictitious radio dramatization of an invasion of Earth by “aliens” incited a global UFO and extraterrestrial hysteria long before the UFO crash near Roswell, N.M. in 1947.

During the past 60 years, since the alleged Roswell crash, there have been tens of thousands of reported UFO sightings. A global hysteria has emerged from “evidence” of what is presumed to be extraterrestrial phenomenon. Concurrently, the unrelenting denial of this phenomenon by the U.S. government has precipitated an uninterrupted flurry of accusations, counter- accusations, cover-up conspiracy theories, lunatic fringe speculations, “scientific investigations”, etc., etc., ad nauseam, and a growing multitude of similar alleged “close encounters”.

My first thought when I received the package of documents from Mrs. MacElroy was: “This is just another set of Majestic-12 documents”.

I am referring to a “mysterious package” reportedly received by mail in 1984 shortly after the death of the last surviving member of the so- called “Majestic-12” committee, alleged to have been organized by President Harry Truman shortly after the Roswell incident in 1947.

There are several similarities to the “Majestic-12” documents and the package I received from Mrs. MacElroy. In the case of the former, an envelope was sent from an anonymous sender with no return address. It contained an undeveloped roll of film. That’s all. On the roll of film were photos of documents that were assumed to be authentic by the recipient and his colleagues whose vested interest, i.e. livelihood, depend heavily on attracting public notice and credibility to themselves as “leading authorities” on the subject of UFO phenomena. They have worked relentlessly since then to discover “proof” that the documents are authentic. Of course, government agencies deny everything alleged in the documents and anything having to do with the subject of extraterrestrials in general.

In addition, the subject has become so thoroughly overwhelmed with obvious false reports, discredited sources, hearsay, manufactured falsehoods, misunderstandings, missing information, added inapplicable information and a myriad of other conflicting complexities which have made the subject laughable or unapproachable as a science. This may be intentional, or simply a reflection of the general chaos and barbarism that is Humanity.

As for government denials and cover-ups, the events of September 11, 2001, have made it abundantly apparent to me that the U.S. government has destroyed any vestige of trust the American people and the world may have harbored, even through the Vietnam war, Watergate, and many similar betrayals, in the “honesty” of the American government, military and intelligence community, by blatantly lying to it’s own people about almost anything and everything.

In spite of vast numbers of “UFO sightings”, innumerable reports of “alien abductions”, and “close encounters” with extraterrestrials that pervade nearly all of prehistoric and recorded human history I found only one underlying, unifying, undisputable, axiomatic common denominator that permeates all of this data:

Assuming that subjective reality, or beliefs, of individuals is acceptable evidence, there has been no universally agreed upon “proof” that UFOs and / or extraterrestrial life forms exist whether based on government admission , physical evidence, circumstantial or subjective data.

There are several deductions I can infer from the lack of agreement, government admission or physical evidence that such things are real that, if verified, may lead to a workable solution to this mystery:


In spite of an enormous collection of subjective, circumstantial and objective “evidence” of extraterrestrial activity on and around Earth, the existence, intentions and the activities of extraterrestrials remain hidden and mysterious.


Universally agreed upon proof of extraterrestrial life based on subjective data, government admission, physical and circumstantial evidence are subject to conflicting vested interests, which has made such proof unattainable.

Collectively, these deductions beg the obvious question:

If extraterrestrials life forms exist, why is there no consistent, forthright , open, interactive communication between Mankind and Extraterrestrials?

Fortunately, subjective reality does not require evidence or “proof”. Therefore, I decided to write this book in order to pass along a subjective communication I received from Mrs. MacElroy to other people who may be interested in it.

Personally, I am not assuming that anything I received from Mrs. MacElroy is in any way authentic, with the exception of the envelope and the paper inside the envelope. I cannot substantiate any of it. Indeed, I can’t truly verify that there was ever such a person as Mrs. MacElroy other than a voice I heard over the phone in 1998. The voice could have been anyone. Personally, I do not have a vested interest in UFO research. Yes, I’ve written a few books about immortal spiritual beings — because I’m interested in the subject. But I haven’t sold enough of those books to pay for the time it took to write them.

It is a hobby. I earn my living as a small business consultant.

It is not my intention to justify, explain, or remedy any disability to perceive or understand the mysteries of extraterrestrial existence, UFOs, governments agendas or spiritual abilities. Nor is it intended to educate, persuade, or promote to anyone that any of these phenomena exist. Furthermore, what I may or may not think about any of this is irrelevant.

Moreover, I have burned all of the original documents, including the envelope I received from Mrs. MacElroy. I do not want to spend the rest of my life being hounded by UFO researchers, government agents, grocery store tabloids reporters, UFO advocates and de-bunkers alike, or anyone else. Any “proofs” or attempts to authenticate the assertion that Mrs. MacElroy actually interviewed an alien in 1947 will have to be done by others.

Ripley says, “Believe It, or Not”. 3 (Footnote) I say, “What’s true for you, is true for you”.

Lawrence R. Spencer Editor

About The Source Of Material In This Book

The content of this book is primarily excerpted from the letter, interview transcripts and personal notes I received from the late Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy. Her letter to me asserts that this material is based on her recollection of communication with an alien being, who “spoke” with her telepathically. During July and August of 1947 she interviewed an extraterrestrial being who she identifies as “Airl”, and whom she claims was and continues to be an officer, pilot and engineer who was recovered from a flyer saucer that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico on July 8th, 1947.

Obviously, anyone reading anything about this most famous, or infamous, of all “flying saucer” or “alien encounter” events must necessarily be highly suspicious regarding 1) the authenticity of the report and 2) the credibility of the source of information, especially when it appears for the first time sixty years after the alleged event!

I received the aforementioned letter from Mrs. MacElroy on September 14th, 2007, together with a package of documents. The package contained three types of documents:

1) hand-written notes in cursive on ordinary, lined, 8 1/2″ X 11″school notebook paper, which I assume had been written personally by Mrs. MacElroy.

2) notes typed on a manual typewriter on plain, white 20 lb. bond paper, which I am assume were prepared personally by her. At least both had the appearance of having been written in the same hand writing, and / or typed on the same typewriter consistently throughout. The writing in the notes I received also appeared to be the same as the writing on the address and return address of the manila envelope I received from Navan, Ireland, which was postmarked on 3 September, 2007. Since I am not a forensic expert, or handwriting analyst, my opinion in these matter is not a professionally qualified judgment.

3) many pages of typewritten transcriptions of her interview with the alien. These were obviously typed on a different typewriter. These pages were typed on a different type of paper and showed apparent signs of age and repeated handling.

None of these notes were assembled in any particular order, or by date, except where indicated by a sentence or paragraph of preamble or explanation by her, or by extrapolation from the context of the pages.

Voltaire 4 (Footnote) is quoted as having said: “History is a Mississippi of lies”.

According to the comments made by the alien in the interview transcripts, supplied by Mrs. MacElroy, the fundamental lesson of history is that many, many gods have become men, but very few men, if any, have returned to being a god again.

According to the alien being — “Airl” — if anything he / she / it supposedly communicated can be trusted — and if the “translation” or interpretation of this alleged communication is accurate, the history of this universe is a “River of Lies” down which the might and freedom of all-powerful, god-like, immortal spiritual beings ended and was lost in a Sea of Matter and Mortality.

Furthermore, according to the very direct and undiplomatic statements made — which seem to express the “personal opinion” of the alien — if one were traveling the far reaches of the universe in search of a place called “Hell”, it would be an accurate description of Earth and the inhabitants in its current condition.

To further compound, complicate and magnify the “incredible” source of the “interview transcriptions” I received from Mrs. MacElroy is the fact that they are:

1) based almost entirely on “telepathic communication” between the alien and Mrs. MacElroy.

2) many of these interviews discuss “paranormal” activities of “immortal spiritual beings”.

Of course, most “scientific authorities” are unwilling to acknowledge or perceive spiritual phenomena of any kind.

The dictionary definition of the word paranormal is: adjective:

1. cannot be explained by scientific methods
2. supernatural, or seemingly outside ”normal” sensory channels

By definition, people who use the word “paranormal” are 1) not able to explain spiritual phenomena and 2) spiritual phenomena are outside of their normal sensory channels.

In short, scientists suffer from the inability and/or unwillingness to perceive and/or explain spiritual activities. Therefore, the discussion of spiritual activities or spiritual universes in this book are expected to be understood only by those who can and will perceive such things.

According to the time spans related by the alien in several of the interviews, there are a number of compelling and heretofore unknown reasons that suggest the possibility that many extraordinary miscalculations have been made by Earth scientists regarding the origins and antiquity of the universe, Earth, life forms and events. Of course, these may or may not be accurate either, as time and it’s ugly step-child, history, are largely subjective.

However, it can be observed that, by contrast with interstellar or “macrocosmic time”, the historical perspective of residents of Earth is limited to a relatively microscopic period of time, compared to what are considered to be “recent events” in the chronology of an space travel civilization, much less the entire time span of the universe.

The geological record of Earth is reckoned, by the best guesses of scientists, to be only about 4 billion years. The antiquity of homo sapiens in the archaeology textbooks is estimated at only a few million years, at most. Even the entire biological spectrum is considered to have existed on this planet for only a few hundred million years. And, by and large, the personal memory of individual beings on this planet is limited to only one lifetime.

All other dates, events, or interpretations of events cited in this book are from terrestrial sources, which are purely subjective observations, conjectures, or inventions of human beings, including those of the author, and must therefore be credited or disregarded by the reader accordingly, considering the penchant of Earth inhabitants to myopia, egocentricity, and general ignorance of the several universes in which we dwell.

This book is intended to be an informal presentation of information provided to me, sixty years after the fact, of a series of interviews between an alien space craft officer, pilot & engineer and an Army Air Force surgical nurse.

Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy Biographical Information

Since I have never met Mrs. MacElroy in person, and spoke with her over the phone only once for about 20 minutes, I can not vouch personally for her as a credible source of information. In fact, I cannot factually substantiate that such a person actually existed, accept that I did speak with her on the phone and I received hand-written material in the mail which was sent from a physical address in Ireland.

When I spoke to her on the phone in 1998, I was living in Florida. At the time of our brief phone interview, Mrs. MacElroy lived on Scotty Pride Drive in Glasgow, Montana. I know this because I mailed a copy of my book, The Oz Factors, to her as a gift after it was published in 1999. I am sure she received the book, because she refers to it by name in the letter I received from Ireland, and says that she read it.

I did a little research on the internet about Glasgow, Montana for my own interest. Glasgow was founded in 1887 as a railroad town that became popular during the 1930s because President FDR requested that Fort Peck Dam be constructed there which became a huge source of employment for the Glasgow area. In the 1960s the population flourished up to 12,000 because of Glasgow Air Force Base (SAC), which was used during the Vietnam conflict and the earlier part of the ‘Cold War’. The base was deactivated and closed in 1969.

When I talked to Mrs. MacElroy on the phone she mentioned that she had been relocated there by the U.S. Air Force after her service was completed, and that’s where she met her husband, who was an engineer. I don’t think she mentioned his first name. However, he worked on building the Fort Peck Dam, which created the massive Fort Peck Lake. Although the dam was finished in 1940, he was a great fisherman and outdoorsman, so he stayed in the area. I gathered that the Irish heritage of the place had something to do with it, but didn’t pursue that point with her. I haven’t been able to find any record of a “MacElroy” who worked at the dam, but the personnel records from that period are virtually non-existent as far as I can determine.

I contacted her during my research for The Oz Factors book because I was led to believe, through a very circuitous line of investigation, that this womenwas suspected of having been involved with alien contact at Area 51, or the Roswell crash site, or something similar.

Through a sequence of circumstantial inferences and accidental referrals, I actually found her number in the phone book and called her up just on the chance that there might really be such a person.

Needless to say, when I called her she was less than forthcoming in her response to my questions. However, I think she was impressed by my genuine and innocent sincerity to get information for my book, and realized that I had no nefarious or financially motivated purposes or reason to exploit her in any way. Nonetheless, she did not give me any useful information at that time, except to say that she had been in the Army and was stationed in New Mexico in 1947.

She could not discuss anything whatsoever about any kind of incident, as her life depended on remaining silent. Although this piqued my interest even more, it was futile to try to push her any further, so I gave up and forgot about her until last September, when I got the package from Ireland.

I tried to contact her in Ireland at the return address on the package, but received no reply from her, nor have I been able to find anyone in Meath County, Ireland who was acquainted with either of them except the landlady from whom they rented a room for a few weeks before their deaths, which seemed to have occurred simultaneously, although I have no real evidence of this.

However, the post mark of the envelope she sent to me was stamped at the post office in Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland on the date sited above. Since there is an actual residence (according to Google Maps) at the return address shown on the envelope, I wrote to the address and was advised by the home owner that both Mrs. MacElroy and her husband, whose name turns out to have been “Paul”, were both recently deceased. She said that the cremated remains of Mrs. MacElroy and her husband were interred at Saint Finian Cemetery on Athboy Road.

Subsequently, I have not been able to find any record of her under the maiden name of O’Donnell, nor have I had any success at discovering any personal friend, family member or document to confirm her birth, medical education, or military record, marriage or death, with the exception of her landlady in Ireland (who is not a relative) just before her death. I suspect that this is the false identity given to her by the military when she left Roswell, as mentioned in her notes.

In either case, it seems likely that her identity and all evidence of her has been expunged from the public record. I understand that certain government agencies are adept at covering up evidence, or making records (and people) disappear. It seems likely that this has been done in her case, due to the highly sensitive nature of the Roswell incident and consistent with the rest of the alleged “cover up”.

Inasmuch as I do not have any further information to verify or substantiate that any of the notes of these “interviews” sent to me by Mrs. MacElroy are in any way factual, other than what I have already mentioned, let the reader beware, and take heed accordingly!

Mrs. MacElroy writes:

I have reconsidered my position, for a variety of reasons,not the least of which is my realization that you were right. I do have a responsibility to myself,
at least. I can not possibly tell you the personal Hell 5 (Footnote) of ethical irresolution and spiritual ambivalence I have endured since 1947. I do not want to keep playing the game of “maybe I should have, or maybe I shouldn’t have”, through the rest of Eternity!

Therefore, I think the time has come to pass along my secret knowledge to someone I think will understand it. I don’t think it would be responsible of me to take the knowledge I have into the silent afterlife, beyond reach or recognition. I think there is a greater good to be served than protecting the “vested interests” for whom this information is considered a matter of “national security”, whatever that means, and is therefore justification for making it “TOP SECRET”. 6 (Footnote)

Also, I am now 83 years old. I have decided to leave this body, which has outlasted it’s usefulness to me, using a painless method of self-administered euthanasia.7 (Footnote) I have a very few months to live, and nothing to fear or lose.

So, I have moved away from Montana, where my husband and I lived for most of my life, to spend our remaining days in a lovely rented upstairs bedroom in a house in the homeland of my husband’s family in County Meath, Ireland. 8 (Footnote)

I will die not far from “The Great Mound” at Knowth and Dowth, the “Fairy Mound of Darkness”. These are sacred “cairns” or massive stone structures that were erected about 3,700 BCE and engraved with indecipherable hieroglyphs — about the same time as pyramids and other inexplicable stone monuments were being built all over the Earth.

I am also not far from “The Hill of Tara”, 10 (Footnote) that was once the ancient seat of power in Ireland where 142 kings are said to have reigned in prehistoric time.

This information, which has been suspected and/or speculated upon by so many for so long, has been constantly denied by mainstream media, academia, and the Military-Industrial Complex 11 (Footnote) that President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address.

As you known in July,1947,the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) 12 (Footnote) issued a press release stating that personnel from the field’s 509th Bomb Group had recovered a crashed “flying disc” from a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, sparking intense media interest. 13 (Footnote)

Later the same day, the Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force 14 (Footnote) stated that Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved with the original recovery of the debris, had recovered only the tattered remnants of a weather balloon. The true facts of the incident have been suppressed by the United States government since then.

You may not know that I was enlisted in the U.S. Women’s Army Air Force(WAC) 15 (Footnote) Medical Corp which was a part of the US Army back then. I was assigned to the 509th Bomb Group as a Flight Nurse 16 (Footnote)at the time of the incident.

When the news that there had been a crash was received at the base, I was asked to accompany Mr. Cavitt, the Counter Intelligence Officer, 17 (Footnote) to the crash site as the driver of his vehicle, and to render any needed emergency medical assistance to any survivors, if necessary. 18 (Footnote) Therefore, I briefly witnessed the wreckage of an alien space craft, as well as the remains of the several alien personnel aboard the craft who were already dead.

When we arrived I learned that one of the personnel on board the craft had survived the crash, and was conscious, and apparently uninjured. The conscious alien was similar in appearance, but not the same as, the others. 19 (Footnote)

None of the other personnel present could communicate with the survivor, as the being did not communicate verbally or by any recognizable signs. However, while I examined the “patient” for injuries I immediately detected and understood that the alien being was attempting to communicate with me by “mental images”, or “telepathic thought”, 20 (Footnote) which projected directly from the mind of the being.

This was partly due to the fact that I was a nurse, and could attend to the physical needs of the alien, as well as serve as a non-threatening communicator and companion. After all, I was the only woman at the site and the only one who was not armed. I was thereafter assigned permanently to serve as a “companion” of the alien at all times. 21 (Footnote)

Chapter One

My First Interview With The Alien


“By the time the alien had been returned to the base I had already spent several hours with her. As I mentioned, Mr. Cavitt told me to stay with the alien, since I was the only person among us who could understand her communication. I could not understand my ability to “communicate” with the being. I had never before that time experienced telepathic communication with anyone.

The non-verbal communication I experienced was like the understanding you might have when a child or a dog is trying to get you to understand something, but much, much more direct and powerful! Even though there were no “words” spoken, or signs made, the intention of the thoughts were unmistakable to me. I realized later that, although I received the thought, I did not necessarily interpret it’s meaning exactly.

I think that the alien being was not willing to discuss technical matters, due to the nature of her position as an officer and pilot with the duty to maintain the security and confidentiality required by her own “unit” or organization. Any soldier who is captured by the “enemy” in the line of duty has a responsibility to withhold vital information, even in the face of interrogation or torture, of course.

But, in spite of that, I have always felt that the alien being was not really trying to hide anything from me. I just never got that feeling. Her communication always seemed honest and sincere to me. But, I suppose you can never know for sure. I definitely feel that I shared a unique “bond” with the alien. It was a kind of “trust” or empathy that you have with a patient, or a child. I think this is because the alien could understand that I was really interested in “her” and had no harmful intention, nor would I allow any harm to come to her, if I could prevent it. This was true too.

I refer to the alien as “her”. Actually, the being was not sexual in any way, either physiologically or psychologically. “She” did have a rather strong, feminine presence and demeanor. However, in terms of physiology, the being was “asexual” and had no internal or external reproductive organs. Her body was more like the body of a “doll” or “robot”. There were no internal “organs”, as the body was not constructed of biological cells. It did have a kind of “circuit” system or electrical nervous system that ran throughout the body, but I could not understand how it worked.

In stature and appearance the body was quite short and petite. About a 40 inches tall. The head was disproportionately large, relative to arms, legs and torso, which where thin. There were three “fingers” on each of two” hands” and “feet” which were somewhat prehensile. 22 (Footnote) The head had no operational “nose” or “mouth” or “ears”. I understood that a space officer does not need these as space has no atmosphere to conduct sound. Therefore, sound related sensory organs are not built into the body. Nor does the body need to consume food, hence, the absence of a mouth.

The eyes were quite large. I was never able to determine the exact degree of visual acuity of which the eyes were capable, but I observed that her sense of sight must have been extremely acute. I think the lenses of the eyes, which were very dark and opaque, may also have been able to detect waves or particles beyond the visual spectrum of light. 23 (Footnote) I suspect that this may have included the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum, 24 (Footnote) or more, but I do not know this for sure.

When the being looked at me her gaze seemed to penetrate right through me, as though she had “x-ray vision”. 25 (Footnote) I found this a little embarrassing, at first, until I realized that she had no sexual intentions. In fact, I don’t think she ever even had the thought that I was male or female.

It become very obvious after a short time with the being that her body did not require oxygen, food or water or any other external source of nutrition or energy. As I learned later, this being supplied her own “energy”, which animated and operated the body. It seemed a little bit eerie at first, but I got used to the idea. It’s really a very, very simple body. There is not much to it, compared to our own bodies.

Airl explained to me that it was not mechanical, like a robot, nor was it biological. It is animated directly by her as a spiritual being. Technically, from a medical standpoint, I would say that Airl’s body could not even be called “alive”. Her “doll” body is not a biological life form, 26 (Footnote) with cells, and so forth.

It had a smooth skin, or covering which was gray in color. The body was highly tolerant to changes in temperature, atmospheric conditions, and pressure. The limbs were quite frail, without musculature. In space there is no gravity, 27 (Footnote) so very little muscle strength is needed. The body was used almost entirely on space craft or in low, or no-gravity environments. Since Earth has a heavy gravity, the body was not able to walk around very well as the legs were not really suited to that purpose. The feet and hands were quite flexible and agile however.

Over night, before my first interview with the alien, the area had been transformed into a buzzing hive of activity. There were a dozen men working on setting up lights and camera equipment. A motion picture camera and microphone and a tape recorder was there also set up in the “interview room”. (I don’t understand why a microphone was needed, since there was no verbal communication possible with the alien.) There was also a stenographer 28 (Footnote) and several people busily typing on typewriters.

I was informed that an expert foreign language interpreter and a “code breaking” team had been flown to the base during the night to assist with my efforts to communicate with the alien. There were also several medical personnel — specialists in various fields — to examine the alien. And, a professor of psychology was there to help formulate questions and “interpret” the answers. As I was just a nurse, I was not considered to be a “qualified” interpreter, even though I was the only one there who could understand anything the alien was thinking!

There were many subsequent conversations between us. Each “interview” resulted in an exponential increase in understanding between us, as I will discuss later on in my notes. This is the first transcript with the answers to a list of questions provided to me by the intelligence officer at the base which I debriefed to the stenographer immediately following the interview.”

Download the complete Alien Interview with the OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF THE ALIEN INTERVIEW

The Complete Alien Interview PDF

Dane Arr

May 12, 2019

Posted by admin4, 1 comment

SCIET on Black Holes

The idea of Black Holes is at the heart of the SCIET Functional Cosmology.  According to Erick Curiel, conventional science approaches the subject of Black Holes from a variety of directions depending on the branch of science and its tool set. 

In the January issue of the journal Nature Astronomy, a precise and agreed definition of this ‘singular’ state proves to be frustratingly elusive. Its author, Dr. Erik Curiel of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, summarizes the problem as follows: “The properties of black holes are the subject of investigations in a range of subdisciplines of physics — in optical physics, in quantum physics and of course in astrophysics. But each of these specialties approaches the problem with its own specific set of theoretical concepts.”

The Event Horizon Telescope’s image of the black hole at the center of Messier 87, a large galaxy in the Virgo cluster. This black hole resides 55 million light-years from Earth and has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the sun.

It seems surprising to learn that the idea of Black Holes is not clearly defined in science, but they are the product of analysis rather than observation, so each branch is free to provide their own explanation with their own analytical tools.

SCIET Theory has an analytical approach derived from postulates about the role of the SCIET Algorithm in the evolution of Space Time. According to SCIET Theory, Black Holes are regions where the fabric of space has been pulled back by the effects of matter as it rotates around a central Point of Awareness. The conventional explanation from General Relativity is that they are the result of extreme gravitational pull which has compressed the attracted matter so that no light can escape its attraction. This view has been longstanding and the many explanations come from the adherents of GR who are working with that concept.

Another important discussion of Black Holes that confirms SCIET Theory is published in an article on Space.com titled “Are We Living in a Hologram?”, and offers another confirmation of the SCIET. One of the core ideas related to the SCIET is that incoming information is cast outward as it approaches the center, forming a spherical layer around the center of the Point of Awareness.  This concept is at the heart of the SCIET explanation of the Soul and pivotal to the formation of matter, and is the basis of memory in space as well.  In the article, the case is made that current mathematical analysis of what happens to information entering a Black Hole is that it is spread around the surface of the Black Hole. You can read that article here  https://www.space.com/39510-are-we-living-in-a-hologram.html  This is a direct confirmation of SCIET Theory. A quote from the article:

Researchers have found that when a single bit of information enters a black hole, its surface area increases by a very precise amount: the square of the Planck length (equal to an incredibly small 1.6 x 10^-35 meters on a side).

At first blush, it may not seem all that interesting that a black hole gets larger when matter or energy falls into it, but the surprise here is that it’s the surface area, not the volume, that grows in direct proportion to the infalling information, which is totally unlike most other known object in the universe. For most objects that we’re familiar with, if it “consumes” one bit of information, its volume will grow by one unit, and its surface area by a only a fraction. But with black holes, the situation is reversed. It’s like that information isn’t inside the black hole, but instead stuck to its surface.

“Stuck to its surface” is an interesting way to describe the SCIET Orbital Effect. However, we are discussing here the function of Black Holes as portals of matter, a concept that may seem to contradict the conversion of matter into a layer on the surface of a sphere. 

The difference between the attraction of matter to a Black Hole and using it as a portal pertains to a concept in SCIET Theory known as “Like interacts with Like”, meaning that in order for any two values to affect each other they must have specific frequencies in common. The practical meaning of this is that the surface area of a Black Hole is a gateway to another Black Hole. Matter that is attracted to the swirling Event Horizon is the source of the gravitational attraction. Thus “matter” spilling past the surface area is instantly transported to the other resonant Black Hole where it is ejected, so the surface values relate to other locations, a feature that means they can exist in one area and treat incoming matter as incompatible with the location they are in and instead send it to another location defined by the surface layers. 

This is explained in SCIET Theory as the result of the resonance of points of awareness. In this case the resonance between two centers has created specific values related to their continuing relationship, and those values allow incompatible matter to be transferred between the two Black Hole locations in an effort to balance them. This means that the matter that is attracted to these resonant centers is not going to be assimilated, but rather will continue to circle the Black Hole in ever denser external layers, creating the Event Horizon beyond which matter or energy cannot escape. Consequently, there are two forms of matter attracted to the center of a Black Hole, that which is actually the result of resonance between another Black Hole and that which is attracted to the matter surrounding the Black Hole. 

The rotation of the mass surrounding the Black Hole has the effect of enlarging the center area of the Black Hole, because the increase in mass from its attraction of matter actually pulls the fabric of space away from the center, revealing the original Void, a region where values present in the fabric of space cannot be expressed. This results in the immediate transmittal of matter that is compressed past the Event Horizon to another Black Hole where it is ejected into the space surrounding that distant black hole. So…

SCIET Dynamics proposes that the fabric of space can be distorted by its own motion, and that under sufficient velocity can create openings to the original Void, forming a so-called Black Hole.

Further Explanation: This idea, that Black Holes are in reality holes in the fabric of space links them to many phenomena such as portals, wormholes and even the Soul of living Beings. In this sense the fact that older black holes often have jets of matter streaming out of them while newer ones are busy gobbling up nearby stars and clouds of space dust can be explained by the idea that all black holes must achieve a certain frequency as they form in spacetime. Due to this, all black holes are linked and when matter is drawn into the black hole it is immediately transported to a distant one where it is ejected as a stream of dust or a gas jet.

It does seem contradictory to explain that a Black Hole is the result of the super compression of matter, but that matter is observed to fall into it rather than being crushed into darkness.

SCIET Theory is based on a novel mathematical form called the SCIET, which is nature’s way of keeping track of what has happened in space. The simplest way to visualize the SCIET is to imagine that each change in relationship between two points sets off an adjustment in the space between them. This adjustment occurs when the fabric of space “fractures” as the result of the change and immediately resets itself to restate the relationship based on the change. Much like a guitar string vibrating when plucked, the relationship subdivides the change until it diminishes to undetectability. 

The SCIET stands for Single Cycle Integrative Effect Topology and defines the entire area around the point of change using fractionally  subdivided lines and angles that are expressed around the point area until they seem to disappear into the space where they occur. When this happens it describes a sort of spherical vortex whose center is defined a location where the subdivision becomes so small that it becomes smaller than the original defined unit of change can express, at which point it starts over with that unit as the beginning of a new SCIET.

The continuous compression of the SCIET leads to the Awareness or in conventional science, the Void. This does not stop the compression of the incoming information, but does push it into the realm of Pure Awareness, beyond the concepts of the material reality from which it originated.

The SCIET is used to describe the First Action (Big Bang) that created Space Time, after which its  smallest units began to resonate with the Creation Substance, the minimum value of SpaceTime from which the process began.  While all the other values defined by subdivision of the First Action remain as the fabric of spacetime, the minimum units begin to resonate with one another to form nascent atoms throughout space, an idea that suggests that the Big Bang was actually the Big Precipitation.

The notion of how the fabric of space was created within the original Void is central to how Black Holes exist in SpaceTime, and how they function to transport matter from one to another. 

  • In this theory, the Fabric of Space exists within the Void, and upon the Void, much like a region of magnetic formatting used on computer hard drives, like media but without a surface upon which it remains in place, instead it is held in place by its relationship with the entirety of SpaceTime in the Void. In this way SpaceTime is a type of holographic matrix with each tiny point a mirror image of the original, and capable of storing any change that occurs in or on it.
  • SpaceTime is understood in SCIET Dynamics to be made of layers of linked values within other layers of linked values, in effect it is the remnant of the original defining of SpaceTime with all the subdivisions existing like faint images of the original set of changes that led to the creation of matter. This is what is being referred to as “formatting”
Posted by admin4, 0 comments

Team Chemistry Understood with Astrology

Team Chemistry Understood

Making decisions about adding a member to your team, whether it be a sports team, a work or production team is very important. Adding the wrong person can disrupt the ongoing work and set back progress that has already been made. Although there are many factors in this choice, the subtle issues of personality, attitudes and timing can often undo what seems to be compatible work history and accomplishment.

Even when you have been working together for some time, you will find that different combinations of people produce better results together. Often this knowledge comes at a cost of time and frustration as personalities generate unneeded friction diverting attention from the job at hand to solving personnel conflicts. These issues can be resolved before they begin.

Team Astrology is the outgrowth of a life long interest in how relationships are affected by peoples birth charts. As an astrologer since 1985, I have become used to applying it to all situations and found that it is very reliable in assessing the chemistry between people in any circumstance,

The following article concerns the team play of the Phoenix Suns of the National Basketball Association. They are a good test case because of unexpected success and the fact the the entire team was assembled at the same time; new GM and Coach who selected players from those available via the old roster, free agent signings and trades. The team did well above the average for a new team and coach, so I am analyzing the effect of the combination of the individual players birth charts on their relationship with the coach and other players, and how these factors may have affected their performance.

This analysis was a fun project, but doing it took more than forty hours of research, so if I were to price this it would be at least a thousand dollars.  Based on what happened to the team the following years when they ignored the benefits of astrological compatibility and went strictly with analysis based on skills, it is obvious that there is real value in understanding the impact of this subtle science.

Phoenix Suns Team Chemistry in the 2013/14 Season

The Phoenix Suns success has become the talk of the league, but their recent draft has left many puzzled about their direction. Observations that General Manager Ryan McDonough and Coach Jeff Hornacek share a vision and feel for the type of player who can be successful in their system is validated by last season’s plus twenty-three game win implement over last season. With an emphasis on speed of play many thought the best athletes would their priority, but their choices indicate that clarity of thought and lack of hesitation to make the right move is their key to speed. Mental speed is more important than physical speed, and Hornecek’s simplified offense depends on enabling the players natural ability and lifelong game to takeover. Making the right decision is easy when it is what a player has been doing all his life.

As an astrologer specializing in relationships, I have done an analysis of the Suns draft under McDonough and Hornecek and found that they prefer young men with with fire and earth dominant in their charts. This may be the product of their interviews and their take on each ones personality, and how it fits with their strategy and coaching style, especially when seeing their charts compared to the players they have brought into the organization. Both men have Venus in Aries where it gives them a special appreciation for the fast pace that they prefer.

The GM is a Pieces Sun and Mercury with a Cancer Moon who has a knack for detail due to the Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Virgo, where Saturn also resides. He is a very capable analyst and negotiator from these positions, since they work to internalize all the information he gathers and enable him to keep his thoughts to himself. This is an important quality in the rumor mill of sports.

Hornecek is a Taurus sun with a Virgo moon, both are earth signs and this is reflected in his practical approach. The Virgo moon is known for being detail oriented and naturally organizes everything according to common characteristics. Mercury in Gemini gives him a quick mind that likes the personal social aspects of his work. His enjoyment of the high speed game is shown by the position of Venus and Mars, which are in fire signs, Aries and Leo respectively. All of the suns players make positive aspects to these features of the coaches chart. These are the personal astrological bodies and they are the most important in comparing charts for relationships.

The positions of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are important but vary only slightly from year to year, making them generational rather than personal. This is important when considering why this years and next are filled with high quality prospects. These years are when Uranus conjuncts Neptune in Capricorn, giving unusual power to self–belief, and raising this group to a higher plateau than others without this aspect. Uranus gives an energetic boost to whatever it aspects and positive Neptune is about ideals and visualized goals, allowing this group to routinely exceed expectations.

The team management has gone after players that connect well with the coach. Hornecek’s Taurus Sun gives him an easy communication with players having a Taurus Moon, such as Eric Bledsoe, Miles Plumlee, Alex Len, Alec Brown, Leandro Barbosa and TJ Warren. Emphasizing the importance of this connection is the fact that Goran Dragic, Channing Frye and PJ Tucker are also Taurus sun individuals, like their coach, giving the whole group an extra level of compatibility. Hornacek has a Virgo Moon enabling him to easily understand the Virgo Sun players on his roster, such as the Morrii brothers, TJ Warren, Tyler Ennis, Dionte Christmas and Miles Plumlee.

The sign that Venus is in for both McDonough and Hornecek is Aries, and it should be noted that conjunctions between the Moon and Venus are always good because it creates a union of what is desired and what is subconsciously felt. That many of the Suns players have this Moon position is positive for several reasons. Aries Moon provides a natural prioritization quality to the person, making choices easy so they seldom over think what they are doing, but most importantly, it makes them extremely competitive. It can be considered ideal for a point guard for this reason. Goran Dragic and Tyler Ennis, and Ish Smith have Aries Moons as well as Bogdan Bogdanovic, who plays point in Serbia, all of whom handle the ball very well.

The fourth personal planet in this analysis is Mars and Hornecek has his Mars in Leo, which gives him a steady, outgoing demeanor that very competitive without being selfish. It rules how a person goes after what they want. Players on his team with prominent personal Leo positions are Alex Len (Mars), TJ Warren,(Venus) and Gerald Green whose Leo moon makes him love the spotlight and excel at doing what it takes to wow the crowd. The Sun in Leo gives an aggressive, outgoing energy that works very well in competitive sports, it makes an individual generous and proud, driving them to work hard to not make mistakes, so the fact that Alec Brown, Archie Goodwin and Bogdan Bogdanovic are Leo

Suns makes perfect sense. Hornecek’s Mars in Leo allows him to appreciate, relate and communicate very well with these players.

Since I use only the day of birth without an exact time, there is no rising sign included here. But since only the moon moves significantly, I run the charts for just before noon so the moon is in the middle of its daily motion giving it about a six degree possible variance. It can make a difference when someone is on the cusp of a sign, for instance TJ Warren is either a Taurus or Aries Moon, In this case both are good. Alec Brown has his moon involved in both a fixed grand square and a grand trine in Earth, so if the moon moves six degrees it could shift that entire set. Brown has a chart that suggests he is good long term prospect because his moon automatically resolves issues and his Sun is sextile mars, making him able to do what he thinks. This evolving awareness along with physical maturation should see him have a long career in the NBA. Astrological resonance is seldom this obvious and many talented players have more refined aspects that do wonders for them because of their rising sign and degree, which we are not using here.

Recently signed Isaiah Thomas has his Mars in Taurus conjunct the Hornecek and Dragics Sun, and directly on five other teammates moons, that should give him the ability to be even more intuitive with the open man. With his moon in Pieces he is very intuitive and able to sense who is ready to score.

The Aries Moon seems especially important to the team, since guard play is pivotal to their success, The players Taurus Sun or Moon, along with Virgo Sun are especially prominent, since the ability of the coach to direct the team is greatly facilitated by their presence in the same sign as his Sun or Moon. While the team is well represented in all the signs with the rest their charts, the role of astrology in the Suns style of play seems undeniable. Coach Hornecek is a capable instructor who has demonstrated his ability to teach outside shooting in Utah and now Phoenix, but having players that get what he tells them is huge. His patience and calmness cannot be denied as contributors to this success, since players like Gerald Green have blossomed in his system after years of traveling between teams.

Individual analysis can show many other qualities evident with the team members and why they perform as they do, but it is the cohesiveness of the team around the coach’s philosophy that makes the most difference and the Suns certainly have this covered astrologically. With the coach having trines with his sun and moon, and venus and mars, picking players with good aspects from their personal planets to his makes the entire team get along in a natural way. Examining any group of friends you will see this pattern in play, so gathering a group of professionals with these aspects is like planning a party of friends.

Why so many of the Suns have their Sun or Moon in the sign of the Coach’s Sun or Moon or in the sign of his Mars or Venus is unlikely to be an accident. Whether the team management is using astrology or simply going with their gut is unknown to me, but the effect on team chemistry is apparent. All of these players get what the Coach is communicating and know their roles. Earth signs predominate in this group with a heavy emphasis on fire signs as well. Of the entire roster only Shavlik Randolf is without a major personal planet in the sign of the coach, and he was a late season pickup.

The General Manger is savvy about using information and, as a Pieces is probably a natural at Astrology as well as any level of complexity needed to understand his team and the league they play in. 
Commenting on team chemistry, I would say that favorable aspects from personal planets between the coach and his players helps the players understand the coach, and also connects the players to one another on the court. All the Suns point guards have Aries moons except Bledsoe, whose moon is in early Taurus like the coach’s sun,
As a life long Suns fan I have watched the team go through its ups and downs, but the common thread of its ups has been the player savvy coaches such as Cotton Fitzsimmons, whose player orientation set the stage for for the overachieving teams we all loved so much in the past. Owner Robert Sarver was quick to get onboard with the ideas of Ryan McDonough, and he showing his strength of judgement in basketball equals that of his business life. The combination of savvy management and ownership should have the patience to build a longterm winner for Phoenix.

Dane Arr

Updated July 27, 2014

This article originally appeared on the blog Team Astrology

Posted by admin4, 0 comments
Vacuum Forming Your Visions

Vacuum Forming Your Visions

Projecting an Attractive Vision to Manifest your Desires

Dane Arr
This article first appeared on SCIET.com as Forming Space

“While wondering about the source of psychic phenomena, with my eyes open and looking across the room, suddenly the answer to every question was illustrated with dancing lines of white light.  The lines responded to my thoughts and interacted with them as I learned in that short span of minutes how the fabric of space worked to create all that we see.”

The Dance of Shiva has been a cornerstone of the Hindu tradition since deep antiquity, and the various explanations of it include a visionary experience of dancing lines.

Projecting the will outside of the body is learned by warriors, game players, spectators, gamblers and business people.  It is taught in sales seminars as an act of mental projection and positive expectation that works to increase sales.

Forming Spaceis a good term for the ability of consciousness to project  the will outside of the body.  The term properly expresses the responsive nature of space and the role of consciousness in affecting it.  And it takes the individual past the euphemism of “visualization”, and into a more active role in the process of manifestation.

Forming space occurs when we project an internal perception, a visualization filled with knowing and intention, into the shared space of society. It is most effective when the projection is well developed and clear in the mind of its creator.  In essence the projection of the will is like a hole or mould that other energies are attracted to and shaped by.

A variety of  visualization techniques offer good guidance in this process. The most well known of these is the Secret which coaches not just visualization, but to project oneself into the vision, feeling it already being. Its practitioners say it works as advertised.

 Of course the ability to “be” in the vision requires a substantial reality to draw from, meaning that imagining something with which you have no real experience will not be sufficient to activate the powers of manifestation you need.

The acupuncture points are the surface evidence of an external network of energy vortexes created by the interaction of the body’s Chakras with the gross physical frequencies of the organ related energies that flow throughout the body.

The ability to project into the space around you stems from the tools nature has equipped everyone with in order to live as hunter gatherers throughout deep evolutionary history. 

Our powers of mind depend on a continuous awareness of our surroundings, one that has us actually projecting our being outside of our bodies. When we do this other awarenesses experience our intention and unconsciously conform with it. In this way we are able to attract from our environment what we desire.

My first experience with Projected Visualization

My most unusual experience with projection was when I was able to see the body’s lines of force, which extend out like looping sensory antennas of white light. 

In the Seth Material by Jane Roberts, I found the only reference that describes what happened that day. According to one of the higher level being-states that she channeled, our nervous system projects these lines of force out from the skin where we perceive the acupuncture meridian points to be.

When this happened to me, I was totally unaware of the phenomenon and experienced it as a vision, the Dance of Shiva is a name that has been used to describe it. While I sat with my eyes wide open and in the company of two other people, the lines of force responded to my every curious thought by illustrating the effects of my own interaction in a consciousness filled universe.

I saw how my own visual focus was but a guide for the projection of my will, a mechanism for me to extend my mind beyond my body and into the space around me. The often cited situation of feeling like you are being looked at in a crowded room, when you will turn and look directly at a stranger, in spite of there being hundreds of others who might be looking as well, was shown to be a result of these line of force intruding upon the persons body-space.

I watched as I practiced controlling the lines of force, extending them up to my friend, but stopping short of touching her with them. I realized that the concept of visual focus had to be coordinated with that of mental focus. There was a difference between looking at someone and staring at them. Looking was not intrusive, I held my visual and mental focus just short of the body, but acute enough to see clearly.

The underlying gravitational field effects created by the body’s interaction with the Earth’s layers are the substrate for the projection of awareness through the acupuncture point-centered Phi Resonance driven Capacitance layers.

Projecting into another person’s space, past their skin and into their mind was as simple as visualizing a Ping-Pong ball in the middle of their head and then imagining it as an extension of me, as if it were on an invisible rod. Doing this frequently drew a response like “What’s up?”

Forming Space: An Astrological Analogy

All metaphysics describes and deals with this reality differently. Having studied astrology for many years, I find it useful to explain the qualities with astrological references.

SCIET Dynamics validates and explains astrology as the result of the continual outreach and crystallization of each moment by the center of being that each person represents (the SCIET cycle). Each moment’s outreach is crystallized based on the angularities of the body in space and in the context of the solar system. SCIET-based Sets establish the relevance of the angularities and their relationships to the signs and houses while the SCIETline provides the basis for understanding the impact of the planetary bodies on each person’s individuality. 

The body’s field of consciousness is derived from all the moments that the gnome has been developing on earth. It is an accumulation of SCIETsphere-based moments extending back hundreds of millions of years, evolved in the gnome and retained in the frequency-based infintesimal seed of spirit that is known as the soul. The physical body has evolved in concert with the seed of spirit over the eons to provide the connection between this conduit, or continuity, to the ancient mental past and the physical present. The relationship to the physical present is based on super conducting cellular Phi resonant consciousness, the ability of the living organism to sustain itself, and the rise of a larger body of survival intelligence is rooted in a gestalt consciousness, or shared experience that is available to the nervous system by virtue of shared space. (Sheldrake’s Morphogenetic Field, et al) Human beings are a vehicle for an ancient, even universal, consciousness that integrates with the body during its early development. (incarnates). The seed of spirit provides a template for the underlying processes of the nervous system to stream the incoming sensory information into the extra-dimensionsal storage capabilities that we know as long-term memory.  Access to the memory is provide by a process of tagging that is retained in the physical/mental energies of the body. These tags and the memories held in their frequencies dissipate at death and that is why we experience an unwinding of our stored memories. 

Patterned after the solar system

The body and the spirit have ancient relationships with the solar system. The evolved seed of spirit retains the experiences of countless lifetimes and the gnome is the equivalent of a planetary being in itself, having been moving continuously on the surface of the Earth for over four billion years. Together they have ancient and evolved relationships with all parts of our solar system. The planetary bodies have both spiritual and material frequencies that allow our dual natures to establish a lock on time and space.  

The astrological relationship established by the body/gnome with each of the planets leads to an ongoing set of capacitance layers related to each planets. These capacitance layers remain from the beginning of the planets evolutionary development and are the foundation of evolution for all energetic life forms.

Our minds are patterned after the solar system. The perspective of an Earth-based evolution creates a system of concentric spheres that begins with the Earth/moon on the inside and includes Mercury, Venus and Mars as elements of a personal solar sphere of consciousness.

Illustrated on the right are the inner planets with the earth/moon at the center. Venus is in blue, Mars is red and Mercury is black and the sun is yellow. The planets each have two circles representing their furthest and closest approaches to our planet. The sun and moon vary only slightly in their distance from the Earth. This diagram shows the range of intensity based on physical proximity that is possible based on the planets positions in space.

The inner planet energies are tools under our direct control, while the outer planets function as part of our social awareness, providing a framework for our interaction with the world.

This diagram shows the range of intensity based on physical proximity that is possible based on the planets positions in space. The inner planets with the earth/moon at the center. Venus is in blue, Mars is red and Mercury is black and the sun is yellow. The planets each have two circles representing their furthest and closest approaches to our planet. The sun and moon vary only slightly in their distance from the Earth.

The pattern is governed by the fact that we are on earth/moon, the third planet from the center of the solar system, the basis of our experience.  The moon’s energy is the reservoir of all our experiences, it is the externalized portion of the third planet, the outer part of a single entity orbiting the sun. 

The sun rules the physical body and the will, our ability to “see” and choose from what we see or what to see and what not to see.  The sun is the source of light,  giving life to the Earth and evolutionary basis of the photonic processes underlying mind. In this way it is the source of the matrix though which all other processes function.

 The moon’s energy is the reservoir of all our experiences, it is the externalized portion of the third planet, the outer part of a single entity orbiting the sun, and holds the assumptions from which the lines of force extend, grounding them to the depths of the soul.

Mercury rules how we project our lines of force, or perhaps a better expression is filaments of consciousness, out from our bodies. It is the ability to articulate with the lines of force, enabling the power of focus and allowing us to project our concentration outside of our bodies. When a person is “concentrating on something”, it is more than a figure of speech, it is a projection of the mind. 

Venus and Mars rule particular attractions and projections and are linked to biological necessities as well as each individuals general mode of action or inaction.

Beyond Mars the effects on the lines of force blend to rule the interactions between larger and larger groups.

Starting with Jupiter the outer planets are about how the mind deals with the external aspects


Forming Space: Radiant consciousness and projecting  into the space around us.

Radiant consciousness is the result of the Awareness in the body’s capacitance lattice, much different from radiant light.  Radiant light is electromagnetic  radiation, the result of the motion of atoms; we see the pulse of their adjustment or change of position in space.All EM is the result of movement, measured from the molecular level, 

Radiant Consciousness is the result of the resonant adjustment in space (gravitational  attraction) that all things have for one another. Modern physics uses gravity to describe the quality of all things to affect the space around them, an effect that is resonant in nature. Based on the concept of density, gravity increases when more atomic nuclei are packed into a smaller space. (See Causal Levels)

The resonance between bodies is easily observable, for instance tuning forks, bells and just about anything in which resonance can be detected. But it is what we cannot see or detect is the resonance between the resonance. We know that resonant bodies harmonize, because we can listen to bells until they softly fade to silence. But that we cannot see nor can we hear the resonance of one thing to another does not mean that we can assume that does not exist. In fact the quality of resonance between bodies is so pervasive that to assume that it stops when we can no longer detect  it, is foolish. The problem is in understanding how it continues.

Describing the body as being at the center of its own resonating field does not seem to be much of a stretch for science. The real question is; WHAT is resonating and how can we describe it?

We can think of the body as a scalar field of resonance between a wide range of other fields through out the environment. We can easily imagine fields descending in order from generalities such as our body, our organs, our cells as groups, our cells individually and even and perhaps most important, our minds and memories.

So radiant consciousness is a composite of of all the levels that make up a being, focused  through the lens of genetic material, the evolved body and the ancient stored memories of spirit/soul, all at once, all the time.

The question that remains is: How does this radiant amorphous concept become the lines of force, the looping sensory antennas of white light? The answer is resonance between the descending orders of evolved fields. Comprehending this concept requires us to reflect upon the refinement of the levels of this “resonance”. We are talking about the integrated, ongoing assimilation of ranges extending from the present body to memories of bodies that have been gone for thousands of years. Each person fills the space around him or her with values faint and powerful and all related. It is the role of the astrologically inspired resonance to make sense of it, to provide order and direction.

The lines are an interference pattern created by the mind/nervous system’s space-processing action and  response to conscious choice, guided by the visual focus of the mind.  It is interesting that some traditions, such as Chinese Qigong, conceive of the flow that I observed as an exchange between the individual and nature.

There appears to a factual basis for these beliefs. Researchers in super conductive nano-minerals believe that platinum-group mono-atomic elements, such as rhodium, become much lighter when in the super conductive state and become airborne, floating in the atmosphere like water or any particle of dust.Experiments with these super conductive materials show that they react to the lines of force or filaments projected by human beings. In this way Qigong allows its practitioners to develop personal power by attracting and controlling these airborne super conducting platinum group elements as a part of their field of focus. So, although the lines of force are the result all the resonance within us, they use frequencies affecting a small sector of materiality and give almost supernatural power to those who learn to work with them.

The addition of the local effects on super conductive materials are not required for the interference patterns defined by the sun and mercury  to control or form space with them.

The lines are conduits of very high frequency consciousness, extensions that the inner being extends out into the world.In this way, they are the opposite of physical energy, they are the power to form space by removing all resistance to change and imbuing it with intention, its own gravitational force to attract those parts that resonate with it.  

Moreover the basis of the filaments is rooted in the Awareness, the highest frequency shared with ensouled beings by the Creator, which meansthe lines of force are able to pattern the Creation Substance with consciousness,much like computer programs today use “virtual cores” to extend to operational effect of data analysis and retrieval.

 So a vision, once projected, becomes an attractive force, independent of its creators,  drawing its needed parts together, but only those parts which resonate on its levels. This is done with the power of external focus, which enables a conscious being to “form” the fabric of space and imbue it with its own purpose and attractive force.

 So we are able to project our innermost selves, our quintesence out into the world and use it to create “forms” which literally attract what is needed to fill them and manifest our thoutghts.

 This is forming space.

 It is important for what it tells us not to do as well what to do. It explains the power of affirmations, prayer, wishes and all sorts of superstitions about talking negative. Be careful what you ask for: you just might get it.

Forming Space:  Empowering Conscious Intentions

Knowing that we can project our minds outside of our bodies is empowering. Understanding how it works gives us the key to open the door to new technologies based on consciousness and allows us to go through barriers that have inhibited the progress of people for thousands of years. The development of a new way to express knowledge, which is already known through mystic traditions and psychology and the many practical techniques used by salesmen and athletes will mean creating tools that can used to translate those existing understandings as well as create entirely new ones.

Visualization is a critical component of Forming Space and it is far more than just seeing or imagining the world in a new way.

A lengthy discussion of how the nervous system interacts with the surrounding space can be found on the NeuroSCIET pages. However, is sufficient to say that we have two nervous systems which simultaneously process what is basically the same information and then synthesize it into a single reality. 

The integration of the dual nervous system is important for the conscious control of externalized inner self because it is through the resonant integration of these two separately occurring fields that we ARE conscious. It is also important to think of these two fields as counter-rotating with the synthesis taking place at what we call the focus of concentration.

The BLUE lines represent the planet’s capacitance layers through which the living cellular structure moves, much like a submarine parts the water and forces it past on each side, which stimulate a continuous movement on each side from front to back, creating lateralization.

The symmetry of animal life is due to the fundamental nature of our interaction with the resonant fields around us and how they have been involved in our evolution. These forms of life all have ORIENTATION and MOBILITY. We part the fields as we go forward, brushing past and stimulating the pattern of resonance which forced the evolution of the right-left duality. Unlike the passive nature of a ship plowing through the waves on the sea, life moves forward by choice and the pattern of change created by this act is toward the goal. Both sides rotate forward and meet at the mid-line where the externalized THIRD resonance field is centered.

The Third Field

The concept of the third field is pivotal to understanding how we can control and use our inherent mental projection capabilities. When two resonant fields interact, they create a third resonance value which acts as a common denominator between them. This value originates from a point where the two fields are equal in energy, time and distance of resonant fluctuation. As I stated above, this is not an electromagnetic wave, but a reaction of two scalar fields of a gravitational nature. This is a critical issue because all interactions have the quality of the third field as their foundation.

The third field is an order of magnitude greater than the two that created it. It is interesting that one of the ways to express this is the same as the Pythagorean Theorem.

Assuming that the each of the originating fields (A, B) are prime numbers, we can square them, add them together and find their square root to determine the lowest common denominator for the third field. In this case we are talking about a value that must be much faster and smaller than either of the first two field values, since it is the outcome of them being squared.  The third field is able to interact with all of the scalar fields which are its progenitors, because it is a fractional component of them.

Forming Space:  Using Sensory Perception

Returning to the astrological references, we identify our feelings or internal perceptions with the moon, our external perception to the sun and articulation to Mercury. It is well known that biorhythms are linked to these three bodies as well.

The solar field is the intentional perceptual field and it is a third field phenomenon created by the functioning of the sensory system. Articulation within the radiant field of consciousness is ruled by the sun, the ability to focus.

The lines are the result of an interference pattern created by the mind/nervous system’s space-processing action and  response to conscious choice, guided by the visual focus of the mind.  It is interesting that some traditions, such as Chinese Qigong, conceive of the flow that I observed as an exchange between the individual and nature.

The solar field is an externalization of the activity of the brain. It is important to understand that the processes which use the sensory organs to generate a model of the environment are also used to drive the externalized inner self, the product of the third field phenomenon. All of the nerves of the voluntary nervous system contribute to this, and for this reason we can use the movements and positions of our body to manifest the power of the projection of consciousness.

As stated at the beginning of this article, Forming Spaceis a good term for the ability of consciousness to project  the will outside of the body.  The term properly expresses the responsive nature of space and the role of consciousness in affecting it.  It takes the individual past the euphemism of “visualization”, and into a more active role in the process of manifestation.

 Forming space occurs when we project an internal perception, a visualization filled with knowing and intention, into the shared space of society. It is most effective when the projection is well developed and clear in the mind of its creator.  In essence the projection of the will is like a hole or mould that other energies are attracted to and formed.

We have described a variety of  visualization techniques offering good guidance in this process. Please review information on the Secret,  which coaches not just visualization, but how to project oneself into the vision, feeling it that it already exists. But remember that the ability to “be” in the vision requires a substantial reality to draw from, meaning that imagining something with which you have no real experience will not be sufficient to activate the powers of manifestation you need. In other words, build on what you know.

The ability to project into the space around you stems from the tools nature has equipped everyone with in order to live as hunter gatherers throughout deep evolutionary history. 

Our powers of mind depend on a continuous awareness of our surroundings, one that has us actually projecting our being outside of our bodies. When we do this other awarenesses experience our intention and unconsciously conform with it. In this way we are able to attract from our environment what we desire.

Focus, visualize, project your desires and manifest!

Dane Arr

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Astrology: The Resonance of Points of Awareness

The fact that Astrology has survived as part of all cultures attests to its reality. In today’s Western culture of Objective Materialism it has persevered because it provides demonstrable benefits to its practitioners. What experimental science has taught us is that material bodies have a limited reach with the forces they possess, so it is only logical to expect that there must be immaterial forces that exist within the material objects, and this is what my research into possible answers led me into.

Astrology works because every object has an immaterial center that is in resonance with all other immaterial centers. How this actually works is explained by SCIET Dynamics, a theory developed over more than forty years examining a spiritual download in 1974.

This graphic illustrates the Points of Awareness within solar system bodies as being surrounded by resonance memory spheres that store memories of change in position between these moving bodies. Change in position causes these memory spheres to resonate and affect the individuals own body frequency, stimulating shifts in perceptions and attitudes.

The lens of science concludes Astrology cannot be real, but because it works, many decide that it must be because of archetypes or the placebo effect. Archetypes remain the dominant excuse for its achievements, but this rests on the work of Jung and his followers during the last hundred years. Their work is rooted in deep psycho analysis of ever-present  ideas within every individual, and it is this deeply rooted self-identity, referred to as the Ego is a component of both Astrology and Psychoanalysis, as it the Will and the Subconscious. Concepts of mother and father, drives for love, aggression, social dominance and mystery are also present in both. In fact, astrology deals with the subconscious using the Moon, which aggregates the information without the conscious minds awareness, then serves as a warehouse of ready information based upon the aspects of all the planets in the horoscope.   So the ideas of Astrology are integrated in Jung’s psychoanalytic techniques, but explained as the product of a different set of forces.

For me, using a catchall terms like Archetypes is absurd, speaking as though it is magic with no basis in our world of cause and effect. When I began my inquiry into astrology it was in the context of physics, and my questions were related to the existence of energetic qualities that could not be detected by our current scientific instruments. My guiding reference was what science could demonstrate about consciousness, which was remarkably little.

After all, if so little is known about how we had the power of thought in all its ranges, then how can science declare that Astrology has no merit?  The series of questions was part of a much larger search within my personal journey of discovery, which was focused on the existence of the Soul. I had taken this quest to be my life’s work as I searched for a direction for my college education. This had coalesced one day when it  occurred to me that there had to be a way for “energy” to stand still, as opposed to radiating away from its point of origin at the speed of light.  This realization became my focus as I began my studies.

The first major impact of this realization was a sudden belief in the existence of discarnate beings and non corporeal entities of all sorts. Soon after this blooming awareness began I was motivated to walk into a bookstore because I had about ten minutes before I was expected at my next appointment. Only a few steps into the store and I stopped to examine a newly published volume, Seth Speaks. It claimed to be the channeled testimony of an ancient being, who had lived many times on Earth. It was  just what I was looking for, a non-corporeal entity explaining how it worked. Little did I know that this volume would be regarded as one of the most profound channeled works of all time. It has the same tenor of speech and presence as a later channeled work, the Law of One, the Ra Material. The two books seemed to address personal and social reality, each from a very deep perspective.  As soon as read a few pages of the Law of One, (from a different channel, ten years later) I felt it was the same entity speaking.

The purpose of the discarnate being was to explain how we create our own reality and so it revolved around each person being at the center of their own creation. It was as if the entity Seth was speaking directly to my question, telling me how to understand “energy standing still” as a personal experience.

I read Seth Speaks everyday for four months, sometimes taking an entire day absorb a single page of a session of questions and answers from the the entity, Seth. I was seeking to understand reality from an immaterial being who could interact with the material world. and this was what I had been looking for. I received every idea in the context of my central question, “How can energy stand still?”.

It is safe to say the my world of logical assumptions was already turned topsy turvy by the realization that there had to be a way for this to work, so the deep questioning I brought to the work, Seth Speaks, by Jane Roberts was rewarded with an incredible absorption of knowledge. The totality of it was not really known to me, but later it seemed to surge from my mind fully integrated as a “download” of energetic information, with the incredible buzzing of a lower leg from oxygen deprivation, (my leg went to sleep) becoming the tool with which to make sense of how energy could stand still. Literally the moment I asked if the buzzing was Chi, I could suddenly see the energy patterns around me, responding to my thoughts and every question was answered in a new language of understanding that had no parallel in my experience. It lasted twenty minutes and afterword I retained the pattern within my awareness, and I later realized that it was attached to my “C” fiber senses, specialized nerves in our skin that detect vibration. I could not exactly think with it, but anything I thought about could be compared to that retained pattern. It became a tool for me to examine any incoming information for its “fit” to this higher truth within me.

Astrology became important to me after that. It was based on the resonance between energetic bodies, and was totally harmonious to the “template”, but understanding exactly how would take another twenty years of comparing almost everything I mentally explored with the “template”.

Etheric Astrology treats everything around us as being “line of sight” resonant with us. By “us”, I mean all our energetic components, every level of frequency within us, even our soul memories going back hundreds of thousands of years. This form of energetic analysis assumes that before molecules existed, there was a preexisting state of individuation already in place that gave each and every point in space its own energetic identity, and that the last step of this individuation was to match the vibration of the originating source, a process that was the beginning of materiality and the storing of memory of relationship in space and time.

Our physical bodies are thus part of the second creation, coming after the resonance of space with itself, which is the fabric of space and the source of memory and mind.  The resonance of space with itself continues relentlessly, while the resonance of the material creation proceeds on its own parallel track, with the resonance of space continuing to occur within materiality, each molecule occupied at its center with the same original immaterial infinite resonant point that it began with an the moment of creation.

Eventually I saw my work, SCIET Dynamics, as a General Theory of the Fabric of Space, explaining how our Universe was created by the resonance of space with itself, generating evermore complex structures using the simple laws with which it had begun. Sharing that knowledge has been extremely difficult, it seems to operate almost the opposite of what people think, the ideas of an expanding universe turned on its head, for the Universe created by the resonance of space with itself is one of compression toward the center of each resonant Point of Awareness. Instead of an expanding Universe we live in one where the separation of the original resonant points is continual as they seek to achieve the same resonance with one another, drawn relentlessly together in ever greater clusters from their origins as individuated points equally spaced throughout the creation.

The General Theory of the Fabric of Space has its greatest teaching tool in the study of Etheric Astrology. It is within this paradigm that the mind becomes a working laboratory for each individual, a way to use personal experience to test the Theory against the daily reality of events and relationships.

Science’ greatest theoretician, Nicola Tesla is famous for his quote, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”, and it is within the study of of his insights that the impact of the interaction of frequencies has attained its greatest benefit.

The Theory of the Fabric of Space provides a blue print for frequency to exist stationary to its environment. It continues to exist as frequency, its stored energy focused in spheres of memory nested one within the other, overlaid like a series of moments continually streamed one upon the other. Each of these memory spheres is accessible with a frequency with which it will resonate. The entire creation is made of memory from the first nascent molecules to the complex galaxies spinning in space. Souls are the witnesses to the creation, evolving within the fabric of space independently of matters but dependent on it for the creation of the experiences recorded within each Soul.

Etheric Astrology is the key to accessing the logical structure of Creation, for it enable one to connect with the self in the process of its own creation of reality. For within each of us is a record of all that is, and all that happened in the Creation.

Etheric Astrology as a Practice

Each person is in resonance with all that is. This resonance is the basis of their existence and the stored values of each incarnation are amplified in reaction to the non-material frequencies of the planets and bodies that have been present during their many incarnations.  This includes the other souls that have been present with them during their evolution too. Remember that frequencies resonate to other frequencies that match them and when two souls have shared an existence together they retain the overall frequencies of that time within them.

At this point in this article it should be obvious that planets and all other heavenly bodies possess within them the energetic qualities of the Soul and that each incarnate soul is reactive to the inner being or soul of all the bodies in a solar system.  The star, our sun, is the dominant frequency around which all the planets orbit and it has a soul frequency as well.  Here I am saying that our solar system is conscious and that each evolving soul is in continous communication with all of the bodies in the Solar System.

These great bodies exist with each of us as resonant frequencies like frequency domains within a sphere, and all our other stored memories exist within the complex of these great resonances. It is for these reasons that the moment of our birth weighs so heavily on our personalities, for until we separate from the womb, these frequencies are intercepted by the body of the mother. In the context of modern analogies, the moment of birth is like your own memory resonance operating system.

Etheric Astrology treats all incoming information as being continually reduced toward the center where it eventually reaches a state of such high frequency that it no longer relates to the material world from which it came, except through the continuous thread of its own origins.

Belief is the key to unlocking this knowledge, for you must believe it is there to drive your inner-self to connect with it. Belief is the energetic tool that brings you to the door of  the sealed vaults of time within the self and expectation is the energetic tool that draws out what is within.

To be continued…

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Understanding Etheric Evolution

Understanding the Etheric Evolution Chart

A key concept of Etheric Energetics is called Frequency Potential Levels. This concept is used in electronics when a conductor transfers electrical potential from one location to another. That’s right, it is a way of referring to the conduction of a frequency and the medium that is doing the conducting.

The key to understanding their importance is that four of them have evolved from the first one, and the last one represents the next stage of evolution after Awareness, the first Frequency Potential Level, in which intention and energy were released (more on this in the “Creator”) and that energy and intention was immediately distributed throughout the defined area which we now call the “Visible Universe”, which became the Creation Substance.  Literally within minutes and seconds that intention and energy began to interact with entry point value and resonate, an event that created the second Frequency Potential Level.  Since these points were evenly distributed throughout the defined area, rather than a “big bang”, what happened was a “big precipitation” as the resonating points began to form spheres that surrounded the points leading to the second Unitary Value, or individuation.

The above paragraph skims over the the beginning of the creation in order to give it a concept of sequence within a set of sequenced events, but remember that the Awareness is unlimited and to create a universe, the first thing is to create limitation, to create a container for change to evolve within. The creation substance is made of the distributed energy released by the first action, which may be compared to a bolt of lightening reaching across the vastness of primeval space.  More than that, the first action is leveraged to become the source of natural law, since it is the one fixed point upon which all actions in the creation can measure from.

After the “big precipitation” began, the resonance between the original void points at the center of each nascent proton was joined by the adjustment in space to the change of position by these protons with one another, which we now call electromagnetic radiation.  This means that each proton has two resonances, one that is based on the internal center and another which is based on the unit of space defined by the spherical cocoon of information. (see below) which are the basis of the first and second Unitary Values


In the chart below I have listed six different Frequency Potential Levels:

Frequency Potentials lead to Unitary Values when they are stimulated to change. The Unitary Value is a the product of a transition event, and then becomes a new floor for further growth. The new stage includes all the previous stages as part of their makeup.

Expanding on the Nature of the Frequency Potential Levels

Think of a Frequency Potential Level as a range of frequency that exists in the Universe which is harmonious within itself, but can only interact with that which is outside itself in very specific ways. In this way, what is in the Void can only interact with other values through its own byproducts, in this case what is referred to here as the isotope of tetrahedral values, a situation created by the extremely unstable nature of the tetrahedral “bubbles” that are here and gone.

The void exists within the center of all objects, wrapped in a cocoon of orbiting etheric information that has been streaming inward since its beginning. The spherical cocoon of information gave rise to an entire new set of frequencies that are based on the spherical shells created by the orbiting etheric information which uses a set of frequencies that are much faster than those created by the spherical shells.

The above image was created using a radiation microscope. It is an Iron Nuclei and show clearly the Spheric Layers created by the ongoing reactions of the center point to center point reactions stimulated by the the continuous resonance along the SCIET lines between their centers.

The shells are the surface of protons and continue to accumulate with every passing moment. The interactions between proton shells give rise to electrons and as the protons increase their surrounding shells due to the actions of their central connection to the Void, the proton interacts with other protons until a web of complex forces begin to influence the space around them. With the ongoing accumulations of spherical memory shells the protons interact and resonate, slowly achieving similar resonant frequencies and with that attract one another until they form masses, gradually becoming great clouds of free floating protons with associated electrons around them, eventually gathering enough density to stimulate friction and electrical charges to drive more dynamic effects.

The proton shells become their own Frequency Potential Level

Description of the Frequency Potential Levels

The Void or as it should properly be known, the Awareness, which is unlimited in its capacity but necessarily has a value when dealing with the presence of consciousness or a creator.

So the first Frequency Potential Level is the Unlimited Awareness (Void) and its ability to accept the formatting of the First Action. It is the highest frequency in existence.

The role of the creator within the Unlimited Awareness is to define limitation in the Unlimited Awareness, first by Being in it and them by establishing a range of presence, in effect the effort to understand where and how its being is present. This act of definition is often called the Word in the Bible or in science the Big Bang. It is the  first act of creation, and in Etheric Energetics it is a singular value initially expressed from the center to the edge and which then fractionally defuses throughout the entire space surrounding the center defined by the first radial expression. This process has the effect of giving each space within the volume a unique address relative to the first action, including time, location, energy and frequency.   This represents the first Frequency Potential Level.

In concept this act of definition is similar to formatting a magnetic hard drive to create addresses for each part of the drive, so it is useful to consider that space is itself a recording medium.

The first action is an act of self awareness, and until the entirety of the volume is identified, no reaction to other can take place. In other words, the first action initiates a continuous subdivision until it reaches the values established at the center from which the first action emanates. Upon reaching the center value, the subdivision encounters a match, or another values that is the same as itself, triggering a resonance response. This is the first occurrence of resonance in the nascent creation and represents the first Unitary Value, the concept of identity or individuated particle in space.

Another useful idea from computing is to observe the difference between a bit and a byte, in the ideas being discussed here the smallest unit or bit is actually a here and gone bubble commonly thought of as a quantum unit, but we will think of it as a tetrahedral pulse that exists for a quantum unit and then disappears. The bit then is a tetrahedral energetic pulse that is provoked by the existence of a difference at its level. The byte is an isotope of these tetrahedral bits arranged so that the impulse to disappear is balanced by a group action around a shared center point. It requires multiple tetrahedral bits to balance and a fully stable unit has twenty arranged in opposition to one another.  Once formed in space this becomes the dominant form of energetic expression within the primary domain, or the defined space.

Like interacts with Like is a rule taken from the study of frequency and commonly experienced when tuning an old crystal radio. As the reception is adjusted the tuner locks on to radio signals that match the frequency of the tuner. This is generalized to be a fundamental rule of interactions in space. It is pivotal to understanding the creation of bytes from bits in space. The tetrahedral bit is actually a reaction by a tiny “black hole” to the defined space of the first action, and as such can only interact with others that are like it. The tiny black hole can only relate to other tiny black holes, but in fact its relationships are based on the disturbance it creates as it pops into and out of the defined space since by definition, something in the void cannot, interact because it is VOID, so this leaves the four legs of interaction within the defined space as the sole quality able to interact and form the isotopic bytes. The isotopic byte is constructed of  the interactions of the four tetrahedral legs with one another and in this way they create a new level of frequency based entirely upon the disturbance in space created by this interaction between the tetrahedral legs, which then can be seen as twelve corridors of value branching away from their shared center. These twelve corridors are the basis of Etheric Evolution.  They establish the basis of interaction between other isotopes and are the energetic expression when resonance begins.

The existence of the tetrahedral bits and the isotopic bytes is pivotal to understanding the conversion of the descended subdivision’s match which begins resonance and the formation of memory spheres, or the first nascent protons.

What actually descends by subdivision from the first action is increasingly smaller, faster bytes, which are actually assemblies of twenty tetrahedral energetic structures, structures that are stimulated into existence when space needs to define any point related to the subdivision of larger expressions or bytes. The arrival by subdivision of the First Action at the level of the original center establishes a Match and begins Resonance between the two isotopic structures, basically causing them to define a common frequency to allow them to adjust to one another’s presence and account for any changes between them. Once begun, the resonance continues indefinitely.

Every Isotopic Byte is a Prime Number that requires a natural common denominator in order to interact with other Isotopic Bytes. The algorithm for this is handed down to us from antiquity from Pythagoras, the man responsible for the Music of the Spheres, although it is given as a prosaic solution for a geometry problem. In our situation the algorithm is useful to find the shared value between two prime number isotopes and which in turn created a new isotopic value that is harmonic to both. This harmonic changes as the two isotopes adjust to shifting positions or influences from other forms in space, and this change is communicated in both directions from its point of origin between them toward the center of the isotopic “black hole”.

The change, called the sciet orbital effect, is communicated as a continuous feed of twelve corridor values toward the center, but when it arrives at the center it only a small portion can actually be reduced into the center at the value it arrives as, and the larger values span the center and are streamed into a permanent orbital path around the center (see illustration). This action is fundamental to all etheric interactions in space, and is the basis of memory  and the formation of matter in space.


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Consciousness & Healing

Quantum Entanglement & Consciousness

Corporations, communities, businesses and other related grouping of conscious minds are all like invisible conscious deities or small g’s. We praise and support them by eating their food, using their services, tools or materials; both sub-consciously & consciously (quantum & materialistically) support them and share our energies with them, from thought to material. We all have the power to vote without paper. If we eat, think, comment, view a web page or attend a business or community event, etc…, we all choose to support that entity too which is. For anything to thrive, it needs WE and before any thing or idea becomes reality, it needs thought.

Keshe Foundation (KFSSI)

From my understanding, experimentation and consensus within the Keshe Foundation as a student. I have learned our bodies are quantum technologies. Our skin is likened to a Gas at Nano State (GANS). At the nano levels of existence, life becomes a whole new paradise. Nano technology exists naturally like that of the surface of the Earth, our skin, noses and ears, or the rusting of a nail. These layers are always forming slowly, but consistently. Within these densities, electromagnetic flux becomes quantum and through quantum understanding as our mind operates, existence propagates.



We are a Magnetic Gravitation (MAGRAV) pull (rock or stone) and we create reality to which is; we are a super conductor at room temperature. Matter is very weak in comparison to magnetic gravitation of Plasma. We all live in a world of worlds and when our reality creates an equilibrium, we are harmony at either the matter state and/or the plasma state.

Healing with Crystalline Water

For me, I drink city water from a crystal glass and spin that water CCW & CW, then from taping three times with my index finger to set intention and ‘ring‘ the crystalline glass with both Love & Light. Much like batteries and conducting metals, frequencies also travel between crystals, they need copper to copper so to speak or crystal to crystal. If we have a quartz crystal and a rose crystal, then the pure frequencies from the quartz will be filtered to the rose vibrational color levels or vice versa.

Water is very healing and the thoughts & feelings imprinted within become that water; water is a memory that absorbs its surroundings. The same thing applies to the organic food we eat, we are able to Tachyonize it by simply using meditation or prayer before or during consumption of that food; remember, all food needs water. Consuming different colours of food also has its own vibrational atomic patterns, just like that of a crystal. Now we understand why thought, sound and meditation is essential.

The water we drink from cities and towns comes from many 45 and 90 degree turns and is essentially ‘broken’ or divided unstructured water. Dr. Masuru Emoto has much science and experimentation upon the subject at hand. To learn more, please do a search online or comment below.

We all are empowered to magnetize things with our thoughts, words, and hands. When we are cooking or cleaning or whatever it is, we create it with love and thought.

Water is overlooked by many and essentially it is a memory and liquid crystal density which is essential for all Life.

Remember we always have our Chi or Prana or Breath of Life; we all are powerful. No one may take this away from us.

Rainbow Healing & Crystals

When we shine a pure beam of Light through a clear rigid, gaseous, or liquid crystal prism, it refracts a beautiful spectrum of rainbow colours.
We are rainbow crystals. We are a crystal stone being tossed into the symphony of Life; that same stone creates its own gravitational shifts of attractions and reflections within its own density of realities & beliefs.

If we dirty the cup or crystal, we create resistance or imperfections within that cup, creating dissonance or impurities. The Light may reflect few colours or no colors at all. Keep in mind, even natures most beautiful has imperfections. A great wise teacher & artist has taught me,

“Many times I went for perfection only to make it ruin what was good.”

The colours of the rainbow have powerful healing properties. Each ray has its purpose & frequency within the whole.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the Life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. ~Buddha

We understand prayer, meditation, faith, and belief is utmost important; our bodies are vessels or cups or a temple filled with mostly crystal water & empty space.

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless like water, if you put water in the cup it becomes the cup and water can flow or it can crash.”
~Bruce Lee

The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci

This documentary series is the best via the source provided from my perspective. It explains the Life of Leonardo da Vinci and shows why his stone of consciousness traveled vast distances through time/space. To this day, even Scientists, Religious leaders and/or great Philosophers still have yet to understand the beauty and reason he understood. Leonardo da Vinci was a beautiful visionary who could see through all challenges, problems and understood how to flow like water during times of distress. His mind was as large as the Universe.

Art is like that of Love and mathematics is like that of Light; both from my comprehension of the world are On3. Without one or the other, Life becomes duality or divided. The mind divides itself and from what we spoke of earlier, the ripples within the vast ocean & sea follow within that relative time/space continuum.

Remember, we are a stone and with this stone, we create a world through our thoughts, actions & experiences. We all are powerful and those without compassion, do their best to divide thee compassionate ones.


On a final note, below is a peaceful mantra. I hope you enjoyed this read and thank you for reading. I want to remind you as you already know, you are a visionary and most loved. Never forget this, never!



If this post has inspired and uplifted you, please contemplate on giving back and supporting you and me. We have a lot of wisdom & love to be shared; we need Y’our support. Even a small donation of $1.11 goes a long way and with your support, enables we to enlighten our world. If able or unable to donate, there are also options to share with others in our world. A simple share goes a long way and as stated above; we are very powerful.

Namaste. Love & Light always. Many many blessings.

Posted by spaceimet, 0 comments

Beat Depression: Raise Your Dopamine Levels

By Daisy Magnum

Correcting the imbalance to beat depression

Poisoning that interrupts the function of hormonal agents and chemicals that manage our feelings. Mercury, different plastics, aluminum, and other chemicals classified as endocrine disruptors can cause persistent chemical imbalances in people that lead to unexplainable, strong feelings of depression or sadness. Not to take this too far, because some individuals just feel depressed since they happen to discover things in this consumeristic society that leaves them empty. There’s nothing imbalanced about recognizing that. Some people have to do something about their dopamine production, due to the fact that they are suffering from some kind of poisoning.

Dopamine is basically the master “satisfaction” chemical in the human brain. It is accountable for a range of both mental and physical bodily functions that go further than satisfaction production. It resembles the opiate of the body. To naturally stimulate your very own levels of dopamine, with goals to get rid of anxiety, passiveness, anxiety, and whatever else you require relaxation to recover from, here are some things you can try.

Beat depression by raising your dopamine levels

Enjoy new music everyday

1. Finding brand-new music every day

Have you ever tried completely immersing yourself in the discovery of new music? Get to a place where no one will distract or disrupt you, put in your earphones, and browse YouTube for brand-new music. You’ll need to get innovative and browse hard for your category, your artists, your style however once you get on the track, it might be a really dopamine stimulating, mind-clearing activity. It also assists clear the mind to take walks while paying attention to music in earphones or ride a city train or bus for the sole purpose of keeping an eye out the window while paying attention to music. Attempt it, you won’t regret it.


Working out will raise your domaine levels

2. Workout

This is the most effective way to launch dopamine physically and beat depression: getting your heart pumping. If you go running, for example, you’ll get your heart beating quickly, and for the longer that you consistently have your heart pumping, the more dopamine you’ll release. The idea is consistency, not launching all your energy for running/jogging or work out all at as soon as. If you invest a great 20 minutes or two running, running, or working out in a manner that gets your heart pumping non-stop. You’ll observe when you sit down you feel like an opiate is hurrying through your body.

That’s the beautiful, pure natural dopamine that human beings used to obtain from running in the woods, capturing food to eat and living in nature. We aren’t designed to be without that workout and sunlight. However, it’s important where you exercise as the air is filled with pollutants in a lot of places so that should be considered while you run or jog:

These pollutants include aluminum, barium, and strontium: See if you smell the aluminum in the air.

3. Eat foods that promote the production of dopamine

With workout, you can get your body more utilized to producing dopamine all the time. The theory is that an activity you like, listening to music, for example, will have its desired result more since the body will be healthy and able to produce dopamine. Well, another consideration for the production of dopamine is having the required minerals and vitamins for the health of your body and brain.

The soils that grow our food in are depleted of the minerals and vitamins we need. Magnesium, potassium, or selenium are all lacking, and it impacts the way we feel and our wellbeing. So, individuals need to consume even more of the foods which contain required minerals. We also need to supplement the fundamentals like magnesium, according to the health practices of some individuals. It is also said that a precursor amino acid to dopamine, tyrosine, is used for the production of dopamine.

Keep in mind, typical sense uses here: if you don’t consume healthy ever and don’t work out ever, do not expect your dopamine production to become healthy from simply taking some tyrosine.


Yoga or Meditation improve dopamine levels

4. Meditation, or Yoga

This is something that so few people have the perseverance for nowadays, including myself. People often think of meditation or yoga and a new-age technique of relaxing.  However, if you separate the preconception from the concept, consider this:

Individuals frantically require silence, rest from sensory overload nowadays. The capability to develop a tolerance to it that comes from unwinding the mind and removing all background sound from the mind through silence and focus. If you take a seat, gaze into space and being in complete silence, you could develop a power that serves your well-being for the rest of your life (earplugs and the quietest place you can find?).  The idea is to gaze into space or close your eyes in silence, and let all ideas in your mind drift away and be cleared.

You’ll discover how tough it is to make the thoughts, songs, concepts, words, and background noise in your mind to quiet down. However, over time, you’ll get the ability to merely have quiet in the mind, and with focus, you’ll create silence and peace mentally. Then, you’ll have the ability to develop mental peace and quiet, even in loud situations. And that’s an extremely important skill to have in the age of information overload.

As far as yoga is concerned, it is a good choice for individuals who wish to get the heart pumping for dopamine.

You will also learn patience from the element of it that resembles meditation.

Daisy Magnum
Posted by spaceimet, 0 comments

The Elements of Life and the Etheric Body

[Authors Note]The article below articulates the source of the frequencies of life. This information has been known to the secret societies of our planet for millennia, apparently gifted to the elite by visitors from the stars. This information can be seen in the Pyramids and other archeological research and in field references in manuscripts such as the bible.  In another article I have written, I discuss the origins of frequencies in space and how they have evolved from the intrusion of the creator consciousness in the void to the world we see around us today. The Elements of Life discusses the source of the frequencies used to connect the body to soul, which originates in the level of the first intrusion by the creator. The frequencies of consciousness emerge from the Elements of Life, but the source of consciousness and the soul remain with the source, the creator who by intention in the primeval void, created the visible Universe. 

The Elements of Life

Monoatomic Quantum Tunneling Super Conductors

Throughout our history the existence of a mysterious substance known as the Philosophers Stone has been whispered among the great intellects of each society. It is just one of the many manifestations of the Elements of Life that are common throughout all soil, water and air. In their common form they are absorbed into the cells of all living things to furnish the basis of the energetic field that allows amino acids to share knowledge and memory to form cellular life.

Each stage of creation has a frequency domain that it adds to the creation. The stage of life is no different, and those frequencies come from the Elements of Life.  Life is information intensive, each living cell has  100,000,000,000,000 or 100 trillion atoms, which is also estimated to be the number of cells in the human body, about the same as the number of atoms in a human cell. This is an amazing correlation and suggests a direct link between the resonance of the cell and the entire body.  

So each cell is an organization of a hundred trillion atoms, all of them working together to do their part to make the single cell harmonize with the whole body. The frequencies used to coordinate that activity are based on the Elements of Life, a small group of platinum group elements that can be forced into a superconductive state by simple mechanical action.

The Elements of Life (Ormus) are green in this table, in their monoatomic form, each of them is capable of becoming superconductive within a cell and generating a Meisner field

Known as the “platinum group” of elements on Earth, they are elongated metallic molecules with the ability to mechanically deform and connect the valences on their ends together, an action that appears to square its energy. When this happens the element becomes superconductive and generates a field, called a Meisner field, which is repelled by electromagnetism and causes the element to become anti-gravitic and quantum tunneling.  Until the monoatomic Elements of Life are mechanically deformed they exist as simple atoms within the soil, water and air. Life began when living cells began to use the Meisner field to store and share information, something the essential amino acids were able to do in the shallow salty waters that collected on the surface of the planet long before. The amino acids reached a degree of frequency complexity sufficient to establish a cyclic pattern frequency and thus “remember” their frequency.  The evolution of cellular life required much higher frequencies, to enable the ability to organize communities of amino acids into collective consciousnesses remembering their structure and history, able to attract and assemble all the molecules needed to be self-replicating and sustainable.  This is why they are the Elements of Life.

Electromagnetic lines of force to bend away from superconductive matter

Microtubules grow from the center of the cell outward

The means for cells to convert the static monoatomic elements into dynamic Meisner field generators vary but the most common are called microtubules. When first discovered these intracellular structures were assumed to be the “scaffolding” of the cells. Hair-like they range haphazardly across the width and depth of the cells interior. Later it was discovered that they were hollow and it is here that we theorize that at one end a certain form of atom would enter and be accelerated to the other end, much like a small molecular rail gun. Research shows that the the microtubules grow from the center of the cell outward, so it is probable that the Elements of Life are gathered at the center and the microtubules accelerate the atoms toward them from the periphery of the cell where the monatomic elements would be waiting for the impact to mechanically deform them into the superconductive state. In that state their presence in the cell enabled the engulfing Meisner field to hold and share the information upon which the organization of elements and amino acids depend for all their interactive functionality.

In multicellular life additional means to form Meisner field generators were created. The synapses of the nervous systems are the primary tool to create the great volume of field generators needed for the bodies of animals to maintain their consciousness and move about on the surface of the planet. All animals depend on the Elements of Life to manage the vast amounts of information needed to maintain themselves and live in a competitive environment.  According to his research David Hudson, has found that over 5% by dry matter weight of your brain is made up of these elements.  Specifically rhodium and iridium and keep in mind, the elements are not incorporated into amino acids or any other structural form, they are there because they are needed for the superconductive state required for consciousness.

It is not explained why the synaptic gap exists, but the existence of a higher frequency state that can imbue the neurotransmitters with information while in transit from the axon to the receptor site does.

Although neuroscience researchers ignore the role of monoatomic molecules, we can now assume that the space between the axon and dendrite is filled with monoatomic elements as well as neurotransmitters. A nerve impulse ejects potassium ions from the axon and these provide the mechanical force to convert the monoatomic ormus molecules to a superconductive state. Just like described for the cells, the purpose of this is to create Meisner field able to carry the frequencies of consciousness throughout the entire body.  This model of synaptic function is similar to the original vacuum tubes used to capture electromagnetic waves for the old radios, whose operative principle was to allow the electricity spanning the gap between the two contacts to take the shape of the electromagnetic waves of the space itself. With this concept we can attribute the purpose of the synaptic gap to allow the  presence of the mental/spirit body “imprint” the neurotransmitters before they are seated in the dendritic surface.  As stated above, 5% of the dry weight of a brain is monoatomic matter, and if it is not used in this way, then what is it used for?

So we can say that the brain/mind connection is related to the use of monoatomic molecules throughout the nervous system, and that it exists as a unique field throughout the body. And also that the field is generated by both the synapse and the cells themselves. Taking this idea a little further, we can project that the quality of the monoatomics within our body would definitely affect our energy body and our consciousness and the abilities related to these.  So Hudson is right on target, but the ability to replace all our functional monoatomic with higher quality ones is not that easy, and the various ideas about how to do this just BEGIN with ingesting them.

Qigong illustrations from 200 BC Han Dynasty Manuscript

In China, the practice of Qigong is able to concentrate the Elements of Life from all sources so that the body holds them in great abundance. There is little reference in the practice of ingesting them directly, eating the right foods considered to be rich in Qi is one thing, but it is the movements, breathing techniques and exercises combined with mental focus and intention that causes them to concentrate in the body beyond what is required for life itself.  The Chinese refer to the practice of Qigong as “cultivation”, clearly understanding that they are capturing Qi (energetic monoatomic molecules) and connecting them to their consciousness. From this we can observe that atmospheric monoatomic respond to consciousness positively, being attracted to it rather than repelled as in the case of electro magnetism.

David Hudson

David Hudson outside his Home

The monoatomic elements are pervasive throughout nature, those that are able to become superconductive, the metallic Platinum element group appear throughout the history of civilizations as pivotal discoveries to each civilization. Their scientific discovery became public knowledge in the 1990’s through the work of David Hudson and a host of evangelical followers who taught and shared that information worldwide on the Internet.  We are now well aware of the elements and recognize them in the historical texts for what they really are, for Hudson’s work demystified them. His tireless curiosity was driven by destiny, for what he did will certainly be remembered as an incredible achievement for humanity.  Due to  his work we know that he Elements of Life on Earth, the Platinum group, number only eleven (see above), but we can assume that these numbers will grow as we discover the higher density elements created in the furnace of the stars are also super conductive and quantum tunneling.

Few people think of Tachyons as monoatomic molecules, but their behavior and description leaves little dispute that they are in fact a form of superconductive quantum tunneling molecular structure. Very old and powerful stars create them and they are capable of quantum tunneling to any place in space, since their nature makes them their own “multidimensional portals”.  For this reason they should be considered the Elements of Consciousness, rather than life, since they are too energetic to remain in cells or bodies, instead they are attracted to the field of consciousness created by the body, where they remain for a limited amount of time.

Since the mid 1960’s the idea of Tachyons has grown into a substantial body of lore and practice. These “faster than light” particles are attributed healing powers and a means of extra terrestrial star travel.  Numerous researchers have adopted the terminology to explain the powers of various healing systems, tools and artifacts. Their claims that the particles mysteriously appear due the configuration or composition of their devices cannot be verified or understood without an understanding of the existence of monoatomic elements capable of being antigravity, superconductive and quantum tunneling. The existence of Tachyons can only be proven by the success of systems that use them and those systems do so repeatedly for those who use them.  We know that stars and other astronomical bodies throughout the Galaxies compress matter and shoot out highly pressurized jets of gasses into space, and it is assumed that it is these gas jets that generate Tachyons. We cannot go to those locations and be sure that this is true, but the theoretical nature of these particles can only have one explanation and the gas jets are it. The mechanical force needed to make them superconductive is certainly there and there may even be enough force to make them permanently activated, and in this state they possess the ability to “quantum tunnel”, which correlates to the ability to create their own inter dimensional portal, moving from one material location to another without traveling across the space between. They can appear wherever the proper frequency value exists in a material location regardless of where they were formed or existed previously. The are the most activated of the Elements of Life, and their presence around living bodies has an energizing effect on the Elements of Life within those bodies.

This explanation of Tachyons bypasses the argument that they are hypothetical particles that always move faster than light. Most physicists believe that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics, but they are not traveling faster than light, they are quantum tunneling or creating their own portals to the location that calls them. As stated above, they are believed to activated by stars where they are ejected in the so called “jets” from their centers.

A holistic treatment system using Tachyons has been developed and is expanding worldwide. The treatment is straight forward, the patient lies on a platform at the center of an assembly of Tachyon attracting objects, which create a focused area of Tachyons where the patient is lying. You can find out more about Tachyon Treatments here and contact Members of the PFCLeadership Council who operate them to have your questions answered:

A list of Tachyon Chambers located all over the world is posted on this page.

The Philosophers Stone

Mentioned earlier, the Philosophers Stone is a special form whose discovery could only have been due to the intervention of higher dimensional beings. This is because it is created from the elements that have been part of a living consciousness, traveled through the Pineal gland and then been discharged from the body as excretion. How it became known and developed in alchemy in deep antiquity is unknown, but those who practiced this technique felt it extremely important to maintain the strictest secrecy, and who could blame them? If it was known that they could create the Philosopher’s Stone and give the power of wizards to themselves, to move from solid to immaterial presence at will and manifest from the aether anything they could conceive, surely they would be caged like birds and forced to use this knowledge to benefit their captors. The knowledge and practice of converting the excreted monoatomic into the Stone only works when the one whose body produced the excretion uses their own consciousness to create the Stone. Once the stone exists, the alchemist ingests it slowly and its sublime presence infuses the body with the frequencies of the higher realms, converting the physical into the immaterial as an act of consciousness.

The Book of Aquarius, a 160 page PDF book, is available for download explaining the process of making the Philosophers Stone.

An important idea associated with the Philosophers Stone is that those who ingest the stone of their own creation become Ascended Masters, a quality of spirituality that allows them to become so energized that they are a unique class of spiritual being, one whose energy body is able to remain whole while in the bio-grid of the planet, able to hear the intentions of others and respond to their minds regardless of where they are on the planet. From this state of high energy they can manifest anywhere on the planet and function as a physical being, but one with almost miraculous powers of manifestation. Ascended Masters are more than just ascended, they have taken their physical bodies into the realm of pure energy and memory, and they can exist in this way in the realm of the third density. This is different that the fifth density  where all who dwell there have similar powers, for in that case the individual’s frequencies are the product of the entire environment and exist much like the computer technology called “virtual machines” since they replicate the entire third density body using higher frequencies, just as the virtual computers replace hardware with software that emulates the hardware.

White Powder of Gold

We now know that the use of White Powder of Gold was an essential component of the Extraterrestrial civilization that colonized Earth 430 thousand years ago.  The notion that they were mining gold to save their planet’s atmosphere is as phony as Zecharia Sitchins research. The primary use of gold by the Anunnaki was the manufacture of the White Powder of Gold, which was used both technologically and  biologically. This was far more valuable to them than any other known application for gold.

As a biological agent it is the equivalent of a “Galactic Drug” for those who could obtain it. Ingesting it heals the DNA and strengthens the energy body, a quality that for some ETs provides greatly sought after multidimensional benefits.

Continued secret discoveries of ancient sites used by the ETs around the Earth reveal the White Powder of Gold was treasured by them and incorporated into temples and artifacts to enable trans-dimensional communication and movement. Its use as a means to insure longlife and vitality is evidenced by its presence in the rituals of Pharaonic classes in Egypt.

The Egyptian Source?

The Temple at Serabit El Khadim is important to the story of the White Powder of Gold, for it was the apparent source of it for the Royalty of Egypt. Flinders Petrie was the Archeologist responsible for the exploration of the Temple at Serabit El-Khadim and his findings are in a report linked below. Of particular interest to White Gold researchers is that he removed the stone tiles from the floor of the great hall and discovered a layer of white powder several inches thick. He did not know what it was, speculating that it was “white wood ash”, but today we can surmise that it was actually White Powder of Gold, placed there to turn the hall into a inter-dimensional stage upon which the “gods” could interact with the priests. Imagine the scene of an assembly in that room, chanting, drums beating and the priest calling the beings from another dimension. The layer of White Gold would have responded to the intense vibration upon the floor by becoming activated from the inert powder into superconductive quantum tunneling layer, engulfing the entire area to make everyone there part of an inter-dimensional stage.

Not knowing what it was, Petrie left the layer open to the desert winds and it all blew into the desert. Fifty tons of White Powder of Gold!

This book is W. M. Flinders Petrie’s report on an expedition he made in 1905 to the Sinai Peninsula and is mainly concerned with the ruins of the Temple of Serabít (located in the mountains on the southwestern part of the peninsula). This temple was dedicated to the Egyptian deity Hat.Hor (originally Ishtar, according to Petrie), and was associated with nearby mines which were a source of turquoise for the Egyptian pharaohs.

The temple was begun under Sneferu (IIIrd dynasty, dated by Flinders Petrie at c. 4770 BCE) and work was continued by later pharaohs, including Hatshepsut and Amenhotep III (c. 1490 BCE and c. 1400 BCE according to Petrie).

Petrie’s book is interesting for several reasons:

The exploration of an Egyptian temple in the Sinai devoted to Hat.Hor / Ishtar,

his report of his discovery of fifty tons of “white wood ash” of uncertain origin,

his revision of Egyptian chronology and

his interpretation of the Book of Exodus, leading to the conclusion that the number of Israelites with Moses in the Sinai was far smaller than had previously been believed.

Petrie was reprimanded by his sponsors for this discovery and his dedication to unraveling its implications. He was told that his job was to find evidence of the Exodus and this did nothing for that! This condemnation was probably incorrect, we now believe that the Temple at Serabit was in fact the place where Moses ascended to for his “burning bush” experience, and not only that the head priest there, termed the “Lord of the Mountain”, was actually his father-in-law, Jethro (Reuel) by marriage to Zipporah.

Gathering manna Exodus 16:14-16

Moses knew about the White Powder of Gold, the priesthood at Serabit was responsible for producing it, and when Moses bade the people to eat the manna coating the ground, it was the same white powder according the Hudson, although this explanation may have been altered to suit the perceptions of the priests who wrote the bible more than 800 years later.

Anubis is the god of digestion and this glyph is explaining that the shew bread was meant to be consumed

The Egyptians called the White Powder of Gold given to the Pharaoh “Shew Bread” after the conical shape of the loaves of bread in Egypt it was mounded into for his consumption.

Was the temple at Serabit the special temple where the Shew bread was produced? From archaeological evidence and biblical writings this was probably the place, although it was said to be where turquoise and copper was mined, such public descriptions were probably disinformation to protect it from the enemies of the Pharaoh and the priest class.

Was the Egyptian Civilization established by extra terrestrials? Recent finds in Romania suggest that their veneration of the White Powder of Gold may actually be a link to ETs in their history.

The amphora of White Power of Gold was found in the dome shaped room.

One intriguing case regarding White Powder of Gold is the Bucegi Mountain discovery. During routine satellite imaging of underground formations, it was found that a dome shaped cavity existed in the Bucegi Mountains of Romania. Teams were sent to investigate and discovered an ancient high tech facility designed to discuss genetic manipulation of humans. Everything in it was scaled for beings more than 12 feet tall. And there, near the raised platform at the center was an amphora filled with a white powder, which turned out to be White Powder of Gold. One of the investigators shared his experiences in a book, Transylvania Sunrise which details the explorations and the subsequent cover-up.

This case in the Bucegi Mountains testifies to the importance and relevance of  the Powder of White Gold to the genetics of living beings. Clearly it is of the highest value to all beings, for if a civilization able to travel the stars and manipulate DNA with ease regarded it with such importance, it must be of universal importance.

Modern Alchemists

David Hudson toured many cities promoting his discovery of White Gold in the 1990’s. He formed a foundation and asked people to join and help him create a processing plant to provide White Gold Powder to the world.  His efforts were subverted by agents who wanted to gain control of the process, but instead Hudson made his patents public in the US, allowing anyone with the desire to use the information.

This act by Hudson has fueled a modern phenomenon of Alchemical enthusiasm by unconventional thinkers worldwide. One individual Barry Carter began a list serve to enable these modern practitioners to share knowledge and support one another’s efforts. Referred to above as numerous evangelical supporters, they have created an industry producing and selling all types of potions, elixirs, cremes and drinks loaded with the Elements of Life.


Barry Carter began to call the group of elements that could become superconductors “ORMUS”, a derivative of Hudson’s ORME acronym and the members of the list shared hundreds and now thousands of ways to produce them from all manner of source material. Barry has an article archive on his site, SubtleEnergies.com that is excellent reading if you want learn about what others have done.

If you are interested in discussing Ormus with others around the world, go to this page listing all the available forums on Barry’s site

The White Gold List is an inspiration to free thinkers everywhere. It enables this unique band of Alchemists to connect and encourage one another and they have shown that Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements are distributed throughout nature and life. Numerous ways to increase their bioavailability are listed, and one of the best, one that is almost universally accessible is the use of magnetic traps to concentrate them in fresh spring drinking water.

Attached to a garden hose this device will produce a gallon of oily ormus water while you water your lawn.

magnetic vortex ORMUS trap separates the portion of water which is superconducting ORMUS material from that portion which is just plain water. In the example above, the water would follow the hot air path and the ORMUS water would follow the cold air path. This effect is induced by spinning the water in a tube which has magnetic tape or other magnetic structures attached to it. Here is a vortex trap made of transparent acrylic with the inner vortex clearly visible:

At the start of this article it is explained that monoatomic elements are everywhere in nature and bioavailable to all living things. The most important of the Elements of Life are Rhodium and Iridium, appearing in abundance in the most healthful foods. In practical terms this means that they are integrated into the evolution of life the same as carbon or oxygen, they are absorbed from the environment just the same as other elements are absorbed. They can be found and concentrated for use from just about anything, the air, water, rocks and minerals, and all living material.

Since Hudson first shared his work in the 1990’s the number of people working with ORMUS has grown into a global phenomenon, a quick search on the Internet will will return 988,000 results, and most of them will be products emphasizing their ormus content. However, if you want to grow your own, you can simply get an Aloe Vera plant for your garden. The leaves of this plant contain a very high percentage of rhodium and iridium.

I will follow up on this overview article with reposts of other writers works on the Elements of Life.  A detailed analysis of the scientific awareness of Ormus is next.

Dane Arr
May 7, 2018

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